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Inefficiencies and disparities. comparisons w/ other countries show variations in spending w/o differences in health outcomes
The downside to improving health care and longevity is that
Collecting data on health components, documenting trends, health status, access/ utilization of healthcare services; disseminating reliable and accurate info abt the health of our population. also gaining an understanding of healthcare needs of pops in subgroups especially w/ changes in access to health care w/ healthcare reform
what has increased the prevalence of chronic & degenerative diseases associated w/ aging?
longevity and an increased # of elderly
The development of new drugs to treat chronic diseases and growth of drug coverage by private and governmental health insurance
Coronavirus (COVID-19), avian (bird) influenza, and Ebola. can be transmitted to humans by an infected animal (bat or nonhuman primate) or a sick/ dead person infected w/ virus
TRICARE thru department of defense, Civilian health & medial program of dept. of veterans affairs (CHAMPVA), and the Indian Health Service (IHS).
congress plays a key role in this federal activity by (3)
making laws
allocating funds
doing investigative work thru committees
exercise and aerobic classes offered by city recreation dep. adult education programs, & private/ nonprofit gyms encourage what?
consumers to exercise &maintain cardiovascular fitness, promoting better health thru lifestyle changes
The majority of hospitals in the U.S., with over 5,000 being community hospitals and nearly 3,000 of community hospitals being non-profit
It was established in 2001 to support 1,200 free clinics across almost all states.
created Medicare and Medicaid programs. fund health care for those over 65 thru Medicare and for the indigent thru Medicaid
what is the U.S depart. of health and human services are responsible for?
public health, biomedical research, food & drug safety, disease control, and prevention, Indian health, & mental health services
Fee-for-service.- payment for each service at the time of service
A federal health program for people aged 65 and older and certain younger disabled persons such as kidney failure (endstage renal disease) or (asl or lou Ghrig’s disease)
In 1929 by group of Dallas teachers contracted by Baylor University to provide 21 days of hospitilization for a fixed $6 payment
1 in 5 Americans making it the nations largest pubic health insurance program
Approval of Medicare and Medicaid w/ passage of title 18 and 19
What does the fee-for-service model reward?
Volume of services performed rather than quality.the number of laboratory tests, number of surgeries, number of days in the hospital-rather than quality and cost control (value) of those services
Almost 50% growth & is likely change demands for health care and caregiving in the U.S
what is part C and part D that many older adults purchase
medicare advantage and prescription medication from private insurance companies
acts as supplemental insurance for older adults & disabled. pays for medicare premiums, including cost sharing requirements and prescription drugs.
What is PACE?
A form of integrated care for older individuals with chronic needs.improve care coordination, and reduce administrative burdens. PACE provides comprehensive preventive, primary, acute, and long-term care services so older individuals with chronic care needs can continue living in the community.
To coordinate care for older adults with multiple health problems.
Medicare Supplemental Health Insurance (Medigap). from private company to cover deductibles & copayments for part A &B
what is Obama care ?
the patient protection & affordable care act was modified by the health care & education reconciliation act of 2010. the 2 collectively called the affordable care act signed into law by President Obama.
What health benefits are required by qualified health plans under by all qualified health plans
Ambulatory services, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity/ newborn care, mental health and substance use disorder services including behavioral health treatment, prescription drugs, rehabilitative services and devices, lab services, preventive and wellness services & chronic disease management, and pediatric services including oral and vision care
Decrease the number of uninsured, increase quality/ efficiency of care, and slow rising costs.
Lowers Medicare payments to hospitals that fail readmission standards for 3 diagnoses: heart attack, stroke, pneumonia
What products multitude medical technology?
Products used to diagnose & monitor conditions and diseases. also treat high risk diseases includes instruments used to perform less invasive operations.
what work is performed by biomedical engineers
usage of knowledge of biology, medicine, technology, & mechanical engineering to research & develop new equipment
Use of electronic communications and info technologies to provide clinical care at a distance.
how are apps used in healthcare
some can stimulate surgical procedures or can conduct simple medical exams, such as vision & hearing tests. others help physician develop patient risk profiles & provide drug dosage & interaction info
Health IT applications
patient registration, electronic health records, electronic prescribing & bar coding
What does the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) require?
electronic submission of most health care claims.
Object made thru 3D printing show promise bc
the blueprints can be customized to the patients situation thru use of patient specific data to create a physical solution
how is interoperability a significant challenge within the health IT field?
some proprietary systems dont communicate easily w/ other pro systems & interfaces are necessary
Inexpensive, continuous physiological monitoring w/ little manual intervention by the patient/ healthcare provide
The ability to obtain, process, and understand health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions
They are financially accountable for patient healthcare costs instead of Medicare.