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secondary factors that influence RE (9)
- focal spot size
- anode heel
- radiographic distances (SID/OID)
- Grid
- Beam restriction (collimation)
- Generator output (single phase/third phase)
- Filtration
- Image acquisition system (film screen/CR/DR) - Patient factors
focal spot
area on anode where electrons strike (source of x-ray production)
focal spot blooming
damage to the filament; occurs when focal spot size increase with increasing mA, low kVp
Focal Spot Size (FSS) affects
↑ FSS ↓ spatial resolution; ↓ FSS ↑ spatial resolution
anode heel effect
x-ray intensity is > on cathode side & < on anode side
OID (air-gap) affects
radiation intensity & amount of scatter radiation, reaching IR
↑OID ↓ what?
↓ amount of scatter reaching IR
↑grid ratio ↓ what?
beam restriction/collimation on RE:
selection of a small field size
selection of a large field size
↑collimation ↓RE
↓collimation ↑RE
generation configuration/power supply on RE:
= mAs & kVp will produce
↑ generator phase & pulse
higher quantity & quality radiation
↑ RE
filtration on RE:
filtration serves to reduce patient skin entrance dose by removing low energy photons from the x-ray beam (should be QCd)
↑ filtration ↓ what?
receptor exposure
Filtration absorbs lower-energy x-ray photons
they reach the patient
Filtration ⬆ the percentage of higher energy x-rays remaining in the beam meaning
increase average energy of the primary beam
What is the greatest variable the radiographer faces in the production of an image?
the patient
major tissue groups listed from < tissue density to > tissue density
Air (lungs, sinuses, intestinal
Fat (tissue)
Muscle (muscle, glands, non-fatty tissue)
other factors that influence radiograph
part thickness, body habitus, age, contrast agents, pathology (additive or destructive), casts/splint