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Euclid’s Algorithm
Prove correctness of Euclid’s
Runtime of Euclid’s
O(logb) where b is the the second inputed element gcd(a, b)
Runtime Analysis of Euclid’s
Is sorting in decreasing or increasing order?
Runtime of Insertion Sort
Insertion Sort Algorithm
Correctness of Insertion Sort
Proof of Runtime of Insertion Sort
Big O def
Big Omega def
Theta def
little o
little omega
just read
what’s wrong?
give runtime recurrence for each
solve recurrences
Linear Search Algorithm
Find & solve out runtime recurrence of linear search
binary search algo
Find & solve out runtime recurrence of binary search
Merge & MergeSort Algorithm
Find & solve out runtime recurrence of merge sort
Prove using induction that Merge Sort is upperbounded by O(nlgn)
Write out Simplified Master’s Theorem
Runtime of Deterministic QuickSort Algo
Deterministic QuickSort Algorithm
Prove Running Time & Recurrence of Deterministic QuickSort
Design an Algo
Prove runtime analysis for Counting Inversions
Running time of Closest Pair Algorithm
Summarize the Closest pair algorithm
runtime of quicksort using select as pivot
worst case O(nlgn)
partition runtime
Select runtime
select algorithm
Proof of runtime of select
Integer Multiplication Algorithm
Integer Multiplication Runtime
Integer Mutlipication Runtime Proof
amortized analysis & class example
amortized analysis, which means that we will be finding the time-averaged cost for a sequence of operations. In other words, the amortized runtime of an operation is the time required to perform a sequence of operations averaged over all the operations performed. Let T(n) be the total time needed to perform a series of n push operations. Then the amortized time of a single push operation is T(n)/n. e.g. stacks *2
amortized runtime analysis of push
worst case analysis of push
Do the runtime analysis
Do the runtime analysis
Stacks are
Queues are
How does the binary heap data structure work?
its an array where each node corresponds to an element in the array
we can view it as an almost complete binary tree (completely filled on all levels except the lowest which is filled from the left up to a point)
Max heap properties
every node i other than the root, A[Parent] >= A[i], that is, the value of a node is at most the value of its parent. Thus, the largest element in a max-heap is stored at the root, and the subtree rooted at a node contains values no larger than that contained at the node itself.
what is height and what is the height of a complete binary tree?
we define the height of a node in a heap to be the number of edges on the longest simple downward path from the node to a leaf, and we define the height of the heap to be the height of its root. Since a heap of n elements is based on a complete binary tree, its height is floor(lgn)
What is the index of the parent, left child, and right child of a binary tree?
What’s the difference between A.length and A.heapsize?
for the heap array A, we store two properties: A.length, which is the number of elements in the array, and A.heapsize, which is the number of array elements that are actually part of the heap. Even though A is potentially filled with numbers, only the elements in A[1..A.heapsize] are actually part of the heap.
What are the indices of the leaves in a binary heap? How many leaves?
The leaves of the heap are the nodes indexed by bn/2c + 1, bn/2c + 2, ..., n, so there are ∼ n/2 = O(n) elements which are at the leaves.
What is Max-Heapify and its running time?
It maintains the Max-Heap Property, O(lgn)
What is Build-Max-Heap and its running time?
Build-Max-Heap produces a max-heap from an unordered input array, O(n)
What is Heapsort and its running time?
A sorting algorithm, O(nlgn)
What is the running time of Max-Heap Insert, Heap-Extract-Max, Heap-Increase-Key, Heap_Maximum?
What is the Max-Heapify Algo?
What is the running time of max-heapify?
Build Heap Algorithm
Correctness of Build Max Heap
Runtime of Build-Max-Heap
How does HeapSort work?
What is Heap-Maximum in Priority Queues and its running time?
What is Heap-Extract-Max and its running time?
What is Heap-Increase-Key and its running time?