English II H Midterm

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Vocab, Books, and Charcters



82 Terms



A philosophical theory that focuses on the existence of a person as free and responsible, having the ability to determine their actions of their own will, without being held back by the belief in a higher power.

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A writer expressing their attitude or feelings toward a subject to the audience.

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A description of features of a character that are distinctive, or make them stand out.

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The feeling a reader can get through a text. Often expressed through setting or atmosphere.

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The process of analyzing a literary work with the goal of understanding its meaning.

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An object, person, place, situation, or action that has a literal meaning, but also represents or suggests other meanings.

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Diction/word choice

An author's choice of phrasing while writing. There are different 'tiers' including formal, informal, colloquial, and slang.

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A short quote at the beginning of a book or chapter, often intended to suggest the theme of said book or chapter.

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A prominent feature or idea in a text. Often focused on in conversations of the text or in thesis statements.

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An expression that is meant to call something to mind without directly saying it, such as an indirect or passing reference.

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The expression of what someone means by using words that normally mean the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

An event or state of affairs that seems to be the opposite of what someone expects and is often amusing as a result.

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A warning or indication of a future event that is yet to happen.

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A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to something (such as an object or an action), that it doesn't actually apply to.

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Language that is descriptive and/or figurative. Used to paint a picture of a person, place or thing in a reader's mind.

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Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier

Griet is a Dutch girl who has to work as a maid for a rich family to support her family. The Vermeers are Catholic and Johannes Vermeer is a famous painter who notices Griet's curiosity. Griet and Vermeer develop an intimate relationship and Vermeer paints Griet wearing his wife's pearl earrings. This gets Griet fired, after which she marries the butcher's son, Pieter.

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The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Liesel's family is dead so she is sent to live on Himmel Street with Rosa and Hans Hubermann during Nazi Germany. Liesel steals books and Hans teaches her to read and write. She befriends her neighbor, Rudy Steiner, who's in love with her. Hans has to go fight with the Nazis and Rudy has to join the Hitler Youth. The Hubermanns hide Max Vandenburg, a Jew, in their basement whom Liesel befriends. Himmel Street is bombed and Liesel is the only survivor. Before she dies of old age, Death returns to her the book she had written. (Story is narrated by Death)

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"I Stand Here Ironing" by Tillie Olsen

The narrator is talking to someone as she is ironing who asks about her daughter, Emily. Emily was born during the Great Depression and her father left, which caused the mother to struggle so she had to send Emily to live with the father's parents while she raised enough money to take care of them. The mother remarries and has another girl named Susan but when Emily returns she catches the measles and has to stay in a convalescent home. Afterwards, Emily shows her true self at a comedy show in school.

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"There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury

There has been a nuclear bombing and everything has disappeared except for one house. The house is very high-tech and continues its duties despite the owners being gone. The dog is still alive but eventually dies due to exposure to radiation. Even though the house survived the nuclear explosion, it gets destroyed by a house fire.

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Demian by Hermann Hesse

Emil Sinclair lives his life seemingly influenced by others. He meets Max Demian and Demian teaches him to be his own person and live life how he wants to, without outside influence. Later in the novel, when he leaves Demian, he realizes the attachment Demian had on him.

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Stranger than Fiction (film)

Harold Crick has a boring life until he starts hearing a voice narrating his life. He works for the IRS and meets Ana Pascal, a baker with unpaid taxes, whom he falls in love with. He meets with Professor Hilbert to discuss the voice when he hears it say, "His imminent death". He tries doing things that make him happy and he eventually realizes who his author is. He goes to meet Karen Eiffel who has already outlined his death. She changes it so that he gets hit by a bus while saving a little boy but survives.

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The Stranger by Albert Camus

The novel follows the aimless life of the narrator, Meursault, a young man living in Algiers. It opens with his mother dying and him going to the funeral, where he does not cry. He then returns to Algiers where he becomes entangled in the life of his neighbor, Raymond, who abuses his mistress, who has been cheating on him. Meursault also gets involved in an emotionless and indifferent romance with a former co-worker, Marie, who wants to marry him. At the beach, Meursault takes Raymond's gun so he won't shoot the Arab but ends up killing him himself (unplanned murder). His trial focuses mainly on his character, and he is sentenced to death.

