Destination B2 Unit 6

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<p><em>Nhân tạo - </em>Not natural or real, but made by people.</p><p><em>(ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃl)</em></p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>The growers use both natural and artificial light.</em></p>

Nhân tạo - Not natural or real, but made by people.


Example: The growers use both natural and artificial light.

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<p><em>Nhân tạo - </em>Not natural or real, but made by people.</p><p><em>(ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃl)</em></p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>The growers use both natural and artificial light.</em></p>

Nhân tạo - Not natural or real, but made by people.


Example: The growers use both natural and artificial light.

Artificial (adj)

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<p>Giả (teeth,information,beard,passport,smile) - Made to look like something real; not real.</p><p><em>(fɔːls)</em></p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>He realised that the man was wearing a false beard.</em></p>

Giả (teeth,information,beard,passport,smile) - Made to look like something real; not real.


Example: He realised that the man was wearing a false beard.


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<p>Tự nhiên(natural resources) - Existing in nature, and not produced by people.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>This cloth is made from natural fibres.</em></p>

Tự nhiên(natural resources) - Existing in nature, and not produced by people.

Example: This cloth is made from natural fibres.


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<p>Thuộc về thể chất,có thể cảm nhận và chạm vào được</p><p>- Real and able to be seen, touched or felt.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>There was no physical evidence to connect Whitman with the crime.</em></p>

Thuộc về thể chất,có thể cảm nhận và chạm vào được

- Real and able to be seen, touched or felt.

Example: There was no physical evidence to connect Whitman with the crime.


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<p>Thật ,chính xác(a true story) - Based on facts or on things that really happened.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>The film is based on a true story.</em></p>

Thật ,chính xác(a true story) - Based on facts or on things that really happened.

Example: The film is based on a true story.


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<p>Chính xác(description ,calculation, record,information,data) - Correct in every detail and without any mistakes.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>We need to get an accurate estimate of what the new building will cost.</em></p>

Chính xác(description ,calculation, record,information,data) - Correct in every detail and without any mistakes.

Example: We need to get an accurate estimate of what the new building will cost.

Accurate (adj)

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<p>Phương pháp - A way of doing something, especially a planned or established way.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>We developed new methods of pollution control.</em></p>

Phương pháp - A way of doing something, especially a planned or established way.

Example: We developed new methods of pollution control.


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<p>Cách,hướng - A method for doing something.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>There are so many delicious ways you can prepare chicken.</em></p>

Cách,hướng - A method for doing something.

Example: There are so many delicious ways you can prepare chicken.


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<p>Động cơ - The part of a vehicle that makes it move.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>The car’s engine was making a strange noise.</em></p>

Động cơ - The part of a vehicle that makes it move.

Example: The car’s engine was making a strange noise.


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<p>Máy móc,thiết bị ,(tivi ,tủ lạnh ) - A piece of equipment with moving parts that does a particular job.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>Sue showed him how to operate the washing machine.</em></p>

Máy móc,thiết bị ,(tivi ,tủ lạnh ) - A piece of equipment with moving parts that does a particular job.

Example: Sue showed him how to operate the washing machine.


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<p>Động cơ khiến máy hoạt động (phương tiện ,máy móc) - The part of a machine or vehicle that makes it work.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>The pump is powered by an electric motor.</em></p>

Động cơ khiến máy hoạt động (phương tiện ,máy móc) - The part of a machine or vehicle that makes it work.

Example: The pump is powered by an electric motor.


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<p>Mục tiêu ,mục đích - The thing that you hope to achieve by doing something.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>My main aim on this course is to gain confidence.</em></p>

Mục tiêu ,mục đích - The thing that you hope to achieve by doing something.

Example: My main aim on this course is to gain confidence.

Aim (n)

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<p><em>Nguồn cơn,nguyên nhân) - </em>An event, thing or person that makes something happen.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>The police are still trying to establish the cause of the fire.</em></p>

Nguồn cơn,nguyên nhân) - An event, thing or person that makes something happen.

Example: The police are still trying to establish the cause of the fire.


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<p><em>Lí do - </em>A fact, situation or intention that explains why something happened, why someone did something or why something is true.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>The police asked her the reason for her visit.</em></p>

Lí do - A fact, situation or intention that explains why something happened, why someone did something or why something is true.

Example: The police asked her the reason for her visit.


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<p>Ước tính - To guess or calculate an amount or value by using available information.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>It’s impossible to estimate how many of the residents were affected.</em></p>

Ước tính - To guess or calculate an amount or value by using available information.

Example: It’s impossible to estimate how many of the residents were affected.

Estimate (v)

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<p>Tính toán - To discover a number or amount by using mathematics.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>He calculates that the proposal would cost 4 million.</em></p>

Tính toán - To discover a number or amount by using mathematics.

Example: He calculates that the proposal would cost 4 million.


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<p>Thuộc về điện ,liên quan đến điện - Using or relating to electricity.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>I’ve just got a new electric toothbrush.</em></p>

Thuộc về điện ,liên quan đến điện - Using or relating to electricity.

Example: I’ve just got a new electric toothbrush.


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<p>Điện tử(chứa đựng những phần điện nhỏ như vi mạch )electrical appliances,power,energy,equipment - Using electricity and extremely small electrical parts, such as microchips.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>Our maths teacher said that we’re not allowed to use electronic calculators in the exam.</em></p>

Điện tử(chứa đựng những phần điện nhỏ như vi mạch )electrical appliances,power,energy,equipment - Using electricity and extremely small electrical parts, such as microchips.

Example: Our maths teacher said that we’re not allowed to use electronic calculators in the exam.


