CS439 Midterm 1

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140 Terms

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What is an operating system (OS)?

Software that manages a computer’s resources, making it easier to write and run applications efficiently

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Why study operating systems?

To understand how computers work, manage complexity through abstractions, and learn about system design trade-offs.

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What are the three main roles of an operating system?

Referee, Illusionist, and Glue.

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How does an OS act as a referee?

It manages shared resources, ensures process isolation, and enables communication between processes.

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How does an OS act as an illusionist?

It creates the illusion of resources through virtualization, such as virtual memory and processor time-sharing.

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How does an OS act as glue?

It provides standard interfaces to hardware, simplifies application design, and facilitates resource sharing.

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What are the key factors in evaluating an OS?

Reliability, Security, Portability, and Performance.

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What defines an OS’s reliability?

Its ability to consistently perform as designed, minimizing technical errors and maximizing availability.

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What is the importance of security in an OS?

It ensures data privacy, enforces security policies, and prevents unauthorized access or system compromise.

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What is OS portability?

The ability of an OS to function across different hardware platforms without modification.

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What are the three interfaces that define OS portability?

Abstract Machine Interface (AMI), Application Programming Interface (API), and Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL).

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What are key performance metrics for an OS?

Efficiency, fairness, response time, throughput, and predictability.

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<p>you are my sweaty</p>

you are my sweaty

this is true king

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What were the three main phases in the history of operating systems?

  • Expensive hardware, cheap humans

  • Cheap hardware, expensive humans

  • Very cheap hardware, very expensive humans

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What was characteristic of Phase 1 (1945-1965) in OS history?

  • Single-user systems

  • Batch processing for efficiency

  • Overlapping I/O and computation

  • Introduction of multiprogramming

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What was batch processing, and when was it used?

A system where user jobs were grouped into batches and processed sequentially (1955-1965).

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What is multiprogramming, and why was it important?

Running multiple programs concurrently to maximize CPU usage; required memory protection and relocation.

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How did interactive timesharing (1970-) improve computing?

Allowed multiple users to interact with a system simultaneously, enabling easier debugging and faster responses.

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What are the key requirements for interactive timesharing?

More sharing, more protection, more concurrency, virtual memory, and rapid process switching.

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Why did early personal computing systems eliminate multiprogramming?

To simplify the OS, but this led to problems with reliability as programs could crash each other.

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What is the difference between parallel and distributed computing?

  • Parallel computing: Multiple processors in the same machine share resources.

  • Distributed computing: Multiple processors communicate over a network.

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Why are parallel and distributed systems important?

They improve performance, increase reliability, and enable resource sharing.

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How did the complexity of OSs evolve over time?

They grew significantly, from simple batch systems to complex multi-user and networked systems like Unix, Windows, and Linux.

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What is a process?

A process is a program during execution, consisting of the program code and its execution state.

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What are the key components of a process?

  • Code (program instructions)

  • Static data

  • Execution stack (call chain)

  • Heap (dynamically allocated data)

  • CPU registers (PC, SP, etc.)

  • OS resources (open files, PID, execution state

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What are the three main states of a process?

Running, Ready, and Blocked.

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What is the role of the Process Control Block (PCB)?

Stores execution state, program counter, stack pointer, register contents, memory information, open files, and user ID of a process.

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What are the three main roles of an OS?

Referee (resource management), Illusionist (virtualization), and Glue (standardized interfaces).

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What is dual-mode execution?

A mechanism where the CPU operates in either user mode (restricted access) or kernel mode (full access) for security and protection.

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What are privileged instructions?

Instructions that can only be executed in kernel mode, such as directly accessing I/O, modifying OS memory, or halting the machine.

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How does a CPU switch from user mode to kernel mode?

Through exceptions, interrupts, or system calls.

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What is an interrupt vector?

A data structure used by the OS to determine the appropriate response when an exception, interrupt, or system call occurs.

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What is a system call?

A request by a user-level process to execute a function in the kernel, such as read(), write(), or exit().

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How does a process create a new process in Unix?

Using fork(), which creates a child process identical to the parent.

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What does exec() do in Unix?

Overlays a process with a new program while keeping the same PID.

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What is the purpose of wait()?

It makes the parent process wait for a child process to terminate and retrieve its exit status.

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What is a zombie process?

A terminated process whose parent has not yet collected its status.

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What is an orphan process?

A process whose parent has terminated before the child process finishes execution.

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How does a process terminate itself?

By calling exit(), which deallocates resources and notifies the parent.

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How can a parent process terminate a child process?

