AP US Unit 3: Revolution

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French Indian War, Revolution, Articles of Confederation, Declaration of Independence, Presidency of George Washington and John Adams

102 Terms


Articles of Confederation

Unified the newly independent states, creating a central government with limited power.

States fight over land in west

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Structural organization of government that limited powers.

Unicameral Congress —> 1 state = 1 vote

No power to tax

2/3 vote for passing laws

Unanimous vote for amending the constitution

No executives

No judicial —>states fight over boundaries (ex: penn vs NY)

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Situation with International Trade after war?

French (mad bc America did not pay back) and England (defeated by US)

English goods flood US markets (cheaper)

US tries to trade with Italy & Ottoman empire but pirates stop them

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Interstate Commerce

States tax each other’s trade

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Foreign relations

England keeps western front

Spain closes port of New Orleans

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Shay’s rebellion

Massachusetts decide to raise taxes to be out of debt —> poor people just print paper money = value of money went down, rich did not like bc their gold/silver were going down in currency.

Poor people can’t afford anymore —> starts to rebel by killing bankers and tax collectors and burn down building downtown.


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Admitting new states

No state owned any new land only for the Federal Government.

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Guerilla Warfare

Hit and run tactics

Purpose of war = genocide from both sides

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The French and Indian War

English and French both want control of America for natural resources

French and Indian allies attack George

George create Fort of Necessity but ends up being defeated

English colonies (only Iroquois) vs. French Cho (most Indians)

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Colonists begins to see difference with England (compare and contrast)

English troops come with red

English had strict military rules while Americans did not care for them

English looked down upon rich Americans

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Albany Plan

Meet in Albany (frontier of New York)

Pennsylvania sent Benjamin Franklin who mad Albany Plan (unite colonies —> join or die)

Albany Plan FAILS bc colonies don’t want unity

King also says “no”

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English Taxation

Enforces Navigation Acts again

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Proclamation of 1763

England did not allow colonist to move west for land because they needed the land for furs.

No reason for colonists to fight in the war then. (Unfair)

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Colonists response to Proclamation 1763

Colonists move further West and cross the Appalachians

Daniel Boone leads them to the West (form a rebellion)

Paxton Boys —> live in Pennsylvania (Scott-Irish) want to make money in West. Goal: overthrow England and kill natives (rebellion)

Colonists overall get mad that England starts taxing them.

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Native response of the Proclamation

Since the colonists keep coming in, England doesn’t really get their trade.

Native mad for they were being pushed further West.

Were also losing access to weapons since French left/ kicked out of land.

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Pontiac’s Rebellion

Pan Indian alliance

Did not like colonists coming in and taking land.

However the colonists ended up killing the natives.

English purposefully sold smallpox blankets to natives which started the biological warfare.

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Sugar Act (1764)

First time a tax was sent out to actually bring money.

Replace Molasses Act (1733)

Tricked the colonies by lower prices and adding tax.

Affects the merchants the most

External Tax (tax paid to merchant)

Merchants become poor since products become more expensive so less ppl purchase less.

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Stamp Act (1765)

Tax of official paper

ex: Receipts, newspaper, contracts playing cards

Opposition —> no taxation without representations

English Americans taxed but can’t vote

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Stamp Act Congress (1765)

9 colonies list grievances

Boycott (non-import)—> everything (don’t from England), peer pressured not to buy

Women—> if you buy from England you will not get a man

Lawyers and Newspapers hated this act

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Sons of Liberty

Poor/ middle class men in gangs (patriots)

started in boston and scare stamp officers (violent)

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Admiralty Courts

having a jury that’s biased towards England

created when taxes were implaces so that England can always win during juries,

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Declaratory Act (1765)

English merchants force repeal Act gone BUT England still have the right to tax colonies

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Committees of Correspondence

New companies letting all the colonies know what’s happening in different colonies

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Townshend Act (1766)

Created by Prime minister Townshend

Wanted tax from external tax

Tax —> lead, paint, paper, tea

Took away executive branch from the colonists

  • use money to pay royal

Rebellion again

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Boston Massacre (1770)

England sends troops to enforce new policy

Boston because it has largest trade. port

-Sons of Liberty pelt the soldiers with snoballs so that the soldiers will break and show that they’re bad.

  • Songs rang bell (fire bell) in order to get more ppl. to see

  • ppl, yelling fire caused British soldiers to fire and kill 5 ppl.

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Tea Act (1773)

1stL save British Tea Company only company can sell tea

2nd: reduce the tax (Sam Adams mad because he doesn’t want any tax)

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Boston Tea Party (1773)

Taxed tea so no one bought tea

England lowers tax in order to “bail out” of Tea company

Sam Adams thinks it is a trick and ends up dumping out tea into the sea.

