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Credible sources
When coming up to decisions and inferences, there must be a
Community assessment
Data is acquired from this collection and we call it
Research objectives
In this, data collected should be related or relevant to the research
Data Quality
Data should always be complete, precise, accurate, collected in timely manner
Sensitivity issues
In collecting data, taboos should always be checked
This can be done if there is a need to travel from one place to another, if there is a need to follow up or hire different people
Queries, observations
Computerized, surveillance data
Civil Registry
Major and most effective source of vital statistics. This is where we establish the legal documents such as birth certificate and death certificate together with cause of death and ICD
Civil Registrar Office
Civil Registry documents is kept in ______
Birth Statistics
It is the most visible evidence of a persons existence as a member of a society
Birth Certificate
It is being used when calculating birth rates, maternal conditions, lengthy of gestation, birth weight and congenital abnormalities
Death Statistics
Morality Data is under this
Mortality Data
It has the advantage of being almost totally complete data of deaths
Immediate cause of death
Final disease due to further reasons
Antecedent cause of death
Pre-existing or intervening event
Underlying cause of death
It is the root cause , disease that initiated the chain of morbid events
It is being used when the cause of death is unknown
Notifiable Disease Statistics
It is being said as reportable diseases
Nature of the data
:vital statistics, registries, survey
Availability of the data
: accessibility to the researcher
Completeness of population coverage
Value limitations
: usefulness
Republic Act 10173: Data Privacy Act of 2012: Sensitive Personal Information
It is an act including individual's race, ethnic, origin, discussing about data privacy and confidentiality
Data Sharing
Voluntarily release of information by one investigator
Data Linkage
Joining data from two or more sources
Classification of disease
Method of grouping diseases based on their specific features
International Classification of Disease
Diagnostic Classification Standard for all clinical purposes. It assigns diseases with codes
The_______ the errors, the better the measurements
Number or label assigned to empirical properties
Operational Definition
Pre requisite for making measurements
Observer error
Differences or changes used by most clinicians
It is not easily defined, not measured directly
Easily defined and measured directly
Obvious and has one indicator
Not so obvious and has multiple indicators
Reproducible or repeatable - precision
Measurements reflect to the true values of theoretical factors. Accurate
Inter observer reliability
Across 2 or more observer
Intra observer reliability
Same person looking at the same data
Internal consistency (abstract factors)
Similarity among items of a composite measure
People labelled positive by the test among those with the disease
People labelled negative by the test among those without the disease
Predictive value (+)
People who tested positive who have the disease
Predictive value (-)
People who tested positive without the disease