purpose for or cause for an action; what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior and vice versa
an increase in the probability that the behavior performed to achieve a goal (reinforcer) will be performed again
secondary reinforces
stimuli around primary enforcer that may acquire reinforcing qualities
Moral Model
Model of drug abuse: blames the abuser for a lack of moral character or a lack of self-control
Disease Model
Model of drug abuse: the abuser requires medical treatment; assumes there is no abnormal condition in the addict’s brain
Physical Dependence Model
Model of drugs abuse: withdrawal avoidance model; abusers use drugs to avoid withdrawal symptoms (negative reinforcement)
Positive Reinforcement Model
Model of drugs abuse: drug use is a behavior controlled by positive reinforcement with no disease
behavior, neurotransmitter
all addictive drugs change ______, therefore they must interact w/ ____________ systems in the brain
increase, reuptake, agonist/antagonist
methods by which drugs interact w/ the brain
_____ release of a neurotransmitter
block ______ of a neurotransmitter
serve as an _____/______ for a neurotransmitter
stimulant that acts as an agonist on nicotonic ACh receptors and is highly addictive
increases heart rate, blood pressure, intestinal activity
stimulant that blocks monoamine transporters, especially for DA, slowing reuptake; purified extract from coca shrub
amphetamine & methamphetamine
synthetic stimulants that cause DA release and block reuptake; resemble catecholamine transmitters
alcohol’s effects are ______, meaning there is an initial stimulant phase followed by a depressant phase
alcohol ACTIVATES ______ receptors → social disinhibition, loss of motor coordination
alcohol STIMULATES ___ pathways → euphoria
fetal alcohol syndrome
damage to the developing fetus after mother abusing alcohol during pregnancy
drugs that are directly made from poppy seedpods; analgesia (pain killing); HIGHLY addictive
morphine, opium, heroin, codeine
4 examples of opiates
all drugs, synthetic and nautrally-derived from the poppy, that mimic morphine
oxycodone and fentanyl
2 examples of opioids are
endogenous opioids
peptides produced in the body that bind to opioid receptors
depression, activation, CNS
opioids induce respiratory ________ via (activation/inhibition) of u-opioid receptors in the (CNS/PNS)
u-opioid receptor antagonist that pushes opioids off receptors, saving lives
therapeutic index
separation b/t useful doses of a drug and dangerous doses
drug tolerance
successive exposures to drugs have decreasing effects
metabolic (pharmacokinetic) tolerance
tolerance: organ systems become more effective at eliminating the drug
functional (pharmacodynamic) tolerance
tolerance: target receptor/protein may show altered sensitivity to the drug
down, up
neurons (down/up)-regulate in response to an agonist drug (fewer receptors available) and (down/up)-regulate in response to an antagonist
tolerance: tolerance to a whole class of chemically similar drugs
drug effects become stronger w/ repeated treatment
(EX: cocaine sensitization → more anxiety)
increased, nucleus accumbens
microdialysis studies show that DA levels are ______ in the _____ ________ following administration of every addictive drug
learning, behavior, attention
DA release promotes _____, _____ strategies, and _____
excessive DA release causes “____-_______” of drug-seeking behaviors
medial/anterior cingulate
the “GO” circuit is found in the _____/______ ________ cortex and is involved in regulating and engaging in motivational tasks and attention
the “STOP” circuit is found in the _______ cortex and is involved in providing inhibitory control over behavior
treatment for addiction: prevents metabolism of alcohol and leads to build-up of acetaldehyde, which makes people feel sick
treatment for alcohol addiction: opioid receptor antagonist
treatment for addiction: glutamate and GABA
treatment for nicotine addiction: nACh receptor partial agonist
replacement therapies
treatment for opioid addiction: methadone, buprenoprhrine, suboxone; intended to replace opioid use
cocaine and methamphetamine
there are no FDA-approved drugs for ______ and _________ addiction