Human characteristics and knowledge are innate and hereditary. Transferred from generations. Nativism.
How is nature calculated?
The hereditary coefficient is used to assess how hereditary something is. From 0-1.0, if entirely genetically determined= 1 entirely determined by environment= 0
Human characteristics is influenced by learning and environment. Empiricism.
What is the importance of hereditary and environment?
Nature and nurture both have an influence on most behaviours. Therefore, they focus on the impact. On scale which one has most influence
Interactionist approach
Nature and nurture are so linked that it doesn’t make sense to seperate them, instead look at how they interact and influence each other
Diathesis stress model
Belief that the best explanations of mental health illnesses are those that interact between nature and nurture. Suggests that psychopathology is caused by a biological vulnerability (diathesis) which is expressed by a trigger often environment (stressor)
Environment leaves marks on our genetic code that is passed onto the new generation. Dias and Ressler have lab mice electric shocks each time they were exposed to a chemical. Mice showed fear when smelling the chemical. Children/grandchildren of the mice showed fear when smelling the chemical
Nature Evaluation- Practical Application
Can create biological based treatments.
Nature evaluation- Social Sensitivity
Can be seen as ‘scientific racism’. Jenson found average I.Q of black Americans were lower than whites and argued was a result of genetic factors
Nurture Evaluation- Practical Application
Behaviour shaping, leading to therapy. Desirable behaviours reinforced, undesirable punished
Nurture Evaluation- Social sensitivity
Theories such as ‘schizophrenic mother’ where there is blame towards the parents for the poor psychological development of the child. Heavier towards women
Interaction Evaluation- Research support
Suggests people create their own nurture by selecting an environment that is well suited to their nature.