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Designing a URI
(Universal Resource Identifier) uniquely names a provider and its data, consisting of schema ("content://"), authority, and path to a table in the database.
Matches incoming Uri with content provider's Uri, initialized with provider's name, path, and return code, used via uriMatcher.match(uri).
onCreate Method Implementation
Initializes the content provider on startup, e.g., creating an SQLite database.
Query Method Implementation
Retrieves data from the database based on the Uri, using SQLiteQueryBuilder and Cursor, and notifies observer objects about changes.
Insert Method Implementation
Inserts a new row into the database and notifies ContentResolver about the change.
Update Method Implementation
Updates one or more rows in the database and notifies ContentResolver about the change.
Delete Method Implementation
Deletes one or more rows from the database and notifies ContentResolver about the change.
getType Method Implementation
Specifies the content media type (MIME type), returning "vnd.android.cursor.dir" for multiple rows and "vnd.android.cursor.item" for a single row.
Content Provider Code Example
Complete code for the ContentProvider class, including Uri, database creation, and implementation of all six methods.
Content Provider Client Objective
The client app queries data stored in the content provider app's database and displays retrieved results on its screen.
Android Service
A component running tasks in the background without a UI, essential for multitasking apps like browsing and music playback simultaneously.