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Work on natural philosophy banned at Univ of Paris because he was thought to contradict scripture.
complexity thesis
the relationship between science and religion cannot be described under one general heading due to its complexity
Auguste Comte
Father of positivistic view of science and articulated the Law of human progress
Richard Dawkins
Biologist who commented on a child's book discussing the complexity of the bombadier beetle which was based on a misunderstanding of science.
Also made the comment that science can't explain miracles- Christians agree
Rene Descartes
interested in emerging science, decided against publishing his manuscript (heliocentric model) he thought he could prove through natural reason
more well known for his philosophical work with his famous saying “cogito, ergo sum”
Humans don't have freewill, aren't held morally responsible for their actions.
Ectypal knowledge
the knowledge that we have of God as creatures, knowledge that is suitable to our creaturely state...not...archetypal
Albert Einstein
Zionist, after war did not believe in Yahweh, proved matter and energy to be inter changeable
the study of knowledge, what we can know, how we know it (Stump 6 and 7)
a planet that forms from the remains of a former star that was proven by the vibration of light from other stars giving us evidence that there is likely life on other planets
Fine Tuning
It is a design argument that says that the universe is far to improbable to have happened by change and that a creator must have determined or "fine tuned" the features of the universe
Archetypal knowledge
the knowledge that God has of himself and his purposes, which is complete, perfect and exhaustive
gave the classical formulation of the handmaiden tradition.
Michael Behe
intelligent design biochemist
Big Bang
a label for the model for our current understanding of the development of the universe
cogito ergo sum
Descartes - limits of human certainty "I think therefore I am"
The struggle between Christians and atheist's in understanding each others position.
Conflict thesis
the view that science and religion offer competing accounts and cannot both be correct
cosmic microwave background radiation
electromagnetic radiation that was predicted by Gamow that when used gives us a very different age of the universe than of the Big Bang
cultural relativism
the practice of judging a culture by its own standards
The reaction in a star where the nucleus of atoms are colliding with each other at high speeds so the stick together
A massive system of stars held together by gravity.
mathematician and scientist from pisa who was threatened with excommunication. Developed heliocentrism
General Revelation
Romans 1, through the creation
Earth is immobile at the center of the universe
Stephen Jay Gould
American evolutionary biologist that defended NOMA
Half life
The time it takes for half of a radioactive isotope to decay
handmaiden metaphor
claims that secular disciplines should not be studied for their own sakes, but to better understand scripture
That like Hagar to Sarah, the influence of secular studies can help us to understand scripture
The doctrine that the sun is the center of the universe, later center of the solar system
Edwin Hubble
Discovered that stars that where further away from us were redder than closer stars possibly explained by the Doppler effect and is evidence of an expanding universe.
Its a view that science and religion are 2 different subject matters that are concerned with different objectives and should be held separate so they do not conflict
Science should not dacite things of religion and religion should not dictate things of science
Thomas Kuhn
Father of revolutionary science
drew the philosophy of science out of the rationalistic and historical views and highlighted social and institutional aspects of science
Law of human progress
human thinking necessarily passes through three stages: theological, philosophical, and scientific
Light year
the distance that light travels in a year
Line spectrum
The spectrum of color that results when diffracting light, can be used to determine the materials that are present in a star or even on a different planet
metaphysical naturalism
view that all that exists are natural entities. No supernatural beings
methodological naturalism
Doing science as if you hold to naturalism or the secular view that God will not intervene during experiments and the world follows orderly rules.
such knowledge or such a system of knowledge concerned with the physical world and its phenomena: natural science (lewontin)
Milky Way
The galaxy that we live in.
moral relativism
The view that there is no absolute or universal moral law or truth, resulting in a morality determined by cultural factors or personal preference.
The idea that there is a possibility of multiple universe or worlds many of which stem from quantum mechanics
natural theology
practice of arguing to theological conclusions from generally accepted premises drawn from reason or experience of the natural world
a theory denying that an event or object has a supernatural significance. Specifically: the doctrine that scientific laws are adequate to account for all phenomena
non-overlapping magisteriam (NOMA)
religion and science are both legitimate methods of inquiry, but they should be restricted to completely separate spheres
Ronald Numbers
Historian of science that offers multiple "midscale patterns" that help set the landscape by which we understand the relationship between science and religion (naturalization, privatization, secularization, globalization, radicalization)
unbiased; not subjective
William Paley
Argued that mechanisms like a heart and eyes show a clear sign of purpose and designer, He uses the example that a watch can not self assembled its self but needs a master craftsman
paradigm shift
Major change in the way of thinking or dominating scientific viewpoint
A mathematical formula that uses law of sins to find the distance of another celestial body
Alvin Plantinga
He wrote articles supporting what he called Augustinian science and supported Christians being active in science
a view that believes that everything has a rational justifiable reason was founded on beliefs held by Auguste Comte
A single sell organism that has a cell wall most of which are bacteria and some are archaea
astronomer-mathematician who proposed a theory that the Earth was at the center of the universe
Radiometric dating
The process at looking at radioactive atoms and their products and determining the age of the thing.
because the universe is theorized to be expanding, the light from farther stars seem redder because of the doppler effect
Bertrand Russell
knowledge is “instinctive belief and reasoning about those beliefs - non contradictory (harmonious) systems of belief”
the state of knowing or a department of systematized knowledge as an object of study
the belief that only certifiably scientific knowledge counts as real knowledge. All else is mere opinion or nonsense
special revelation
inspired scriptures, direct communication
A massive ball of elements held together by gravity and undergoing fusion.
based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
An exploded star
Explanation of a phenomenon, not the same as a hypothesis
two books metaphor
the book of God's word and the book of God's world
the idea that God has provided information or revelation to humans through two different but coordinated sources
Bishop James Ussher
Used the bible to predict the age of the universe and predicted that the universe was made in 4004 BC
Watchmaker analogy
William paley proposed that a watch would not be able to make its self and similarly features of nature are complex and require a designer
A.D. White
Worked with William Draper to form the Conflict Thesis which is how historians understand the relationship between science and Christianity.
Fixity of species
It is the idea that species stay the same over a long period of time