AP Euro unit 6

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What type of manufacturing was replaced by factory work?

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What type of manufacturing was replaced by factory work?

Cottage Industry and Handicraft manufacturing

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How was urbanization related to industrialization?

The growth of factories and industrial jobs led to an increase in population and development of cities.

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What factors of production did Great Britain have in the middle of the 18th century?

Land, labor, and capital

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What industry was the first to industrialize?

The textile industry

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What advantages did countries on the continent have in trying to catch up to the British?

They did not have to invent the new technology because the British had already invented it.

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What was the purpose of the Great Exhibition of 1851? (Crystal Palace)

Show off their accomplishments and their superiority in the new age.

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What country in Europe was the first to challenge British dominance?


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What country lagged the furthest behind in industrializing?


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How did the Enclosure movement contribute to industrialization in Britain?

The Enclosure movement was when common land that was previously open to the public was converted into private property mainly for rich people. They built more farms on the land. It caused an increase in the production of food.

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Why did people move from rural areas towards factory work?

The Enclosure movement led to less of a need for people to work in the field along with taking their land forcing them to move out to survive, so they moved to bigger cities to work in the factories.

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What inventions contributed to industrialization? What task did the early advancements deal with?

The spinning jenny, water frame, power loom, cotton gin, steam engine, and railroad. The task that these early advancements dealt with were improving something that was already a thing by making the task more efficient.

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How did the need for energy change during the Industrial Revolution?

The need for energy increased because people made many more inventions which required energy from coal.

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How were artisans affected by the growth of machine manufacturing?

Machines started to take the jobs of artisans who had previously done the work by hand, forcing them to find jobs in the urbanized cities, most likely in a factory.

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What did Friederich List argue for?

He published "Outlines of American Political Economy", in which he argued that a national economy in an early stage of industrialization requires tariff protection

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What was the Zollverein?

A coalition of German states minus Austria formed to manage tariffs and economic policies within their territories. A customs union.

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What was the Factory Act of 1833?

Child labor laws which aided the safety of children in the factories. Made it illegal to hire children under the age of 9 children aged 9-12 could only work 8 hours a day children aged 13-17 could only work 12 hours a day

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What was the Mines Act of 1842?

Prohibited boys under the age of 10 and all females from laboring in mines.

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What were the combination Acts of 1799?

Made it illegal for workers to form unions or take collective action to improve their working conditions. (law was ignored and went away later)

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Who were the Luddites?

A group of workers who protested against the use of machinery in textile factories, often by destroying the machines. (they believed that the use of machines would take away their jobs and livelihoods)

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What was the Iron Law of Wages?

A theory proposed by David Ricardo, which states that wages will always tend towards the minimum necessary for the survival of the worker, regardless of economic conditions.

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What did Malthus argue?

That population growth would outstrip food production, leading to widespread poverty and suffering.

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What delayed industrialization on the continent?

The wars of Napoleon & the French Revolution

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How did wages and standard of living change from the 1780's to 1820? 1820-1850? After 1850?

The wages fell in 1780-1820 because of the amount of people who needed jobs/had jobs. By 1820 wages began to rise once again and then around 1840 they rose substantially.

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Describe early factory work?

Long hours, strict discipline, and often poor working conditions. They employed women and children for cheap labor and had no benefits other than pay.

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How did factory work compare to cottage industry?

Factory work was characterized by strict discipline, long working hours, and often poor working conditions, while cottage industry was characterized by a more flexible pace of work and the ability to interrupt work for other tasks. (cottage industry at home factory work at factory)

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How did continental countries vary in supporting railroad building?

Various types of support. Some fully support and build it like Belgium, and some give investments like Prussia.

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Who was Edwin Chadwick?

An English social reformer who is noted for his work to reform the Poor Laws and to improve sanitation and public health.

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What was Georges Haussmann remembered for?

French administrator responsible for the transformation of Paris under Napoleon III from its ancient character to the one that it still largely preserves.

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How did the improved economic conditions of the 19th century affect expectations of middle class women?

Women tended to stay home and tend households and take care of children. Men only expected women to work outside the house in poor families.

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What sorts of leisure activities did working class people take part in?

Across the face of Europe, drinking remained the favorite leisure-time activity of working people. The two other leisure-time passions of the working classes were sports and music halls. It promoted gambling and enjoyment of the arts.

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What was the contribution of Louis Pasteur to understanding disease?

He demonstrated that microorganisms cause disease, and discovered how to make vaccines from weakened, or attenuated, microbes.

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What was the -ism laid out by Jeremy Bentham?

Utilitarianism (Most ethical choice is the one that will produce the greatest good for the greatest number)

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What was positivism?

Increased belief that science alone provides knowledge and understanding.

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What was Social Darwinism?

Applying Darwin's theory of "survival of the fittest" to society. (the idea that certain people become powerful in society because they are innately better)

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What defined the Realist style of literature?

Authors described things as they were without embellishment or fantastical plots. Works of literary realism don't have flowery language, exotic settings and characters, and epic stories of love and heroism. They are like real life, hence the name, "Realism".

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