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leislers rebellion
class reboot in ny against centralized ripe and taxes, favored middle and lower class colonists
indentured servitude
waking purchase
allowed Pennsylvania to expand boundaries and expense of delaware natives
balance of trade favoring home country
navigation acts
prohibited smuggling, commerce guidelines, duties in trade
consumer revolution
status linked to finances and refined lifestyle rather than birth and family
slave laws
defined slavers as status based on race
hang labor
forced spaces to work at continuous pace throughout day
signo rebellion
uprise in sc fear of slave revolts intensified
anglo powhatan wats
powhatan confederacy and english i’m maryland and virginia
covenant chain
alliance between iroquois and colonists during netting to try and salvage fur trade
tuscarora wat
launched by natives against english in NC lost lane and many joined iroquois confederacy
yamasee war
failed to expel british from SC
queen annes war
over spanish colonies, ended but conflict still there
treaty of utrecht
ended queen anne war, balance of interest of euro powers and colonial possessions
king george war
france spain and england fought in na
rational and scientific thinking over religion and superstition
original sin
all humans born into sin
new light clergy
religious revivals, emotional aspects of religion, new leaders
criticized power of church in gov, follow heart instead of head
protestantism based in pietism, john wesley
great awakening
religious revivals im colonies
forced enlistment of civilians in military
aimed at starting a rebellion