chem - energetics

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define temperature

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define temperature

the average kinetic energy of molecules (K)

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define heat

the amount of energy exchanged due to a temperature difference between two substances (J)

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define thermochemistry

the study of the energy changes that accompany physical or chemical changes in matter

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define a chemical system

a set of reactants and products under study, usually represented by a chemical equation

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define enthalpy

the amount of energy or heat content of a substance

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where is energy stored in a substance? what energy is included?

in the chemical bonds. includes kinetic and potential energy and is not measured directly but changes are measured (J)

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define standard enthalpy change of reaction. what are standard conditions?

the diff between the enthalpy of the products and the enthalpy of the reactant

SC: 298K and 1 × 105 Pa

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what is the equation for change in enthalpy?

change in H = Hproducts - Hreactants

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if change in H is negative, what type of reaction is it?


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if change in H is positive, what type of reaction is it?


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what does it mean about the substance when the enthalpy is high?

less stable

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<p>what does E represent? is this reaction endothermic or exothermic?</p>

what does E represent? is this reaction endothermic or exothermic?

E represents change in energy - reaction is exothermic

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<p>are reactants or products more stable?</p>

are reactants or products more stable?


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name two examples of exothermic reactions. what are three characteristics about exothermic products?

  • combustion reactions

  • neutralization reactions

have less stored energy

more stable

have stronger bonds

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what is the equation for energy? what are the units for each?

Q=mc(change in temperature)

m = mass in g

c= specific heat capacity of substance JK-1g-1

T= change in temperature in K

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how is energy of surroundings related to energy of the system

qsurroundings = -qsystem

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what are four examples of kinetic energy

  • electron motion in an atom

  • vibrations of atoms connected by chemical bonds

  • rotation of molecules

  • translation of molecules; motion of molecules through space

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what are four examples of potential energy?

  • forces of attraction between molecules

  • chemical bond energy present within the molecule

  • energy associated with electrons

  • forces holding nuclear particles together

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what does Hess’ Law state?

the value of change in H for any reaction that can be written in steps equals the sum of the values for change in H for each of the individual steps

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What are the two rules for Hess’ Law?

  • if the rxn is reversed, H sign is flipped

  • if the rxn is multiplied by a factor, H is multiplied by same factor

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define the standard enthalpy change of formation (H0f)

the enthalpy change that results when one mole of a compound is formed from its element at 298K and 1 × 105 Pa and at their standard states.

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how do you calculate change in H using bond enthalpies?

H = BEbroken - BEformed

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define average bond enthalpy

the amount of energy required to break one mole of bonds in the gaseous state averaged across a range of compounds containing that bond

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what is the Born-Haber Cycle?

elements from standard states through multiple steps to form the solid compound

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What are the 3 steps of the Born-Haber Cycle?

1) elements to gases (standard enthalpy change of atomisation)

  • Na(s) —> Na(g)

  • Cl2(g) —> 2Cl.(g) —> breaking bond energy, not state change

2) gas atoms to anions (electron affinity)

  • Cl. —> Cl-

3) metal atoms to cations (ionization energy)

  • Na —> Na+

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define lattice enthalpy

the energy required to convert 1 mole of the solid compound into gaseous ions

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draw the Born-Haber Cycle

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give the equation of the Born Haber cycle

H0atom + EA + IE = H0f + H0LE

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define enthalpy of atomisation

the energy change required to change one mole of atoms from their standard states to their gaseous states

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define ionization energy

minimum energy required to remove one mole of electrons from one mole of atoms or positive ions in the gaseous state

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