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The Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini

Amir is a rich boy who lives with his father and servants. During the kite runner race, he watches his best friend (and half brother), Hassan get raped by Hitler loving Assef, and does nothing about it. Consumed with guilt, he successfully attempts to get rid of Hassan and his father, Ali. Later Baba and Amir move to America, where he marries Soraya. Many years later, an old family friend calls on Amir to come rescue Sohrab, the son of Hassan. Hassan and his wife were killed by the taliban a few years earlier. Amir takes a beating by Assef, but eventually saves Sohrab. Sohrab attempts suicide because he believed Amir would put him in the orphanage, but is unsuccessful. Amir adopts Sohrab, and the book closes with them kite running.

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Maid in the Vermeer household. She cleans Vermeer's studio and eventually becomes his assistant and model for a painting. Gets fired because she wore Catharina's pearl earrings.

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- Oldest (most loyal) maid

- Liked Griet until they had to change bedrooms

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Pieter the son

Griet's love interest, son of the Vermeer's butcher, who fully has trust in Griet and desperately wants to marry her.

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Pieter the Father

Vermeer family butcher

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Painter who asked Griet to work in his studio and be in his painting

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Wife of Vermeer. 11 kids. Wishes she was wealthy. Very clumsy. Not allowed in the studio. Very jealous of Griet (fires her)

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Maria Thins

-Catharina's mother , had key to the art studio and assisted Vermeer by retrieving the pearl earrings for Griet

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Griet's 10-year-old sister who dies of the plague.

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Griet's brother

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Griet's Father

loses sight in mine explosion and can't work which requires Griet to work

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Vermeer's eldest daughter who befriends Griet.

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Daughter of Vermeer. Griet hits her in the beginning of the novel. Hates Griet. Breaks Griet's tile, tries to get Griet in trouble for stealing a comb.

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Pieter van Ruijven

Patron of Vermeer who buys his paintings. Repeatedly tries to assault Griet and buys the painting of her with the earrings.

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Liesel Meminger

foster child of Rosa and Hans, Brother died and mom is gone, wasn't very smart but learns to read, steals books, sole survivor of Himmel Street bombing

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Rudy Steiner

Liesel's Best Friend, has blonde hair and blue eyes, loved Jesse Owens, tries to kiss Liesel, very fast runner

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Rosa Hubermann

Liesel's foster mother, mean to Liesel at first, holds Hans' accordion because she misses him

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Hans Hubermann

Liesel's foster father who plays accordion for her and teaches her to read and write. Gets recruited for the Nazi army.

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Max Vandenburg

The young Jewish man the Hubermann's hide in their home. Dreams of boxing Hitler. Writes stories for Liesel

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narrator of the story

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Ilsa Hermann

The mayor's wife. Can't get over her son's death. Lets Liesel steal her books

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Frau Holtzapfel

The neighbor who constantly feuds with Rosa. Asks Liesel to read for her

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Narrator (I stand here ironing)

mother of Emily and Susan who struggles to take care of them.

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troubled daughter of the narrator who is jealous of Susan and couldn't get much attention from mother because she had to support them financially. Personality comes out at comedy performance

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Emily's sister who likes to steal her stuff

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The House

automated house that does chores until it catches fire and dies (ironic because it survived the nuclear explosion which killed its owners)

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Emil Sinclair

The main character of the novel. The book focuses on his intellectual development from the age of 10 to adulthood. An older Sinclair tells the stories of his youth. This development of his changes him from a religious boy confined in his beliefs to a man who wants to be aware of his true self more than anything else

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Max Demian

A gifted boy that ends up becoming both Sinclair's friend and mentor. He is also Sinclair's inspiration. Even when the two aren't together, Sinclair still feels Demian's influence. Since Demian had a lot figured out, he helped Sinclair along his journey until he too had matured.

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Frau Eva

Demian's mother, who seems to have both male and female features. She isn't bound by society's norms for women. She acts as a motherly figure to Sinclair, who later ends up falling in love with her.

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A girl who Sinclair sees in the park that also seems to have both male and female features. Even though he never actually talks to her, she functions as a source of inspiration for Sinclair and his painting. She symbolizes the life Sinclair wishes to lead, a combination of both light and darkness.

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The organist at a church in the town of Sinclair's boarding school. Sinclair listens to his music. They eventually meet when Sinclair follows him to a bar. He teaches Sinclair about Abraxas. He takes the place of Demian in a way, acting as Sinclair's mentor during a time that Demian is not in Sinclair's life.

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A God known to mystics in ancient times who contains both good and evil aspects. Sinclair connects with Abraxas more than the Christian God, who only represents god aspects as opposed to both.

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Franz Kromer

A bully who blackmails Sinclair

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A student who seeks out Sinclair for intellectual guidance toward the end of Sinclair's time at preparatory school. Attempted to commit suicide before he was stopped by Sinclair. He would follow Sinclair around and show up when he was struggling with a question, and unknowingly give Sinclair the boost needed to solve it.