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Coercive/ Intolerable Acts (1774)

Boston Port Act —> shuts port down until they pay back the tea

Quartering Act —> colonists in Boston has to house and feed English soldiers

Act of impartial Administration of Justice / Murder Act —> If soldier has killed a colonist then the jury has to be in England

Massachusetts Gov. Act —> Law enforces now appointed:

  • No town meeting without consent (can’t make decisions)

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1st Continental Congres

12 colonies (except Georgia) send representatives to talk about how to stop England without war (Massachusetts wants war)


  • continue boycott

  • continental associations

  • collect military supplies (just in case)

  • agree to meet again

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Lexington and Concord (1775)

Spies in colonies know that there’s weapons in Lexington or Concord (and Adams and Hancock)

British march midnight with 700 men

Spy in Boston knows British are coming

1 lantern = British are coming on the road

2 lanterns = British are coming through the river

Paul Revere sees and rides horse and yells the “redcoats” are coming

Sam Adams and John Hancock weft with weapons. British find Militia (militia tries to leave, bu someone yelled “fire” and it was the first shot)

  • British have a long march back (270 dead or injured)

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2nd Continental Congress (1775)

Provides “government” for war

13 colonies at Philadelphia still desired Reconciliation (unity)

Actions taken —> boycotts, petitions, and continue to field army

George Washington was chosen.

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Traditional Self-government of colonies

Before: governor appointed by King but paid by colonists After: paid by king

Before: judges elected by people After: judge appointed by King

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Sam Adams

Member/ leader of Sons of Liberty, good at propaganda.

Committees of correspondence

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Enlightenment Ideas in Common Sense

Thomas Paine —> arguing for independence, can make yourself wealthy through merit. King acted as a tyrant not God’s representative, people can rule themselves without a king. Kind is holding America back (America can do anything without constraints)

IMPORTANT: anyone could understand

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Declaration of Independence (1776)

Proposed by Richard Henry Lee (VA), Thomas Jefferson writes most of Declaration of iNdependence, John Adams (cousin of Sam) massachusetts rep., Ben Franklin.

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Loyalist (1776-1781) (Tories)

People who stayed on England’s side

Did not want to die, rich people, royal employees, New York (aristocrats ), Quakers, slaves.

About ¼ or a 1/3 of people (anglican (south) and older people)

Flee to Canada or England or stay and fight while some become spies (women)

Many harassed the loyalists

ex: don’t talk to you, beat you up, steal home. business, kill you

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English Advantages

Population —> English: 7.5 million people America: 2.5 million (mostly slaves)

Government —> English” strong and centralized America: decentralized (local)

Money —> English: taxes, borrow, species (money made of gold. silver) America: no taxes, hard to borrow, paper money

Military —> English: largest nave, army, mercenaries, loyalists (1/3), America : militia 1/3

Manufacturing —> English: onset of industrial rev. America: none

Distance —> English: far and fighting for oppression America: home fighting for freedom and liberty

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Who were Patriots

Liberals (gov, and elite = bad) —> gov. = weak and controlled (don’t have to pay debts unlike the poor)

Wealthy southern planters (are looked down on)

New Englanders Scot-Irish (don’t like England)

Farmer (middle colony, southern so they can trade with anyone)

Artisans (can’t manufacture)

African Americans because they wanted freedom (t=if they go instead of owner)

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Republican Motherhood —> appreciation for women because they need to cook for soldiers, sew clothes, educate sones, run economy when men are away

Changed to some extent (women get to vote in NEw Jersey for 5 years after Revolution).

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Colonial Militia v.s. Continental Army

Colonial Militia —> most are ill trained, ill equipped, no uniform, serve temporarily

Continental Army —>permanent soldiers, under GW leadership, best trained ,all over states, small

Both rarely get paid

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Wasington’’s leadership

Wrote letters to different colonies congress for more good and pay, but no response

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Valley Forge

Philadelphia coldest winter (many died, British were in their homes while Patriots were outside)

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French Aid

Give food, weapons secretly (couldn’t help because they weren’t ready)

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Saratoga (1777)

British comes from North and SOuth o f the Judson River. However the south British armies are captured due to the forest which led patriots to make them surrender

IMPORTANT because French were seeing/ testing if America can win (now they support openly)

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Yorktown (1781)

Start from south (since there’s more loyalists)

Cornwallis (leader of England) lacks of food went to Peninsula but English and French have fight in ocean but Cornwallis didn’t know.

When he shows up to the peninsula, he was cornered by 3 French ships and GW’s army

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Treaty of Paris

Colonies of the US and French are allies (BFFs) forever. —> don’t stop war, but sign Treaty of Paris in Paris with British

French wanted to continue the fight but America did not causing US to sign treaty with England to stop war.

