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transcontinental railroad
a railroad that was the goal of many Americans that spanned
Union Pacific
Chartered railroad company that worked from Omaha, Nebraska and built the transcontinental railroad westward, hired immigrant Irish
Central Pacific
Chartered railroad company that worked from Sacramento, California and built the transcontinental railroad eastward, hired immigrant Chinese
Pikes Peak gold rush
Gold rush in Colorado, most people were BUSTED
Comstock Lode
one of the largest and richest mines in the West; gold and silver
cattle drive
in which cowboys herded large numbers of cattle north, usually from texas, to Northern railroads to be shipped east
tough, hard-working men who drove cattle
open ranges
public, unfenced plains that cattle in cattle drives often grazed on
Homestead Act
provided 160 acres to any settler who would live on Western land for five years and “improve” it by building a dwelling on it and farming there.
Oklahoma land rushes
A land rush when the US Government unfairly opened Indian territory to Homsteading - 9 million acres in 2 years
houses built of earth and sod
barbed wire
twisted strands of wire used to fence in homesteads
Great plains
the region between the Mississippi River Valley and the Rocky Mountains
David McCanles
Outlaw who was often described as a local bully
Plains Indians
A group of Indian tribes that existed in the Great Plains region
Indian tribe led by Sitting Bull, one of the major opposing parties of the expanding US
Custer’s Last Stand
in which General Geroge Armstrong Custer was slaughtered along with two thousand of his men by an outnumbering Indian force
Sitting Bull
Primary leader of the Sioux tribe
special tracts of land set aside for the Indians where they could theoretically live in peace
Wounded Knee massacre
An event in which 150 Indians were killed by South Dakotans who tried to capture a band of Sioux who had fled after the death of Sitting Bull
A Century of Dishonor
a book by Helen Hunt Jackson that portrayed the government’s ruthless and dishonorable dealings with the Indians
Dawes Act
allowed Indian lands to be parceled out to individual Indian families to use and develop as they liked
Chief Joseph
a leader of the Nez Perce tribe who fought without savagery and loved his people
Maximilian I
The Napoleon-appointed Mexican ruler
Treaty of Washington
Treaty that set up international tribunals to settle disputes between the US and Great Britain
Matthew Perry
Commodore who made a deal with the Japanese for the US government to open trade between the two nations
a movement favoring greater cooperation and unity among the nations of the Western Hemisphere
Open Door Policy
John Hay’s policy calling for free trade in China between all nations
Boxer Rebellion
a violent anti foreign movement in China that was put down by American troops
extension of power by one people or country over another people or country by purchase, annexation, or conquest
purchase of Alaska
action known as “Seward’s Folly”, a very cheap and very profitable land purchase by the US through William Seward
Lottie Moon
American missionary to China who ministered to the Chinese people despite hostilities
Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth
American missionaries to China who survived the Boxer Rebellion
Yellow Journalism
one of the leading causes of the Spanish-American War: sensationalized news reporting aimed more at attracting readers than at reporting the truth.
de Lome letter
one of the leading causes of the Spanish-American War: Spanish letter that denounced McKinley as “weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd.’.
USS Maine
one of the leading causes of the Spanish-American War: ship that was sunk outside of Cuba that sparked the Spanish-American war
Spanish-American War
brief war that resulted in the Spanish loss of Cuba
Rough Riders
group of fighters for the US army in the Spanish-American war made up of cowboys, miners, college students, and adventurers who were commanded by Theodore Roosevelt
Battle of Manila Bay
a battle that devastated Spanish sea power int he Pacific and left the Philippines in the hands of the United States
Battle of Santiago Bay
A battle that practically ended the Spanish-American War and secured Santiago