AP Psychology Unit 6 -> Motivation & Emotion

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Instinctive Theory

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Instinctive Theory

The body follows a set of biologically pre-programmed instinctual urges

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Drive Reduction Theory

Our bodies like to be in homeostasis (internal state of balance)

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Incentive Theory

Positive or negative environmental stimuli motivate behavior

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Arousal Theory (aka Yerkes-Dodson Theory)

Optimum stress is necessary for optimum performance (too much or too little stress is bad, but the right amount is optimal)

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Self-Determination Theory

Desire for significant accomplishment (being in control of your life allows you to be more self-directed)

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Extrinsic Motivation

Desire to perform a behavior for reward or to avoid punishment

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Intrinsic motivation

Desire to perform a behavior for your own sake

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Self-Actualization Theory

A true realization of our inner potential (goals & dreams)

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Extracellular thrist

Loss of fluids surrounding cells of your body (caused by vomiting & dehydration; need minerals & water to relpenish)

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Intracellular thirst

Sodium decreases fluids inside cells from eating salty foods (only water can fix this)

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Hunger hormone

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Set point theory

Your body tries to maintain a particular level of weight (homeostasis)

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs

(Bottom) Physiological, Saftey, Love/belonging, Esteem, Self-actualization, Transcendence (Top)

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Type A personality

Competitive, hard-driving, impatient,

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Type B personality

Calm, relaxed, non-competitive

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Type C

Models Type A but can mirror Type B under stress

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General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)

Process of responding to stressful events

  • Alarm → immediate (fight or flight) response of the body

  • Resistance → Body defenses weaken and stress is reduced

  • Exhaustion → Stress becomes persistent

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Adaptation Level Phenomenon

Humans adapt to their surroundings and no longer respond to the novelty of certain stimuli after a period of time has passed (Ex: winning the lottery made you happy a year ago, but now you don’t feel the same happiness)

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Approach-Approach conflict (conflict motivatoin)

occurs when you must choose between two attractive outcomes

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Avoidance-avoidance conflict (conflict motivation)

occurs when you must choose between two unattractive outcomes

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Approach-avoidance conflict (conflict motivation

When one event or goal has both attractive and unattractive features (ex: You like the taste of candy but your stomach hurts after eating it)

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The process of releasing tension (getting out of a state of tension)

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Feel Good, do-good phenomenon

The tendency to help others when your in a good mood

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Subjective well-being

Self-measuring your state of well-being (How you feel about your own life)

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Relative Deprivation

When you feel worse than the people you associate and compare them to yourself with (ex: you feel sad because all of your friends did well on a test but you didn’t)

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<p>James-Lange theory</p>

James-Lange theory

Our physiological reaction leads us to labeling the emotion

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<p>Cannon-Bard theory</p>

Cannon-Bard theory

Our physiological reaction occurs simultaneously with labeling the emotion

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<p>Shachter-Singer “2-factor” theory</p>

Shachter-Singer “2-factor” theory

Our physiological reaction occurs while we create a cognitive label from the environment; then we experience the emotion

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Opponent Process theory

after you feel an emotion you will feel the opposite of said emotion. Also, emotions work in pairs

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Leadership Style

Theory X (Task Leadership) vs Theory Y (Social leadership)

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Theory X

Constant monitoring of workers, hovers

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Theory Y

Gives challenges and freedom; workers are more motivated to demonstrate competence and creativity

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Izard Theory

10-basic emotions that are cross cultural (ex: anger, sadness, disgust)

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Ekman’s Theory

Facial muscles are used to indicate emotion and are universal

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Limbic System

Controls behavioral and emotional responses

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