subtropical, warm climate
sufficient rain = reliable water source
warmer, tropical climate in QLD
desire for a sunny sea change
education or employments
wind blows over water surface
friction is created with the bottom layer of wind and the top layer moves ahead
top layers of wind topple over creating circular motion of water (eddies)
waves are created and wind on back of waves pushes them forward
energy of wind causes circular oscillations beneath wave crests
friction is created between bottom of wave and seafloor closer to shore
waves steepen and become unstable
waves break and become breakers
the prevailing wind directs waves towards the shoreline at an angle (at cronulla the wind comes from a SE direction)
the waves push the swash up the beach, depositing sediment (sand)
the backwash the falls back down the beach at a right angle due to gravity
this causes sand to move up along the beach (northerly in cronulla
closest to the beach
stable and well vegetated dunes, stops sand being blown inland