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National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Agency of the HHS that conducts research to discover causes and treatments for diseases
Substance abuse and mental health services administration (SAMHSA)
Improves access to programs/services for those who suffer from or are at risk for addictive and mental disorders
Administration for community living (ACL)
ensures access to community support and resources to meed needs of older Americans and those with disabilities
Agency for healthcare research and quality (AHRQ)
Supports research designed to improve quality and patient safety, reduce HC costs and medical errors, broaden access to services
Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
promotes economic and social wellbeing of families, children, individuals, and communities through educational and supportive programs
facilities that provided care for the disabled or ill in the 1700s, before hospitals
Ambulatory Care
health care is provided outside of institutional setting
Centers for disease Control (CDC)
branch of the federal government that tracks the health of nation and provides support to identify causes of epidemics and foodborne
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs)
clinics funded by the US congresses in 2014 to meet the demand for behavioral health services in communities impacted by the opioid crisis and need for more comprehensive services for mental health and substance abuse disorders
Community Hospital
short term general and specialty hospitals
Community Mental Health Act
law passed in 1963 to establish Comprehensive mental health centers throughout the United States.
Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC)
Established in 1963 to serve the mental health needs in the United States as a result of a movement to deinstitutionalize those with mental illness. However, over time these centers were not adequately funded to meet mental health needs.
Diagnosis and treatment of illness
identifying and treating injury of disease
Disease prevention services
public health programs designed to reduce the risk of injury or illness in the workplace or for the general public
Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)
provides preventative, medical, dental, and mental health services to low-income, minority, and homeless individuals in both urban and rural underserved areas
Free Medical Clinic (FMC)
Nonprofit, community based, or faith based organizations that provide health care with little or no charge to low income individuals who are uninsured or underinsured and are residents in the country where the clinic is located
Healthcare facilities
one of a variety of settings where a patient can receive care
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Agency of HHS with responsibility for improving access to healthcare for people who are geographically isolated or economically or medically vulnerable
Indian Health Service (IHS)
agency within the HHS that provides healthcare services for Natives and Alaskan Natives
Informed consent
process of a patient giving permission to healthcare provider to provide services in advance
Patient centered medical home (PCMH)
model for delivering health care in which a primary care provider coordinated health care for individual patients
the restoration of a person to normal or near normal function after physical or mental illness, including chemical addiction
Serious mental illness (SMI)
mental illness that is difficult to treat and frequently interferes with normal functioning and the ability to maintain interpersonal relationships with employment; most common are schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Social Security Act of 1935 and 1965
1935- federal funding of state health departments for maternal child health
1965- established medicaid
American Hospital Association (AHA)
A national industry trade group that helps support hospitals, healthcare systems, and health networks as well the communities served
Clinical prevention services
guidelines for primary care provides to use in screening and counseling patients to prevent or reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and infectious disease
Wide differences in access to healthcare or quality of healthcare based on where one lives as well as income, education level, race, ethnicity, gender expression, or sexual orientation
Removing of obstacles to health care - For example, providing high quality Health Care regardless of income and providing Transportation or child care to remove obstacles for prenatal care for women
An inflammatory response to a serious and widespread infection; the response causes damage to organ systems and can cause shock and death
Social determinants of health (SDOH)
Conditions under which people are born, live, work, and age. lack of access to stable housing, nutritious food, employment, education, reliable transportation, and personal safety influences access to Quality Health Care