Why is it important to center the cutting tool before turning?
Centering the cutting tool ensures precision in operations, reduces vibrations, and prevents tool wear or breakage.
What is the difference between drilling and boring?
Drilling creates holes using a drill bit, while boring enlarges existing holes for precision.
Name 2 features of a vacuum form.
Molded shape that can replicate complex designs
Ability to use various materials such as plastic sheets.
Outline the stages of writing a risk assessment.
Identify hazards
Assess risks
Implement control measures
Monitor and review.
Describe 3 of the stages of writing a risk assessment.
Identify hazards: Find potential dangers
Assess risks: Determine who might be harmed and how
Implement control measures: Introduce measures to reduce risk.
Record the risk associated with ______.
Identify potential hazards related to specific tasks or equipment.
Other than PPE, what other precautions do employers take to protect employees?
Implementing safety training
Conducting regular safety audits.
Describe how legislation is used to protect employee safety.
Legislation sets mandatory safety standards and provides guidelines for workplace safety measures.
What are the advantages of computer-aided quality control?
Improved accuracy in inspections
Enhanced data analysis for quality trends.
Advantages and disadvantages of robots.
Advantages: Increased efficiency and reduced labor costs. Disadvantages: High initial investment and potential job loss.
How do manufacturers use computers in production scheduling?
Computers help in optimizing schedules, tracking progress, and managing resources effectively.
How do manufacturers use production scheduling to respond to customer demand?
By adjusting production plans to align with fluctuating demand to minimize inventory and maximize sales.
Explain how ASRS is used in manufacturing.
Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS) enhance efficiency by automating the storage and retrieval process in warehouses.
How can CAM be used to respond to consumer demand?
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) can quickly adjust production processes based on consumer feedback and trends.
How can manufacturers respond to changes in demand?
Manufacturers can increase or decrease production capacity, adjust product design, or alter supply chain logistics.
How do manufacturers use computers to achieve QRM?
Computers facilitate Quick Response Manufacturing by improving lead times and streamlining processes.
How could PDM support development?
Product Data Management (PDM) organizes product data for effective collaboration and streamlined development processes.
How is legislation used to protect consumers?
Legislation enforces quality standards, safety measures, and fair practices to ensure consumer rights.
Describe/give examples of how health and safety legislation can influence manufacture.
Health and safety regulations may require manufacturers to implement safety training, machine guards, or ergonomic workstations.
Explain how safety legislation can affect the design of products.
Safety legislation often mandates design features for product safety, such as guard rails, warning labels, or fail-safes.
How does COSHH affect manufacturing?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations require risk assessments and proper handling of hazardous materials.
How does availability of materials and labor influence the decision-making of manufacturers?
The availability can limit production capacity, affect costs, and shape product design based on resource accessibility.
Give 2 ways a systems thinking approach can lead to improvements in product design.
Holistic analysis leads to improved user experience
Identifying interdependencies can enhance performance and sustainability.