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Harold Crick

Lives a very boring and repetitive life until he begins to hear someone narrate his life. He hears the woman say he will die, and tries his best to prevent it.

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Karen Eiffel

An author famous for killing off her main characters. She gets writers block on her story, and then meets Harold, deciding not to kill him. She's the voice narrating Harold Crick's story

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Ana Pascal

Anarchist who runs a bakery and never does her taxes. She ends up falling in love with Harold

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protagonist and narrator; has little to no emotion which contrast with those around him. Believes life is absurd and that it doesn't matter when you die. Kills an Arab

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Marie Cardona

A former co-worker of Meursault who begins an affair with him the day after his mother's funeral. She is young and high-spirited, and loves Meursault, but the feelings aren't mutal.

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Mother of Meursault who dies at the beginning of book.

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The chaplain

Church guy who sees Meursault before he dies Meursault refuses to see him because he doesn't believe in god, but he comes anyway.

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Thomas Perez

Good friends with Maman. Said he was too sad to see Meursault act a certain way at the funeral, but didn't see him cry

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The examining magistrate

The person questions Meursault several times after his arrest. Deeply disturbed by Meursault's apparent lack of grief over his mother's death, the he brandishes a crucifix at Meursault and demands to know whether he believes in God.

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The caretaker

Offered Meursault a cigarette and coffee, but didn't take any for himself. Brought that up later in the trial

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The director

Said at the trial that Meursault hadn't cried once and didn't pay respects before he left.

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Owner of Meursault's favorite restaurant. Considered Meursault a friend, and said what happened was "bad luck"

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One of Raymond's friends, who invites Raymond, Meursault, and Marie to spend a Sunday at his beach house with him and his wife. It is during this ill-fated trip to Masson's beach house that Meursault kills the Arab. Masson is a vigorous, seemingly contented figure, and he testifies to Meursault's good character during Meursault's trial.

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Guy who loves his dog a little too much. Said that Meursault was good to his dog and kept repeating "you must understand" when asked about putting his mom in the home.

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The Arab

Killed by Meursault on the beach, has beef with Raymond because he hit his sister

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He strives for his father's affection more than anything in the early parts of his life. Heis a witness to the incident with Hassan and Assef, saying that there was nothing he could do because he was paralyzed with fear. He feels guilty about this for the rest of the book. He is the husband of Soraya and the adoptive father of Sohrab after Hassan's death. We also learn later on that he is Hassan's half brother.

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A Hazara, Amir's half brother, and also his servant, considered to be like a brother, yet Amir treats him badly. Extremely loyal to Amir, and is a morally good person.

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Amir and Hassan's dad, mid father. His wife died giving birth to Amir, also he's very rich. He and Amir moved to America and he died of cancer, rip.

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Hassan's dad (not biologically). Lives with Baba because Baba's baba saved him in court when his parents died.

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Son of Hassan. His parents were killed by the Taliban so he went to live in the orphanage but was taken and abused by Assef. Tries to kill himself, but is unsuccessful and now lives with Amir (Amir's second chance)

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He bullied Amir and Hassan from a young age. He was the cause and perpetrator of the incident with Hassan. He later appears in the story and fights with Amir about Sohrab, and then Sohrab shoots him in the eye with a slingshot. (skill issue) Basically, the bad guy of the story who doesn't change at all. Hitler lover and wannabe.

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Rahim Khan

Father figure to Amir, better dad then Baba honestly. Tells Amir to come back to Afghanistan to fix his mistake.

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Farid is Amir's driver when he returns to Afghanistan. Later on, he becomes a loyal friend to Amir. He is a former mujahedin fighter who becomes a vital part of rescuing Sohrab. He is missing toes and fingers from a landmine explosion.

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Hassan's Mom. Ran away and joined a caravan only to return many years later. Despite being immoral in her youth, she is a caring grandmother to Sohrab when she returns. She dies, rip.

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Wife of Amir, ran away with her boyfriend when she was young and was shunned from society. She is intelligent and level-headed, always there when Amir needs her help. She can be strong willed like her dad, and she dislikes the way women are usually treated in Afghan culture.

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General Taheri

Father of Soraya, used to be a general

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The Girlfriend Beater and Meursault's best friend.He's described as sort of a pimp. He and his friends fought with the Arabs and was stabbed in the arm. He encouraged Meursault to take the gun on the walk to the beach. He defended Meursault during the trial, remaining loyal to him

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