holds many items of the same type
initializer list
the values that you instantiate in an array
index numbers
locations that are used to assign to each element found in the array
the way an element in a data structured is accessed, or modified
the default value for every object
since null isn’t a valid object, the code performed on null will result in this
Sequential search
goes in order through each value until the desired one is found
Binary search
requires an ordered list of values, and every time it cuts the list of values in half until it finds the desired value
selection sort
the selection sort searches and swaps
merge sort
uses recursion, this type of sort divides and conquers, the array gets split into 2 pieces and then it is sorted, the 2 sorted pieces than come together to form one sorted list
using a method to call itself
insertion sort
the array is split into a sorted and unsorted part, the values from the unsorted part are placed at the correct position in the sorted part
2D Arrays
an array that holds items in a 2 dimensional grid, it’s storing items in rows and columns