Using the kill() system call, which sends a signal to the specified process.

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What are some common Unix signals used for process control?

  • SIGHUP: Hang up (parent process termination)

  • SIGKILL: Forcefully terminate a process

  • SIGCHLD: Sent to the parent when a child process terminates

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What is the purpose of nice() in process management?

It adjusts the priority of a process to influence scheduling.

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What is ptrace() used for?

Debugging, allowing one process to control another by setting breakpoints and examining memory/registers.

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How does sleep() function in process management?

It suspends a process for a specified amount of time before resuming execution.

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What are the five states in the process life cycle?

New, Ready, Running, Blocked, Terminated

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What is multiprogramming?

A technique where multiple processes are in memory at once, overlapping I/O and CPU activities to improve utilization and throughput.

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What is long-term scheduling?

It determines the degree of multiprogramming by controlling the number of jobs in primary memory.

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When does the short-term scheduler execute?

  • When a process switches from running to blocking

  • When a process is created or terminated

  • When an interrupt occurs

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What is the difference between preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling?

  • Non-preemptive: A process runs until it blocks or terminates.

  • Preemptive: A process can be interrupted and replaced by another process due to a timer or hardware interrupt.

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What are the key criteria for evaluating scheduling policies?

CPU Utilization

  • Throughput

  • Turnaround Time

  • Response Time

  • Waiting Time

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What are the goals of an ideal CPU scheduler?

  • Maximize CPU utilization and throughput

  • Minimize turnaround time, waiting time, and response time

  • Ensure predictability and fairness

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How does First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) scheduling work?

Processes execute in the order they arrive and run until completion or blocking.

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How does Round Robin scheduling work?

Each process runs for a fixed time slice before being moved to the back of the queue.

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What is a context switch?

The process of saving the state of one process and loading the state of another.

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What is Shortest Job First (SJF) scheduling?

A scheduling policy that selects the process with the least CPU time required.

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How does the Multilevel Feedback Queue (MLFQ) scheduling work?

  • Uses multiple priority queues.

  • A job starts at the highest priority.

  • If it uses up its time slice, it moves to a lower priority.

  • If it blocks before the time slice ends, it moves to a higher priority.

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How does the boot sequence of an OS work?

  • CPU loads the boot program from ROM (BIOS/UEFI).

  • Boot program checks hardware configuration.

  • OS kernel is loaded and initializes system structures.

  • System processes start, and the OS becomes ready for user programs.

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What is a thread?

A thread is an abstract entity that executes a sequence of instructions within a process, also known as a "Thread of Control."

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How do threads differ from processes?

  • Threads share the same address space, while processes have separate address spaces.

  • Thread creation is cheaper than process creation.

  • Communication between threads is easier than between processes.

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Why do programmers use multi-threading?

  • To better represent the structure of tasks.

  • To improve performance by allowing computation and I/O operations to overlap.

  • To take advantage of multi-processor systems.

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How does multi-threading improve a web server's performance?

It allows multiple client requests to be handled concurrently, reducing total processing time.

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What is the most expensive to switch between: processes or threads?

Processes are more expensive to switch between because they require switching address spaces, whereas threads share the same address space.

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What are the five states of a thread?

New, Ready, Running, Blocked, Terminated

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What components do threads share within a process?

  • Address space

  • Global variables

  • Heap

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What are the two main types of threads?

User-level threads and Kernel-level threads

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What is a user-level thread?

  • A thread that the OS does not know about.

  • Managed by a thread library in user space.

  • Switching between threads does not require kernel intervention.

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What is a kernel-level thread?

  • A thread managed by the operating system.

  • Requires system calls for creation, destruction, and synchronization.

  • Supports parallelism on multi-core/multi-processor systems.

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What are the advantages of user-level threads?

  • Faster context switching (no kernel involvement).

  • Custom scheduling policies can be implemented.

  • No need for system calls when switching threads.

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What are the advantages of kernel-level threads?

  • The OS can schedule individual threads, improving performance.

  • One thread blocking does not block the entire process.

  • Can run in parallel on multiple cores/processors.

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How do user-level threads handle context switching?

  • Thread yields control voluntarily.

  • Thread library saves the current thread’s state.

  • Scheduler selects a new thread.

  • New thread’s state is loaded.

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How do kernel-level threads handle context switching?

  • Thread blocks, is interrupted, or voluntarily yields.

  • Mode switch to kernel mode.

  • Kernel saves the thread’s state.

  • Scheduler selects a new thread.

