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A value sent into a function.
Arithmetic operators
Operators such as +, -, *, //, %, used for arithmetic calculations.
A subset of the Unicode Character set mapping the set of keyboard characters to integers that can be stored in the computer
Assignment operator
The operator = which is used to assign a value to an object.
Assignment statement
A statement setting a variable to a value.
Binary operators
Operators needing two operands, such as +, -, *, /, %.
The smallest addressable unit of memory. 8 bits make a byte.
A binary digit, 8 bits make a byte.
High-level language
A programming language designed to be relatively easy for people to understand and use.
A set of steps which, when followed, give a solution to a problem.
A term used to describe the nature of a class which creates multiple copies of itself
Boolean expression
An expression that evaluates to true or false.
Non-executing text which a programmer inserts in the program to explain and document the code.
Putting two strings together to form one
Concatenation operator
The operator + which concatenates two strings.
Removing syntax or grammar, run-time, and logical errors from a program.
Divide and conquer
A method of problem solving which breaks the problem into smaller pieces to make it easier to solve.
Escape sequence or escape characters
Characters that override the meaning of the code to allow for insertion of special characters
To run a program.
Floating-point type
Numbers with a decimal point.
A placeholder in a method used to stand in for the argument.
A programmer-created name of a variable.
Infinite loop
A loop which has no exit.
Information hiding
Creating a method which can be used without knowledge of its design or implementation.
Adding one to a variable during processing, usually in a loop.
Integer type
A whole number without a decimal point.
Keyword or reserved word
A word reserved by Python that cannot be used as an identifier.
Logic error
An error not caught by the interpreter.
Logical operators
Operators used in a logical expression, such as
A programming mechanism to control repeated execution of a block of code.
Loop control variable
A variable used to control a loop.
Machine language
The language that the computer can understand directly.
Nested loop
A loop within a loop.
Off-by-one error
A loop which misses the number of repetitions by one.
Having two or more method definitions with the same method name.
A placeholder that is filled with an argument when a function is called.
Precedence rules
The default order in which operators are performed.
A set of programmer-written instructions for the computer to follow
Python-like code and English statements used to write the program's algorithm.
Relational operators
Operators used in a logical expression, such as
Relational expression
An expression which evaluates to true or false.
One of the fundamental control mechanisms which repeats a block of code.
Reserved word or keyword
Words with pre-defined meaning which cannot be used as user identifiers.
Return value
The value returned by a function.
A program which does not crash because it tests input for correctness.
Run-time errors
Errors caught by the computer when the program is running.
Also known as branching, one of the fundamental control mechanisms used to choose a logical path.
Self-documenting code
Choosing descriptive variable names to aid in program understanding.
An end-of-data marker, indicating the end of a loop.
One of the fundamental control mechanisms, execution of instructions one after another with no branching or repetition.
Source code
A program written in a high-level language.
Stepwise refinement
A method of problem solving which breaks the problem into smaller pieces to make it easier to solve.
A sequence of characters.
Syntax error
A problem with a program's grammar
Top-down design
A method of problem solving which breaks the problem into smaller pieces to make it easier to solve.
An important debugging and programming tool, which consists of doing a desk check on code; following the logical path of the code.
Unary operator
An operator which takes only one operand.
A variable which has not yet been given a value.
A program which provides a good user interface.
User interface
Provides the client the necessary information to use the program or method.
A user-created identifier to hold an object which can change during the course of the program.
Variable declaration
Telling the computer to create a memory location for an object.