Chapter 40
Stroke –common effects
Loss of face, hand, arm, leg, or body control
Changing emotions
Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
Aphasia or slowed slurred speech
Changes in sight, touch, movement, and thought
Impaired memory
Urinary Issues, loss of bowel control, constipation
Depression and frustration
a long-term condition where blood pressure in the arteries is consistently high. Blood pressure is usually diagnosed when it's 130/80 mm Hg or higher
Fractures-cast care/traction
Closed Fracture- Bone is broken, skin is intact
Open fracture- Broken bone has come through the skin
Movement of the bone ends is prevented with a cast, traction, etc.
Cast Care- Keep the cast dry, clean, avoiding putting weight on it. Elevate the cast.
HIV/How are they spread/precautions
Spread through body fluids
Angina & Myocardial Infarction – what occurs
Angina is chest discomfort caused by insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle.
Myocardial infarction- blood clot stops blood flow to the heart.
Heart Failure (CHF) – what is it; nursing interventions
Occurs when a heart is weakened and cannot pump normally
Diabetes – what is it/interventions/treatments
Type 1- Mostly in children, teens, young adults
Type 2- Any age
Risk factors are being over 45, being over weight, lack of activity, hypertension.
Type 1- Daily insulin therapy, healthy eating, and activity
Type 2- Healthy eating and activity, oral drugs, some need insulin, loss of weight.
Tuberculosis (TB) - how is it spread/precaution level
Bacterial infection in the lungs
Spread by airborne droplets with coughing, sneezing, speaking, singing, or laughing.
Risk factors:
Close, frequent contact
being close, crowded areas
poor nutrition
Standard precautions and isolation precautions (airborne)
Mouth and nose should be covered when sneezing, coughing, or producing sputum
Tissues are flushed down the toilet, placed in a biohazard bag, or placed in a paper bag and burned
Stroke- Care
A stroke is caused by a blocked artery in the brain
Therapy and help with day to day life.
The goal is to help them regain independence.
Hepatitis B/How are they spread/precautions
Inflammation of the liver
Follow standard precautions and the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard
Isolation precautions ordered as necessary
Hepatitis B
Is present in the blood and body fluids of infected persons
It is spread by:
IV drug use and sharing needles
Accidental needle sticks
Sex without a condom
Contaminated tools used for tattoos or body piercings
Sharing a toothbrush, razor, and nail clippers.