AP Gov Unit 6

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Majority-minority districts

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Majority-minority districts

a district in which voters of a minority ethnicity constitute an electoral majority within that electoral district

  • may cause surrounding districts to have fewer minorities, less incentive to respond to their needs

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Descriptive representation

when citizens are represented by elected officials from their same racial/ethnic background

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Substantive representation

ability of citizens to elect officials who will enact into law policies that the citizens favor

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Marginal districts

Districts in which the winner got less than 55 percent of the vote

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Safe districts

districts in which incumbents win by a comfortable margin (~60%)

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Conservative coalition

An alliance between Republicans and conservative Democrats

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Theories about Congress's behavior

  • representational view: members want to get re-elected and vote to please constituents

  • organizational view: it is more important to please other Congress members because constituents don't know how legislator voted

  • attitudinal view: conflicting pressures on Congress members cancel out, leaving them to vote on their beliefs

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Power of the purse

The constitutional power of Congress to raise and spend money. Congress can use this as a negative or checking power over the other branches by freezing or cutting their funding.

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Senate description

100 members, 2 per state, 6 year terms, VP breaks ties, filibuster can be used, judiciary + foreign relations committee, free debate

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House of Representatives description

435 members, based on population, 2 year terms, no filibuster, limited debate, Ways and Means and Appropriations and Rules Committees

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a tactic for delaying or obstructing legislation by making long speeches

  • Senate Rule No. 22, can't filibuster judicial nominations

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Cloture vote

ends a filibuster with 60 votes

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House of Representatives requirements

25 years old, citizen for 7 years, resident of state

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Senate requirements

30 years old, citizen for 9 years, resident of state

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Baker v. Carr (1962)

Established the principle of "one person, one vote" and made such patterns of representation illegal. The Court asserted that the federal courts had the right to tell states to reapportion their districts for more equal representation.

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Expressed powers

powers directly stated in the constitution

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Implied powers

powers that congress has that are not stated explicitly in the constitution but reasonably deduced from expressed powers (necessary and proper clause)

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Inherent powers

Powers the Constitution is presumed to have delegated to the National Government because it is the government of a sovereign state within the world community

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Simple resolution

an expression of opinion either in the House or Senate to settle procedural matters in either body

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Concurrent resolution

An expression of opinion without the force of law that requires the approval of both the House and the Senate, but not the president

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Joint resolution

A formal expression of congressional opinion that must be approved by both houses of congress and by the president; constitutional amendments need not be signed by the president

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bills originating in the House

Bills for raising revenue, appropriations bills (direct money spending), tax bills

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A group within a standing committee that specializes in a subcategory of its standing committee's responsibility; revise and add to bill after hearing witnesses and evidence

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Discharge petition

a device by which any member of the House, after a committee has had the bill for 30 days, may petition to have it brought to the floor (218 votes goes directly to floor for vote)

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Restrictive/closed rule

An order from the House Rules Committee that sets strict limits on debate and confines amendments to those proposed by the committee

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Open rule

an order from the House Rules Committee that permits a bill to be amended on the floor

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The minimum number of members who must be present for business to be conducted in Congress

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An amendment not relevant to the original purpose of a piece of legislation

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Amendments on matters unrelated to a bill that are added to an important bill so that they will "ride" to passage through the Congress.

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Christmas-tree bill

a bill with many riders

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Double tracking

A procedure to keep the Senate going during a filibuster in which the disputed bill is shelved temporarily so that the Senate can get on with other business.

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Voice vote

a voting method in which those in favor say "Yea" and those against say "Nay" (names not recorded)

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Division/standing vote

Members stand and are counted, hard to count (names not recorded)

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roll-call vote

Consists of members answering "yea"/"nay" to their names, almost never used

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Senate voting method

Voice/roll-call; don't use electronic counter/teller vote

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Teller vote

A congressional voting procedure in which members pass between two tellers, the "yeas" first and the "nays" second.

