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Single cell organisms that can multiply rapidly on their own. Most bacteria are harmless or beneficial but some can cause infectious diseases such as strep throat or tuberculosis
Chemicals, ionizing radiation, and viruses that cause or promote the development of cancer
amount of potentially harmful substance an individual ingests, inhales, or absorbs through the skin
dose-responsive curve
plot of data showing the effects of various doses of a toxic agent on a group of test organisms
infectious disease
disease caused when a pathogen such as a bacterium, virus, or parasite invades the body and multiplies in its cells and tissues. Some examples include HIV, the flu, malaria, tuberculosis, and measles
chemical or form of radiation that causes changes in the DNA molecules in genes
nontransmissible disease
disease that is not caused by living organisms and does not spread from one person to another. Examples include most cancers, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and malnutrition.
consumer organism that lives on or in, and feeds on, a living plant or animal, known as the host. The parasite draws nourishment from and gradually weakens its host. Some parasites can also cause malaria and other serious diseases.
living organism that can cause disease in another organism (ex. bacteria, viruses, parasites)
precautionary principle
when there is a significant scientific uncertainty about potentially serious harm from chemicals or technologies, decision makers should act to prevent harm from humans and the environment
amount of health damage caused by exposure to a certain dose of harmful substance or from of radiation
risk analysis
identifying hazards, evaluating the nature and severity of risks associated with the hazards, ranking risks, using this and other information to determine options and make decisions about reducing or eliminating risks, and communicating information about risks to decision makers and public
risk assessment
process of gathering data and making assumptions to estimate short and long term harmful effects on human health or the environment from exposure to hazards associated with the use of a particular product or technology
risk management
use of risk assessment and other information to determine options and make decisions about reducing or eliminating risks
synergistic interaction
interaction of two or more factors or processes so that the combined effect is greater than the sum of their separate effects
chemical, ionizing agent, or virus that causes birth defects
toxic chemical
an element or compound that can cause temporary or permanent harm or death to humans
measure of the ability of a substance to cause injury, illness, or death to a living organism
study of the adverse effects of chemicals on health
transmissible disease
disease that is caused by living organisms and can spread from one person to another by air, water, food, or other bodily fluids
microorganism that can transmit an infectious disease by invading a cell and taking over its genetic chemistry to copy itself and then spread throughout the body
Compounds accumulated in body tissues passed from one organism to another through the food chain
an acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated water or food
Endocrine System
Glands secrete hormones that regulate processes such as growth, reproduction, and nutrient use (metabolism) by body cells.
An outbreak of an infectious disease that is limited to one area or region
An outbreak of an infectious disease that spreads globally
Second most deadly disease for humans, leads to development of AIDs, contracted by unprotected sex and sharing needles with infected people, as infants from mothers during birth/breast- feeding
The most deadly infectious disease, known as the flu, very contagious
Mosquito-borne disease spread by the protozoan parasite Plasmodium, in warmer areas, DDT reduced
Toxins that cause damage to the brain, nerves, or spinal cord (Examples: methyl mercury, PCBs, lead)
Non- Transmissible Disease
One that cannot be spread from person to person (Examples: hard and blood vessel diseases, diabetes, cancers, asthma).
Bacterial disease in crowded conditions in LDCs, spreads through the air by coughs and sneezes from infected individuals