Different tRNA molecules encoded by different genes
tRNASer carries serine
Common features
Overall ribosome shape determined by rRNA
Discrete sites for tRNA binding and polypeptide synthesis
Shine-Dalgarno sequence is complementary to 3’ 16S rRNA.
Initiator tRNA (fMet tRNA) binds AUG (with 30S subunit).
IF3 is removed and recycled.
IF1 & IF2 are released and GTP is hydrolysed, catalyzing the binding of 50S rRNA subunit.
Results in a 70S initiation complex (mRNA, 70S, fMet-tRNA)
Signaled by a stop codon (UAA, UAG, UGA).
Stop codons have no corresponding tRNA.
Release factors (RFs) bind to stop codon and assist the ribosome in terminating translation.
Termination events are triggered by release factors: