Underlying causes to WWI
nationalism, imperialism, militarism, combination of public and secret alliances
Submarine warfare
Germany used unrestricted submarine warfare and sunk many passenger/merchant ships
Sussex Pledge
Germany promised to not sink merchant or passenger ships without due warning
What did Americans think of the Germans?
Americans had a negative view of Germany. They supported the Allies
Ethnic Influence
German-Americans, Irish-Americans, and Italian-Americans openly supported their respective countries
Jeanette Rankin
first woman to be elected to Congress, was against going into WWI
Democrats Campaign Slogan
"He kept us out of war"
National Defense Act
increased the regular army to a force of nearly 175,000. Congress approved the construction of more than 50 warships
Colonel Edward House
Went to London, Paris, and Berlin to negotiate a peace settlement. This was unsuccessful
U.S. decision for war
unrestricted submarine warfare, this caused U.S. to break of diplomatic relations with Germany
Zimmerman Telegram
Secret offer made by German to Mexico. Aroused nationalist anger of the American people
American Expeditionary Force, commanded by General John J. Pershing. AEF assumed independent responsibility for the Western Front
November 11, 1918
Germans signed an armistice where they agreed to surrender their arms, give up much of their navy, and evacuate occupied territory
Fourteen Points
Wilson's speech in order to address the causes of WWI. Recognition of freedom of the seas, an end to the practice of making secret treaties, reduction of national armaments
Treaty of Versailles
to punish Germany, apply self-determination, created the League of Nations to maintain the peace
Henry Cabot Lodge
leading Senate Republican
could not accept U.S. membership in the League
led by Senator Lodge. Could accept the League if certain reservations were added.
Wilson collapsed after a speech in Colorado
Caused a stroke and left office in 1921
U.S. never ratified _____ Treaty or joined the ___________
Versailles, League of Nations