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Conference committee

special joint committee created to reconcile differences in bills passed by the House and Senate

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Disapproval of bill, can be overridden by 2/3 of each house w/roll-call vote and quorum

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Divided government

one party controls the White House and another party controls one or both houses of Congress

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Unified government

the same party controls the White House and both houses of Congress

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17th amendment

Established the direct election of senators (instead of being chosen by state legislatures); allows emergency replacement of senators by state governors if allowed by state legislature/new elections

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the inability of the government to act because rival parties control different parts of the government

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Powers of the president alone

commander-in-chief of the armed forces, grants reprieves for fed offenses, commission officers, convene Congress in special sessions, receive ambassadors, appoint officials, faithful executive of laws, executive power

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Powers of the president with the Senate

Make treaties, appoint ambassadors, judges, and high officials

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Powers of the president with congress

Approve legislation

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"Take care that the laws be faithfully executed"

Article II of the Constitution, very elastic

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"First branch" of government

President, Americans look to president as leader in crisis

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Concerns of the founders

  • 1787-1789: suspected president would use militia to overpower state governments, tool of the Senate

  • late 18th century: president would try to stay in office forever using bribery, intrigue, and force

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Electoral college

A group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and vice president, each state has 1 vote per senator/rep, DC has 3 (538 total), house of representative decides ties

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Presidential term

Two terms, 4 years each; FDR and Grant tried to run for more

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22nd Amendment (1951)

the president is limited to two terms

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Rule of fitness

Appointees to federal office should have good standing in communities, be well thought of by neighbors

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Andrew Jackson

Vetoed 12 acts, saw himself as "Tribune of the People" and struck against any policy he disliked, conflict with Congress

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Three Audiences of the President

  1. DC/politicians: good reputation => power of White House

  2. party activists/officeholders outside of DC: president must reflect party views and help raise money

  3. the public: often criticized, use more prepared speeches, public communication

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Bully pulpit

the president's use of his prestige and visibility to guide or enthuse the American public

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Veto message

A message from the president to Congress stating that he will not sign a bill it has passed and why. Must be produced within ten days of the bill's passage or else the bill becomes law.

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Pocket veto

A veto taking place when Congress adjourns within 10 days of submitting a bill to the president, who simply lets it die by neither signing nor vetoing it.

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Line-item veto

an executive's ability to block a particular provision in a bill passed by the legislature; unconstitutional

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Executive privilege

An implied presidential power that allows the president to communicate with principal advisors confidentially

  • doctrine of separation of powers

  • principles of statecraft and prudent administration: can get confidential + candid advice from subordinates US v. Nixon: allowed to obtain recordings of Nixon

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Impoundment of funds

A presidential refusal to spend money appropriated by Congress

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Executive order

Presidential directives that call for action within executive branch, large policy choices/whatever is permitted by Constitution/statutory authority

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Signing statements

Presidential documents that reveal president's opinion of new law + how it should be enforced

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Press pool

Reporters who work at the white house

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Presidential Daily Brief (PDB)

Intelligence delivered every morning, for the resident's eyes only

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pyramid structure

subordinates report to president through a clear chain of command headed by a chief of staff; orderly flow of info + decisions, can isolate/misinform pres; Eisenhower, Reagan, both Bush

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circular structure

several assistants report directly to president; gives pres lots of info but can cause confusion/conflict among secretaries and assistants; Carter

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ad hoc structure

several subordinates, cabinet officers, and committees report directly to the president on different matters

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heads of the 15 executive branch departments of the federal government

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people who alternate between jobs in the federal gov and employment in the private sector

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trial balloon

an official leak of a proposal to determine public reaction to it without risk

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trustee approach

do what the public good requires, even if the voters are skeptical

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delegate model

do what your constituents want you to do

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2 term president periods

  • founding (Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe)

  • war/economic crisis (Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, GW Bush, Obama)

  • relatively tranquil (Monroe, McKinley, Eisenhower, Clinton)

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Senate president pro tempore

appointed by Senate to preside in VP's absence, mostly ceremonial

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25th Amendment (1967)

VP serves as acting president whenever pres/VP. + cabinet/0.67 Congress declare inability/capacitation

  • VP steps up + nominates new VP, confirmed by both house majority or Speaker, Senate pres, cabinet (starting w/sec of state)

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Charges against a president approved by a majority of the House of Representatives

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presidential conviction

2/3 of Senate presided over by chief justice as court to be removed by office

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