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Abstract ideals that guide thinking and behavior, stable over time, vary by culture and generation
Evaluations of people, places, and things. Three components:
◦ Affective: Emotional reactions.
◦ Cognitive: Thoughts and beliefs.
◦ Behavioral: Intentions to act.
Attitudes and the three components
◦ Affective: Emotional reactions.
◦ Cognitive: Thoughts and beliefs.
◦ Behavioral: Intentions to act.
Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior
Attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control predict intentions and actions.
Cognitive Dissonance
◦Psychological discomfort from conflicting thoughts or behaviors.
◦Reduced by changing attitudes, behaviors, or justifying inconsistencies.
Organizational Commitment
Employee alignment with company values
Employee Engagement
Investment in work roles
Perceived Organizational Support
Belief that the company values contributions
Job Satisfaction
Emotional response to job conditions
Key Job Attitudes
Organizational Commitment
Employee Engagement
Perceived Organizational Support
Job Satisfaction
Positive Job Satisfaction & Outcomes
Motivation, job performance, organizational citizenship behaviors
Negative Job Satisfaction & Outcomes
Counterproductive work behaviors (CWB), turnover
Personality & The Big Five
Emotional Stability
Openness to Experience
Sociability and assertiveness
Cooperative, trusting nature
Responsible, goal oriented
Emotional Stability
Calmness, resilience
Openness to Experience
Creativity, adaptability
Core Self-Evaluation (CSEs)
Locus of Control
Emotional Stability
Confidence in abilities.
General self-worth
Locus of Control
Internal (control over events) vs. External (fate-driven), how much responsibility do you take for your actions
Emotional Stability
Ability to handle stress
Emotional Intelligence
Social awareness
Relationship management
Intrinsic Motivation
Internal rewards (personal satisfaction, achievement).
Extrinsic Motivation
External rewards (pay, promotions, recognition).
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Physiological → Safety → Love/Belonging → Esteem → Self-actualization.
McClelland’s Needs Theory
Achievement: Desire for challenging goals.
Affiliation: Need for relationships.
Power: Influence over others.
Equity Theory
Motivation is influenced by fairness perceptions.
Employees compare their input-output ratios to peers.
Expectancy Theory
Effort → Performance → Reward expectations.
Goal-Setting Theory
SMART goals enhance motivation.
specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound
Job Design & Motivation
Job Characteristics Model (Skill variety, Task identity, Task significance, Autonomy, Feedback).
Positive Reinforcement
Rewarding desired behavior.
Negative Reinforcement
Removing an aversive stimulus to reinforce behavior.
Performance Feedback
Continuous feedback is essential for employee growth and motivation.
Constructive criticism should be paired with actionable suggestions.
Adding consequences to reduce behavior.
Withholding reinforcement to weaken behavior.