Mod Civ Spring Semester 2025- West Ranch High School
What was biggest mistake Russia’s Provisional government made when they took over?
They kept Russia in World War 1
What happened after Nicholas stepped down from the throne?
A provisional government was put into place. The Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, then took control with the help of the working class, wich weakened the government.
What led to the Russian Revolution?
The dissatisfaction with the Tsar's regime, economic hardship, and the impact of World War I led to widespread unrest, military failures, and food shortages. “Peace, Land, and Bread”
What role did the soviets play in the events leading up to the Russian Revolution
They organized strikes and were influenced by the Bolsheviks. They served as local councils that represented workers and soldiers, advocating for reforms and influencing political decisions.
When Lenin took over Russia, what form of government did he use to rule?
A Communist dictatorship, along with a communist one-party system.
What was the most common tactic of the Red Army in the Russian Civil War?
Mobile warfare, harsh discipline, and propaganda.
What was the Treaty of Versailles?
A peace treaty that ended World War I, imposing heavy reparations and territorial losses on Germany as well as the blame for the War.
What caused the Great Depression?
The stock market crash of 1929, bank failures, and reduced consumer spending.
How did the Great Depression affect European governments?
Governments became unstable, the increase of printing money led to the decrease in value, and economic struggle including the pay of respirations.
According to the Nazis, what was the role of women?
To be homemakers and bear children, supporting the Aryan race and traditional family values.
Why did the Nazis encourage listening to the radio and going to the movies?
To promote propaganda and reinforce Nazi ideology, as well as widespread of Hitler’s speeches
How did Stalin’ collectivization affect the agricultural land?
It led to the consolidation of individual farms into large, state-controlled enterprises, resulting in widespread famine and resistance from peasants and led to agricultural failure.
What were Stalin’s 5 year plans?
A series of centralized economic goals aimed at rapidly industrializing the Soviet Union, focusing on heavy industry and collectivization of agriculture.
Who’s Ideology was Communism?
Stalin and Lenin
Who collectivized farms?
Who used Gulags, and who was sent to them?
Stalin used Gulags as forced labor camps to imprison political dissidents, criminals, and ordinary citizens deemed a threat to the state, Hitler was for the Jews
Who’s Secret Police was the Checka?
Whos secret police was the Blackshirts?
Whos secret police was the SS/ Gestapo/ the Brownshirts?
This person had pictures everywhere, statues built, and he rebuilt the military.
Who’s economic plan was the 5 year plan?
Who’s economic plan was called the NEP or New Economic Plan?
Who’s Ideology was Militarism/ Socialism?
Who’s ideology was Fascism?
Who had the Great Purge in their Country?
Who died of natural causes and ruled for 25 years even though his people knew he was a bad ruler/person
Who controlled their people through the education system?
Stalin and Mussolini
Who wanted to bring back the greatness of Rome in Italy?
Who believed that men were warriors and women were babies?
Who used the radio to spread Propaganda?
Mussolini and Hitler
Who censored their people through newspapers?
Who killed their advisors and his son-in-law?
Who went against the Jews?
Mussolini and Hitler
Who had kids learn how to fight with poison gas?
Who expanded into Africa?
Who created/ used youth groups?
Mussolini and Hitler
Who had the Pope’s support?
Mussolini even though he wasn’t religious (he pretended)
Even though Victor Emmanuel was still King, who made all the decisions for his country?
Who was a great orator and had his job as a journalist help him
This person rose to power legally, was killed by his own people and drug through the streets and hung upside down, and led for 10 years?
Whos Ideology was Nazism, believed the Aryan Race was superior, he recalled past glories of Germany, and wrote a book named “mein keimpf”
Who had the Nuremburg Laws, and Kristall Nacht
Who broke the Treaty of Versailles and built up their military?
Who used poison gas?
Who had nazi youth, and burnned books, closed catholic schools (does not support religon), denounced modern art and Jazz, and had the concentration camps?
Who was a charismatic leader, and drew thousands to his speeches, and was voted into leadership?
Who had supreme authority but relied on his military leaders/militarists?
Who had some of his military soldiers killed for drying to start a coup (overthrow) and had the highest honor as dying for your country?
Who had his military kill protestors, death to the soldiers if they deserted the army and therefore bringing shame to their family?
Who used chemical gas, and used the radio to announce that the war with the US was over?
Who was the leader of the Shinto religion, had the chrysanthemim as their symbol rather than a color, and who had their name as the last thing dying soldiers said before they died?
Who ruled as a monarchy, directly questioned the chiefs of the Army and Navy, and who removed their top commander Tojo from World War 2 after they started losing battles?
Who was not held responsible for World War 2 by his country or the world, and did this on purpose to make it seem as if the military used him as a puppet so that he wouldn’t be found responsible?
Who did not use the Duma (Legislative advisory)
Who was Atheist?
Who was the leader of Russia?
Who was the leader of Italy?
Who was the leader of Japan?
Who was the leader of Germany?
Who was the leader of the Soviet Union?