Ecology and Connection Set 4

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nutrient cycles or biogeochemical cycles

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nutrient cycles or biogeochemical cycles

nutrients, atoms, ions and molecules are continuously cycled from the nonliving environment to living organisms (biota) and then back

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large regions characterized by distinct climate and specific lifeforms especially vegetation adapted to life there

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law of conservation of matter

we may change various elements and compounds from one physical or chemical form to another but in no physical and chemical change can we create or destroy any of the atoms

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the law of conservation of matter and energy

in any nuclear change the total amount of matter and energy involved remains the same

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nuclear change

when nuclei of certain isotopes spontaneously change or are made to change into one or more different isotopes

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nuclear medicine

using radioisotopes for diagnosis and treatment of various diseases

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nuclear fission

nuclear change in which nuclei of certain isotopes with large mass numbers are split apart into lighter nuclei when struck by neutrons; each fission releases 2 or 3 more neutrons and energy

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Low waste- society or Low throughput society

best long term solution to our environmental and re maximizing matter and energy flow (throughput) to a sustainable low waste society. Which is done by 1. reusing and recycling most nonrenewable matter resources 2. using potentially renewable resources no faster than they are replenished 3. using matter and energy resources efficiently 5. emphasizing pollution prevention and waste reduction and 6. controlling population growth

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matter-recycling society

converts an unsustainable high-throughput society, the goal is to allow economic growth to continue without depleting matter resources or producing excessive pollution and environmental

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high-waste/high-throughput societies

attempt to sustain ever-increasing economic growth by increasing the throughput of matter and enery resources in their economic systems

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