  • New thread’s state is loaded.

  • Mode switch back to user mode.

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What is the difference between independent and cooperating threads?

  • Independent threads have no shared state and are deterministic.

  • Cooperating threads share state, making them non-deterministic but allowing concurrency.

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What are the four main flavors of thread implementations?

  • Single-threaded processes (one thread per process).

  • User-level multi-threading (threads managed in user space).

  • Kernel-level multi-threading (threads managed by the OS).

  • In-kernel threads (threads running within the OS itself).

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<p>um I believe in us guys</p>

um I believe in us guys

yaaassss qweeen 🌟

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What is a race condition?

A race condition occurs when multiple threads access shared data concurrently, and the final result depends on the timing of execution.

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What are the four properties required for correctness in critical sections?

  • Safety – Only one thread in the critical section at a time.

  • Liveness – If no threads are in the critical section, a waiting thread must eventually enter.

  • Bounded Waiting – There is a limit on how long a thread waits before entering.

  • Failure Atomicity – The system remains consistent even if a thread fails inside the critical section.

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What is mutual exclusion?

A principle ensuring that only one thread or process accesses a shared resource at a time.

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What is a critical section?

A section of code that must be executed by only one thread at a time to avoid race conditions.

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What is an atomic operation?

An operation that cannot be interrupted and runs to completion without interference from other threads.

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What is a lock in concurrent programming?

A synchronization mechanism that ensures only one thread can access a shared resource at a time.

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What are the two main lock operations?

  • Lock:Acquire() – Wait until the lock is free, then take it.

  • Lock:Release() – Free the lock and wake up any waiting threads.

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What is busy waiting?

A situation where a thread continuously checks for a condition instead of sleeping, wasting CPU cycles.

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What are the problems with busy waiting?

  • Wastes CPU time.

  • Causes priority inversion issues.

  • Not scalable for multiple threads.

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How does disabling interrupts help with mutual exclusion?

It prevents context switches while a thread is executing its critical section, ensuring atomic operations.

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Why is disabling interrupts not an ideal solution for locking?

  • It prevents other important system tasks from running.

  • It only works on a single CPU, not multiprocessor systems.

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What is the Test-and-Set instruction used for?

An atomic operation used to implement locks by checking and setting a variable in one step.

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What is the problem with using Test-and-Set for locks?

It leads to busy waiting, where threads constantly check for lock availability, consuming CPU resources.

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What is priority inversion?

A situation where a high-priority thread is waiting for a lower-priority thread to release a lock, potentially causing delays.

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What is a semaphore?

A synchronization primitive used to control access to a shared resource, supporting more general synchronization than locks.

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What are the two atomic operations of semaphores?

  • Down() – Decrements the semaphore; blocks if the count is 0.

  • Up() – Increments the semaphore; wakes up waiting threads if necessary.

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What are the two types of semaphores?

  • Binary Semaphore – Acts like a lock, with values 0 (locked) and 1 (unlocked).

  • Counting Semaphore – Tracks multiple available resources and allows multiple threads to proceed.

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How can semaphores be used to solve the "Too Much Milk" problem?

By using a binary semaphore to ensure mutual exclusion when checking and buying milk.

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When should semaphores be used instead of locks?

  • When multiple resources are available.

  • When threads need to coordinate their execution beyond simple mutual exclusion.

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How do counted semaphores differ from binary semaphores?

Counted semaphores allow multiple threads to proceed if there are available resources, while binary semaphores only allow one thread at a time.

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What does the Up() operation do in a semaphore?

It increments the semaphore value and wakes up a waiting thread if necessary.

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<p>I wish I could be as smart as my king Gregory House</p>

I wish I could be as smart as my king Gregory House

I am cooked if you cannot tell. I will donate the remnants of my brain to my dear friends.

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What is the Dining Philosophers problem?

N philosophers sit at a table with N chopsticks; each needs two chopsticks to eat and alternates between thinking, getting hungry, and eating.

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What is deadlock?

Deadlock occurs when two or more threads are waiting for an event that only the other threads can generate.

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How is deadlock different from starvation?

Starvation happens when a thread waits indefinitely for resources, but other threads are using them. Deadlock implies starvation, but not vice versa.

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What are the four necessary conditions for deadlock?

  • Mutual Exclusion – At least one thread holds a resource in a non-sharable mode.

  • Hold and Wait – A thread holds a resource while waiting for another.

  • No Pre-emption – A resource cannot be forcibly taken away from a thread.

  • Circular Wait – A circular chain of waiting threads exists.