John Locke
Philosopher who supported Colonial America. He criticized the divine rights of kings and believed the people should have a say and the supreme power state power but only if the governed by "Natural Law". Believed people had right to rebel if government failed to protect their rights
MO Compromise
Congress admitted Maine as a free state so Missouri would become a slave state and prohibited slavery in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase Territory north of 36 30
Treaty of Paris 1763
Treaty that ended the French and Indian War. This treaty ended French reign in Canada. The treaty also called for Spain to give Florida to Britain, and for France to give all lands east of the Mississippi River to Britain
Mayflower Compact
Agreement made by the pilgrims in 1620 when they landed at Plymouth. Created the Plymouth colony and made a civil government under James I based on the will of the colonists. Was important in the early organization and success of the colony
First English colony in the New World (failed)
Nat Turner
Led about 70 blacks into revolt against their masters. Before the uprising was brought to a halt by white militiamen, 55 whites were killed by him and his followers and many blacks were lynched by white mobs. The rebellion convinced white southerners that a successful slave insurrection was a constant threat.
Manifest Destiny
Term used, throughout the 1840s, to describe Americans' belief that they were destined by God to spread their beliefs across the continent
Shay's Rebellion
Group of Massachusetts farmers protested after taxes were raised to pay for Revolutionary debts in 1786.
KY and VA Resolutions.
Written by Jefferson and Madison in protest to the Alien and Sedition Acts, it stated that states possessed the right to intervene in unconstitutional acts in government.
XYZ Affair
During John Adams presidency, the incident led to a quasi-war with France and the USA because of the disrespectful negotiation manners
Halfway Covenant
Enabled people who had not experienced "conversion" to become part of the congregation. With the later generations of Protestant settlers unwilling to undergo the conversion relation, church membership was threatened and the compromise was made.
Spoils System
During Andrew Jackson's presidency, the was the idea that when a candidate won an election, they were entitled to give government jobs to their friends and supporters
Committees of Correspondence
Colonial groups in 1772 which were organized to form resistance to British tyranny by communicating between colonies
Articles of Confederation
The federal government lacked the power to tax and form militia without the approval of all the states. Amending was a difficult and tedious process since it took all states to approve
bank veto
Jackson destroyed 2nd Bank and removed the federal government's deposits
William Penn
Founded a colony as a refuge for Quakers
Thomas Paine
Wrote Common Sense
Embargo Act 1807
Prohibited U.S. vessels from trading with European nations during the Napoleonic War
2nd Continental Congress
Drew up the Olive Branch Petition, which begged George III to restore peace, and adopted a Declaration of the Causes and Necessity for Taking up Arms. Declared US independence
Fugitive Slave Act
Demanded return of runaway slaves. Part of Compromise of 1850
Hayes-Tilden Compromise
Political deal that ended Reconstruction. Unusual way to choose president!
John Slidell
Discovery of gold on his property led to the Gold Rush of 1849
House of Burgesses
A regular assembly of elected representatives that developed in Virginia colony in the 1630's
13th Amendment
Freed the slaves constitutionally
Roger Williams
Early colonial clergyman who founded the religiously tolerant colony of Rhode Island in 1636. He was banished from Massachusetts for his belief in religious freedom
Proclamation of 1763
It banned colonists from settling west of the Appalachian mountains in order to promote peace between Native Americans and colonists
Economic policy prevailing in Europe during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries under which governmental control was exercised over industry and trade in colonies
Homestead Act
Allowed 160 acres of free government land to be given to a settler if he lived on it for 5 years
Jay's Treaty
This treaty evacuated British posts in the West, appointed a committee to set up the U.S.-French boundary, but failed to determine how much the British should pay for illegally seizing American ships
Anaconda Plan
Union plan devised by General Scott to win Civil War by blockading the south's coast and dividing it by taking the Mississippi River
James Polk
Favored American expansion, especially advocating the annexation of Texas, California, and Oregon
The Great Awakening
A series of religious revivals swept through the colonies in the 1730s. Key players were Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. Through the revivals emerged the decline of Quakers, founding of colleges, an increase of Presbyterians, denominationalism, and religious toleration.
Practice by British government of seizing and forcing American born sailors to serve in the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars
Monroe Doctrine
Message to Congress on Dec. 2, 1823, it consisted of 3 principles: U.S. policy was to abstain from European wars unless U.S. interests were involved, European powers could not colonize the American continents and shouldn't attempt to colonize newly independent Spanish American republics.
Albany Plan
Colonial confederation based on the ideas of Franklin calling for each town to have independence in a large whole, known as a Grand Council. It was used for military defense and Indian policies and set a precedent for later American unity.
Bacon's Rebellion
Colonial rebellion against the governor of Virginia in 1676. The leader of the uprising protested Governor Berkeley's neglect of calls for a stronger military presence in the frontier to end problems caused by Indian hostility.
salutary neglect
Government knows laws are being broken but for various reasons, does nothing to enforce those laws.
Lincoln's 10% Plan
President's plan for reconstruction of South; very generous; meant to quicken recovery
Free Soil Party
3rd party that wanted no slavery in the new territories
Hartford Convention
Damaged the Federalists with its resolutions to secession, leaving an idea of disloyalty to use against them