Ch3 Age of Discovery

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<p>Marco Polo</p>

Marco Polo

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Early European Explorers

24 Terms

<p>Marco Polo</p>

Marco Polo

Traveled throughout Asia from 1271-1295 and wrote a book about all of the incredible things he saw. The book helped spark the Renaissance in Europe in the 1400's.

<p>Traveled throughout Asia from 1271-1295 and wrote a book about all of the incredible things he saw. The book helped spark the Renaissance in Europe in the 1400&apos;s.</p>
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Prince Henry

Prince of Portugal He started a school of navigation in 1418. The goal was to make better ships, maps, and tools of navigation.

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His expeditions were funded by Spain. He wanted to find a shortcut from Europe to Asia by sailing west. He believed he landed in the Indies (Asia) but he was actually on an island in the Caribbean near the Bahamas.

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His expedition was funded by England. He also sailed west in search of the Northwest Passage to Asia. He thought he reached Asia but he was actually in North America. He sailed to present-day Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, and claimed those lands for England.

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Amerigo Vespucci

His expedition was funded by Spain. He sailed down the coast of South America. He suspected that Columbus and Cabot were wrong about having reached Asia - the descriptions in Marco Polo's book did not match what he saw in South America. He realized that they had found lands not yet known to Europeans.

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His expedition was funded by Spain. He sailed across the Isthmus of Panama to reach the Pacific Ocean. This proved that Amerigo Vespucci was right about reaching an unknown continent.

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His expedition was funded by Spain. He sailed with 5 ships around the tip of South America. He reached the new Ocean and named it Pacific meaning peaceful. He sailed west and reached the Philippines Islands. He died in a battle at the Philippines and one ship returned to Spain without him. The sailors on that ship were the first Europeans to travel all the way around the world.

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Treaty of Tordasillas

an agreement between Portugal and Spain Spain got most of North and South America. Portugal got present-day Brazil.

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Ponce de Leon

His expeditions were funded by Spain. He went in search of the Fountain of Youth. He landed in present day Florida and claimed it for Spain. He was the first Spanish explorer to set foot on the land that became the United States.

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Spanish Conquistador His expeditions were funded by Spain. He went to find gold in the land of the Aztecs. He conquered the Aztecs and stole their land.

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Spanish Conquistador His expeditions were funded by Spain. He went to find the golden cities. He explored the Southwest region of the United States and claimed it for Spain.

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Spanish Conquistador His expeditions were funded by Spain. He went to find gold in the land of the Incas. He conquered the Incas and stole their land.

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De Soto

Spanish Conquistador His expeditions were funded by Spain. He explored the Southeast region of the United States and claimed it for Spain.

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His expeditions were funded by France. His goal was to find the Northwest Passage. He met Native Americans. He explored the coasts of North and South America.

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His expeditions were funded by France. His goal was to find the Northwest Passage. He claimed the land around the St. Lawrence River for France.

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Henry Hudson

His expeditions were funded by trading companies who wanted to find the Northwest Passage to control the trade route. He claimed the Hudson River valley for the Netherlands. He claimed the Hudson Bay area for England. He sailed the Arctic Ocean and his crew rebelled, setting him adrift in the icy waters of the Arctic.

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This group reached North America about 500 years before Columbus.

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Northwest Passage

a short cut to Asia through North America

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Problems early explorers faced...

They needed money for ships, crew, and supplies. They needed better maps and tools for sailing. Long voyages into unknown waters were dangerous.

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Columbus thought he reached Asia by sailing west...

He was actually in the Bahamas off the coast of North America.

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What two facts proved Columbus was not in Asia but on new land?

Vespucci realized that he had reached new land because what he saw didn't match Marco Polo's book. Balboa sailed west and crossed the Isthmus of Panama to reach the Pacific proving that it was not Asia but a new land.

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What were some costs and benefits of expeditions?

Costs - money for ships, crew, and supplies Benefits - countries would gain new land and become rich.

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Why did so many countries want to find the Northwest Passage?

They wanted to have faster route to China so they could bring the silk and spices back and get rich selling them in Europe.

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Why wasn't anyone successful at finding the Northwest Passage?

It doesn't exist!

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