What is narcolepsy?
A sleep disorder characterized by involuntary bouts of REM sleep.
What causes sleep apnea?
Reflexive gasping for air that interrupts sleep.
What is somnambulism?
Walking or performing activities while asleep, typically during NREM sleep.
What is the primary reason for night terrors?
Intense panic and arousal during NREM sleep, more common in children.
What is a notable characteristic of REM sleep behavior disorder?
Acting out dreams during REM sleep, often linked to brainstem deterioration.
What theory did Freud propose about dreams?
Dreams fulfill wishes shaped by day residue.
What is the activation-synthesis model of dreaming?
Dreams are side effects of brain activity during REM sleep.
What are lucid dreams?
Dreams where individuals realize they are dreaming while still in the dream state.
What factors influence the effects of psychoactive drugs?
Age, mood, body weight, dose, administration, and expectations.
What are narcotics primarily used for?
Pain relief.
What characterizes psychological dependence on drugs?
Intense craving for drug satisfaction.
What are common side effects of hallucinogens?
Jumbled thoughts, impaired judgment, and pupil dilation.
What are some indirect effects of alcohol?
Risky sexual behavior and motor & cognitive deficits increasing accident risk.
What does the term 'withdrawal illness' relate to?
Physical dependence on drugs, where avoiding withdrawal symptoms is a primary factor.
What is the significance of the ALDH2 gene mutation?
It affects alcohol metabolism and may lead to adverse effects upon consumption.
Why might some people not remember their dreams?
Wake time matters, and recall is associated with specific types of dreams.
What was the aim of early hypnotism?
To induce an elevated state of suggestibility for treatment purposes.
What are posthypnotic suggestions?
Instructions given during hypnosis that can affect behavior later.