America gain land —> England vacate Ohio, America will return Loyalist Property, and repay debt of British mercenaries (none of these are kept)

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IMpact of American Revolution on France

Inspire French to rebel —> they were in debt because of war American Revolution, so it made French king to tax people causing French Revolution

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Impact of the American REvolution on Haiti

French were busy with their Revolution so slaves wanted to rebel. Gen De color (free people of color) went to America for REvolution and saw the the enlightenment and rebelled.

Leader —> Toussaint Louverture

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Spirit of 76 and its Limits

Spirit of 96—> No more deference (respect), LImited gov. (gov, are weak), opportunity, democracy, freedom, and liberty

Did not apply to women and people of color, and poor people, no land = no vote

After war the property requirements went down so there’s more men voting

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Primogeniture (spirit of 96)

Inheritance rules are abolished (no more first son gets everything)

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Established Churches (spirit of 96)

Get rid of churches because it is more freedom (don’t have to believe —> forced)

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State Capitals (spirit of 96)

THey were moved West so that poor people can access gov. as well.

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Limited state governments (spirit of 96)

Don’t have legislation (rule maker) so even if laws are enforced people don’t follow the rules.

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Abolition in the North

All slaves free (outlaw slaves)

Quakers and Ben Franklin fund first the anti-slavery society

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Abolition in the South

No slaves are free —> depend on slaves

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Division of North and South

Mason & Dixon line made the border of Northern colonies and Southern colonies

No National anti-slavery

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No Judicial Branch

States fight over boundaries (ex: penn v.s. NY)

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Land Ordinance of 1785

survey old Northwest (above Ohio river) in orderly way

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Northwest Ordinance (1787)

system for adding new states in the West (territory - application statehood) —> share power

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Public Education

All the money the farmers make wnet to public schools (only in North)

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Supporters: Coast (elits & merchants)

  • George Washington, Ben Franklin, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton

  • Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Georgia, Pennsylvania (forces quorum)

Want to ratify (sign) the Constitution and wanted a more unified National Union (wanted a more powerful National government)

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Anti- Federalists

Supporters: Poor people, local politicians (wanted more state power than National power)

  • Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, John Hancock, Thomas Paine, Virginia, & New York

Arguments against the Constitution:

Constitution was not supposed to be written only 9/13 colonies say yes so Federalist try to convince by …

  • Virginia —> ratify by convincing George Washington (joined) made Virginia to agree (endorse)

  • New York —> Federalist Essays (James Madison, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton), was put in newspapers and promised tyranny of majority —> majority rules.

    • Federalist #10 —> no tyranny of majority bc America is too big (convinced New York to ratify)

  • Massachusetts —> did not like taxes and had strong Spirit of 96

    • Wanted Bill of Rights

    • John Hancock promised ppl. that bill of Rights is made by making him the first prez (he was not first prez)

  • Rhode Island —> threatened that they will cease to exist, peer pressured to join

Eventually all 13 joined to make the Constitution

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The Constitutional Convention

James Madison wrote most of constitutional convention

Charles Beard says the Constitution was made for rich men

Held in Secrecy

Not attendence: Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, or Thomas Jeffery

Land Speculators buy land at small price and sell them at high price

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New Jersey Plan

equal rep.

  • 1 state = 1 vote (not many like)

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3/5 Compromise

South can count some of their slaves (3/5)

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Slave trades

North - no because South will get more power

South - wants however outlaws Slave Trade to America because they know that slaves will eventually reproduce

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Elastic Cause

Gov. has power to do anything for necessary and proper government can do anything they want

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State powers

10th Amendment

Powers kept by the States or the People

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Bill of Rights

10 changes to the Constitution

9th Amendment —> does not limit rights (add rights)

10th Amendment —> if it is not specifically listed in constitution then can’t change (state power)

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Approving the Constitution

Debate over ratifying with Federalists and Anti-Federalists


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Virginia Plan

bicameral legislature, proportional representation

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Connecticut Plan (great compromise)

house and senate (bicameral)

senate = equal representation

House of Representatives = proportional to population

Tax bills can only start in the House (more ppl in big states = effective in say)

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Checks and Balances

President don’t abuse power = no tyrant

Ex: impeach, veto

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Executive Branch (President )

Enforces laws

people vote for electoral college (& the electors chose/vote for president) —→ electoral college —→ president

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Commander in Chief —> government control

Conduct foreign policy (wars, peace treaties)

Veto: he needs to check then executive/ congress can override by 2/3 of congress to agree

Impeach: house of representative says “they think the president did something wrong”

Restrictions: can’t declare war, four year term (2 terms)

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(bottom) common ppl —→ state legislature —→ US senate (6 years) (top)

investigates president for trial, if succeeded then president is removed (100 jurors)

When president makes treaty —> senate needs to agree

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Judicial Branch (Supreme Court)

Judges whether you are guilty or innocent (did you break law or not)

Prez can nominate supreme court (9), senate interviews them (Judges —> for life)

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Legislative Branch (The Congress)

Creates Laws

The Congress has two sections the House of Representatives & Senate

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House of Representatives

Initiate revenue bills, elect president from electoral vote (electoral college),

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Jay’s Treaty

Washington sent John Jay to England to negotiate not to go to war with England.

