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change directory
print working director
lists the files in current directory
ls -a
lists all files including hidden files in current directory
ls subdir/
lists content within a subdirectory
cd ..
moves one directory up
clears terminal workspace
less file.txt
used to print the text of a file one screen at a time
cat file.txt
displays contents onto terminal window
grep “word” file.txt
used to find a word in a file (case-sensitive)
grep -i “word” file.txt
used to find a word in a file (non-case sensitive)
grep “word” *.txt
searches for word in all files in working directory
creates a new directory
rm file.txt
removes a file
rm -r directory_name
removes the entire directory
mv old_name.txt. new_name.txt
renames a file
mv file.txt thisdir
moves the file to a directory
cp file.txt copy.txt
copies one file to the next
cp -r og_dir copy_dir
recursively copies a directory into the destination directory
cp -r og_dir* copy_dir
recursively copies the contents of a directory into the destination directory
find .
recursively prints all files and directories in the current directory
find . -name “*.txt”
finds a specific type of file in a directory
find / -name “file.txt”
finds the specific file starting from the root directory
closes session
rm -i —recursive dir_name
deleting non-empty directories safely
parent directory
refers to self directory
absolute path
starts with / to reference root directory
shortcut to change to home directory