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What does 'mi casa, mi hogar' mean in English?
My house, my home
What is the Spanish word for 'apartment'?
El apartamento/el piso
Translate 'el baño' to English.
The bathroom
What is 'la cocina' in English?
The kitchen
What does 'el comedor' mean in English?
The dining room
What is the Spanish term for 'bedroom'?
El dormitorio/la habitación
What does 'el garaje' refer to in English?
The garage
Translate 'el jardín' to English.
The garden
What is 'el patio' in English?
The patio
What does 'la sala' mean in English?
The living room
What is the English translation for 'la terraza'?
The terrace
How do you ask 'Where is…?' in Spanish?
¿Dónde está…?
What does 'a la derecha (de)' mean?
To the right (of)
What is the Spanish phrase for 'to the left (of)'?
A la izquierda (de)
Translate 'al fondo (de)' to English.
In the back (of)
What does 'al lado (de)' mean?
How do you say 'behind' in Spanish?
Detrás (de)
What is the English meaning of 'enfrente (de)'?
In the front of; Across from
What does 'en medio (de)' translate to in English?
In the middle of
How do you say 'under' in Spanish?
Debajo (de)
What is 'encima (de)' in English?
On top of
Translate 'arriba (de)' to English.
What does 'en una avenida' mean?
On the main street
How do you say 'in the neighborhood' in Spanish?
En el barrio
What is the English translation for 'en el campo'?
In the country
What does 'en la ciudad' mean?
In the city
Translate 'en una calle tranquila' to English.
On a quiet street
What does 'en el pueblo' mean in English?
In the town
How do you say 'I have to' in Spanish?
Tengo que + infinitive
What does 'lo siento' translate to?
I’m sorry
How do you say 'I can’t' in Spanish?
No puedo
What is the Spanish phrase for 'I prefer'?
Yo prefiero
What does 'propio/a' mean in English?
How do you say 'agreed' in Spanish?
De acuerdo