England promises to respect U.S. rights (but don’t do any of them) —→ don’t respect any of the U.S’ rights

Democratic Republican Party mad and hangs (fake Jay) to threaten him.

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Neutrality Proclamation

Neutral —> Avoid making enemies (US is too weak)

Washington made U.S. isolationists

Trade with everyone —> helps US economy (farmers)

Isolationism = expansion of presiden power

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British attacks on US ships

Because America was trading with everyone including the French, the English were mad and attacked all the ships. Then the Americans on the ships were impressed (forced to fight in English Navy)

English wants US to stop giving rice to Haiti because English were fighting French and don’t want more nuisance.

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Pickeney’s Treaty

Spanish restricted U.S. from New Orleans, Spain scarred that Spanish florida/ Louisiana will be taken if U.S. continues to go West.

Created a Treaty with U.S. and Spain (southern border of US) (31st parallel)

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French attacks on US ships

Mad because US broke the treaty (treaty of alliance)

Attacks US ships and impress them

Federalists demanded war with France but Republican Democratic did not want War

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XYZ Affair

Adams wants to avoid war because he knows we won’t win

Adams had to go through talking with lower government official of France (X,Y, Z).

Adams wanted to talk to Talleyrand (leader)

They made US pay xyz and king of France so Adamas left with a huff

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Convention of 1800 (treaty)

Public demands war but Addams tries again for peace

Adams rip up treaty of alliance = no longer friends with France

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Presidency of John Adams

Adam’s prepares for war

Department of Navy —> created the Navy

Also creates Marine Corps (navy’s army)

Taxes are increased

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Federalists views on French Rev.

Don’t like because they’re pro elite

Against helping French with war in Europe

England also in war so federalists don’t want to fight their biggest traders

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Democratic Republican views on French Rev.

Like because its about the people

Wants to help out because they helped us win democratic freedom

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Alien and Sedition Acts (Adams)

Federalists want to silence Democratic Republican

Sedition Acts —> Admas made it illegal to criticize gov.

Alien Act (not citizen —> immigrants) —> par of Democratic Republican becomes bigger due to immigrants = more power for DR so he makes immigrants citizens in 14 years when they have more money and likely be part of Federalist party

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Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (1798)

DR response t the Alien and Sedition Acts (TJ and JM)

States have right to not listen (nullify)

Compact theory —> states have the power to change parts of the constitution

DR believed states should have more power

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Secretary State (thomas jefferson) —> deals with talking

Secretary treasure (alexander hamilton) —> deals with money

Secretary war (henry knox) —> deals with war

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Judiciary Act of 1789

Local —> Regional —→ District —→ Supreme Court (9)

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Federal vs. State Power (Federalists Party)

Alexander Hamilton —> control by elite

Wanted people to fear America (wanted America rich)

Pro business, pro federal government have power

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National Bank

Federalists created the National Bank (owned by private men)

Rich men pool money to make more money

John Hancock owns the bank

Collects tax to John Hancock’s back —> allows businesses to grow with Hank=ock’s help

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National Debt

Federal gov. take state debt and the states will make sure the states do everything for the Federal government

Rich also likes because federal government gives back money even (at par)

Fails because Virginia says no since they already paid all their debt

Hamilton approves National Debt by allowing South to move capital to south (Washington DC)

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Put tax on British products so that American businesses can thrive.

Bad because farmers become poor

Helps north but hurts south

Tariff on imports

Bad because England also puts tariffs on Tobacco so southern planters don’t like (Farmers, poor, and southern planters hate tariffs)

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George Washington’s Farewell Address

George Washington warns US. urges future prez. to avoid “entangling alliances” (no permanent treaties)

  • Ex: Treaty of Alliance (France)

Urges to shun political parties

  • Ex: Alexander Hamilton v.s. Thomas Jefferson

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Native's uprisings after the Treaty of Paris (1783)

Chief Little Turtle and Chief Blue Jacket leads pan-indian alliance against US.

Natives lose at Battle of the Fallen Timbers (1794)

Leads them to sign Treaty of Greenville (giving up Northwest Ohio)

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Treaty of Greenville

Both Chief little Turtle and Chief Blue Jacket signed treaty to give up Northwest Ohio

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