absolute monarchy
government where monarch has absolute rule
James I
Previously James IV of Scotland
Became King of England when Elizabeth I died without an heir
Start of Stuart Dynasty
Clashed beliefs with Parliament (mostly house of commons)
believed in divine right of kings
overspent and wanted Parliament to cover his personal debts
needed money to pay for Spanish War
MP’s said yes if Charles I married a Protestant
James had Charles marry a Catholic
laid foundation for rebellion + civil war
Charles I
son of James I of England
thought kings had divine right
adjourned parliament when they didn’t allow him to tax
recalled Parliament 11 years later to fund war in scotland
civil war broke out when he did not listen to rules of parliament
Oliver Cromwell
won the English Civil War
Established a commonwealth in England
had to put down many Royalist Revolts
William of Orange
Originally from the Netherlands
Son in law of James II
anti-catholic nobles were done with the catholic stuarts when James II’s wife had a male child
invited ____ to rise to throne of england because he was protestant
known as Glorious Revolution
forced to sign English Bill of Rights limiting power of monarch
English Bill of Rights
signed by William and Mary
Established parliamentary sovereignty by limiting monarchs power
Parliament could meet frequently
Parliament had to approve any change in laws
Parliament needed to approve taxed
seed drill
agricultural invention made by Jethro Tull
metered out seeds in straight lines, then covered them with dirt
mechanical hoe
agricultural invention made by Jethro Tull
removed weeds inbetween seed rows
Bank of England
bank in england chartered by William of Mary
original mission to gather subscriptions from wealthy investors that the cash-poor government could prrow 1.2 million at 8 percent interest, charging 4000 per year
quadrupled size of navy - overseas empire for england
resulting industries drove economic expansion
became an LLC (limited liability coorporation)
an investor was not responsible for debt/liabilites of the company beyond the originial investment
so successful that George Washington remained a stockholder during revolutionary war
select class within society controlling the government
made up of rural landlords and urban gentry
ie dutch republic
Eighty Years War
war between Netherlands and Spain for independance
Gained independence through Peace of Westphalia
Some provinces remained Spanish
Dutch Republic became leading cargo shipper with trade rivalry against britain
Dutch East India Company
formed by Estates-General of Dutch Republic
aka VOC
join-stock company, where shareholders could buy stock
made amsterdam one of the richest cities
wealth kept Dutch Republic peaceful and stable
helped Dutch Golden Age
revolts in France against the monarchy
reaction to policies intended to weaken the nobles and reduce power of parliament
scarred Louis XIV for life, and he never trusted the Fronde again
in contrast to English Civil War
War of the Spanish Succession
Spain and France vs England, France and Netherlands
To put Louis XIV grandson on throne of Spain because no heir was present
France lost in both land and sea
war ended with Peace of Utrecht
Peace of Utrecht
series of treaties altering balance of power in 1713 after wars of spanish succession
Changes Made:
Britain won territories in Spain and Americas
sole right to import enslaved Africans into Spanish Colonies in Americas
Philip V as king of Spain (Louis XIV grandson)
was not allowed to rule both France and Spain
Southern Netherlands (modern Belgium and Luxembourg) were ceded to austria
Frederick William I
Son of Frederick I
expanded Prussia
convinced legislative body to allow him to tax peasants
said to legislative that peasants would work for minimal pay
army grew
Frederick the Great
son of Frederick William I
made Prussia into leading military power
attacked HRE when Charles VI died and left throne to Maria Theresa
invaded Silesia
Prussia gained lower Silesia
had alliances with France, based on hatred of Hapsburgs
Invaded Saxony and Bohemia, starting Seven Years war
Phillip II
during his reign, Spain reached Height of its power
solidified unity in Spain
gained control of portugal
Spain began period of decline after his death
Peter the Great
saw Russia as a medieval state that had not afvanced
though that differences made Russia a weak state
visited western Europe to understand differences
returned and convinced Russia to modernize
Allied with Saxony and Denmark-Norway in Great Northern War against sweden
to gain warm water port
gained St. Petersburg and began to build as “window on Europe”
other reforms to modernize:
promoted science and technology so that military, industry, transport, and trade could keep up with western Europe
founded Russian Academy of Sciences
invited foreign experts to teach
sponsored secular education
Catherine the Great
married Peter the Great’s grandson
hated eachother
Peter III ( her husband ) died shortly after gaining throne, so she was heir
she probably killed him
replenished state treasury by seizing property of clergy
was an enlightened despot
commission of all classes to create constitution, but it was never adopted
serfs rose as Pugachev Rebellion
learned peasants were a threat
allowed nobles to do whatever they wanted to serfs
overall, added 200,000+ sq. mi. of territory to Russia