pg 66-68
the artery that supplies the _________________ determine the coronary dominance
posterior descending artery
in 85% of the population, the ____________ gives off the PDA (_________ dominant)
right coronary artery… right
in 15% of the population, the ____________ gives off the PDA (_________ dominant)
left circumflex artery… left
__________&_________ + _________ on ecg → hypOkalemia
muscle weakness…cramps… U wave
important reason for hypokalemia
thiazide like diuretics (bendroflumethiazide)
loop diuretics (furosemide)
__________,___________,__________ → hyperkalemia
__________,___________→ hypokalemia
spionolactone, ARB(losartan), ACEi
loop diuretics, thiazide like diuretics
U wave (hypokalemia) - an additional wave after T wave
management of hypokalemia
oral/IV K chloride (<2.5 then IV)
stop the cause (furosemide or thiazide like diuretics)
causes of hypokalemia
thiazide like diuretic
loop diuretic
villous adenoma
renal tubular failure
cushing syndrome
conns disease (1ry hyperaldosteronism)
causes of hyperkalemia
K sparing diuretics (spironolactone, eplerenone)
addison’s (primary adrenal insufficiency)
CKD/acute renal failure
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
____________ wave → hyperkalemia
____________ wave → hypokalemia
tall tented T
U wave
treatment of hyperkalemia
-IV calcium gluconate/ CaCl (protect cardiac membrane)
-insulin with dextrose/salbutamol inhalation (reduce K serum)