the generation gap

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(usually with can, could) to be able to spend money, time etc on or for something

đủ khả năng làm gì

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thái độ

way of thinking or acting etc

quan điểm

What is your attitude to politics?

a position of the body

tư thế

The artist painted the model in various attitudes.

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something difficult to carry or withstand

gánh nặng (thuế)

the burden of taxation.

something to be carried

gánh nặng

He carried a heavy burden up the hill

The ox is sometimes a beast of burden (= an animal that carries things).

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not careful

hững hờ

I took a casual glance at the book.


thường phục

casual clothes.

happening by chance

tình cờ

a casual remark.

not regular or permanent

thất thường

casual labour/labor.

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the care of children while their parents are at work, especially by a childminder or at a crèche

trông trẻ

(also adjective) childcare facilities.

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in comfort; pleasantly relaxed

dễ chịu

He looked very comfortable in his chair.

producing a good physical feeling

tiện lợi

a comfortable chair.

financially secure without being rich

sung túc

a comfortable standard of living.

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sorrow or pity for the sufferings of another person

lòng thương

Doctors should try to show compassion towards their patients.

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the act of conserving especially wildlife, the countryside, old buildings etc

sự bảo tồn

conservation of the wetlands.

bảo thủ

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an order forbidding people to be in the streets after a certain hour

lệnh giới nghiêm

There’s a curfew in force from ten o’clock tonight.

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of or belonging to the present

hiện tại

the current month

the current temperature.

(the direction of) a stream of water or air


the current of a river.

(a) flow of electricity

dòng, luồng

an electrical current.

electric current (not currant); current (not currant) affairs.

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