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<p>Phát minh - To design or create something that did not exist before.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.</em></p>

Phát minh - To design or create something that did not exist before.

Example: Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.


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<p>Khám phá - To find something that was hidden or that no one knew about before.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>William Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781.</em></p>

Khám phá - To find something that was hidden or that no one knew about before.

Example: William Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781.


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<p>Nghiên cứu - The detailed study of something in order to discover new facts.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>He did a lot of research into the causes of the disease.</em></p>

Nghiên cứu - The detailed study of something in order to discover new facts.

Example: He did a lot of research into the causes of the disease.


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<p>Thí nghiệm - To perform scientific tests in order to find out what happens to someone or something in particular conditions.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>Researchers now need to conduct further experiments.</em></p>

Thí nghiệm - To perform scientific tests in order to find out what happens to someone or something in particular conditions.

Example: Researchers now need to conduct further experiments.


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Trải nghiệm,kinh nghiệm


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<p>Tiến bộ ,tiến triển - The process of developing or improving.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>Keep me informed about the progress of the project.</em></p>

Tiến bộ ,tiến triển - The process of developing or improving.

Example: Keep me informed about the progress of the project.


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<p>Sự phát triển (qua một giai đoạn) - Change, growth or improvement over a period of time.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>The development of new medicines is essential for the treatment of serious diseases.</em></p>

Sự phát triển (qua một giai đoạn) - Change, growth or improvement over a period of time.

Example: The development of new medicines is essential for the treatment of serious diseases.


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<p>Hiện đại - Relating to or belonging to the present time.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>Modern offices are usually full of computers.</em></p>

Hiện đại - Relating to or belonging to the present time.

Example: Modern offices are usually full of computers.

Modern (adj)

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<p>(adj) mới, mới mẻ, mới lạ - Not existing before; recently made, invented, or introduced.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>They introduced a new policy last year.</em></p>

(adj) mới, mới mẻ, mới lạ - Not existing before; recently made, invented, or introduced.

Example: They introduced a new policy last year.


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<p>Nền công nghiệp - All the businesses involved in producing a particular type of goods or services.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>The new tax will affect everyone in the fishing industry.</em></p>

Nền công nghiệp - All the businesses involved in producing a particular type of goods or services.

Example: The new tax will affect everyone in the fishing industry.


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<p>Nhà máy - A building where large quantities of goods are produced using machines.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>She works in a factory.</em></p>

Nhà máy - A building where large quantities of goods are produced using machines.

Example: She works in a factory.


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<p>Giải thưởng(cuộc thi) - A prize that is given to someone who has achieved something.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>She won the Player of the Year award.</em></p>

Giải thưởng(cuộc thi) - A prize that is given to someone who has achieved something.

Example: She won the Player of the Year award.

Award (n)

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<p>Phần thưởng(khi làm được một việc giúp người khác) - Something good that happens or that you receive because of something that you have done.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>You deserve a day off as a reward for working so hard.</em></p>

Phần thưởng(khi làm được một việc giúp người khác) - Something good that happens or that you receive because of something that you have done.

Example: You deserve a day off as a reward for working so hard.


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<p>Phần thưởng hậu hĩnh</p>

Phần thưởng hậu hĩnh

handsome reward

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<p>Diễn ra - To happen.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>The Olympics take place every four years.</em></p>

Diễn ra - To happen.

Example: The Olympics take place every four years.

Take place(phr)

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<p>Xảy ra - To happen.</p><p><strong>Example:</strong> <em>The police said that the accident occurred at about 4.30 pm.</em></p>

Xảy ra - To happen.

Example: The police said that the accident occurred at about 4.30 pm.


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<p>Dừng làm việc ,dừng hoạt động(hỏng, suy sụp) - stop working (for a machine, etc.). </p><p><em>EG: That’s the third time our car’s broken down this month!</em></p>

Dừng làm việc ,dừng hoạt động(hỏng, suy sụp) - stop working (for a machine, etc.).

EG: That’s the third time our car’s broken down this month!

Break down

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<p>Tiến hành (thí nghiệm) - perform an experiment, etc. </p><p><em>Eg: The investigation has been carrying out tests on the pieces of plane recovered after the accident.</em></p>

Tiến hành (thí nghiệm) - perform an experiment, etc.

Eg: The investigation has been carrying out tests on the pieces of plane recovered after the accident.

Carry out

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<p>Thành công - succeed. </p><p><em>EG: I think it’s a stupid plan and I’ll be amazed if it comes off.</em></p>

Thành công - succeed.

EG: I think it’s a stupid plan and I’ll be amazed if it comes off.

come off = succeed

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<p>Phát triển và thành công - develop or make progress. </p><p><em>Eg: Your piano playing has really come on, hasn’t it?</em></p>

Phát triển và thành công - develop or make progress.

Eg: Your piano playing has really come on, hasn’t it?

come on

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<p>Nghĩ ra 1 ý tưởng,một kế hoạch</p><p>Eg: think of (an idea, a plan, etc.). <em>Why didn’t I come up with that idea of the bicycle-powered smoothie maker?</em></p>

Nghĩ ra 1 ý tưởng,một kế hoạch

Eg: think of (an idea, a plan, etc.). Why didn’t I come up with that idea of the bicycle-powered smoothie maker?

Come up with

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Cắt hoàn toàn - stop the supply of sth.

EG: When we move, don’t forget to tell them to cut the water and electricity off.

Cut off

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<p>Tìm ra thông tin - discover information, etc. </p><p><em>Eg: I’ve always wanted to find out more about the ancient Egyptians.</em></p>

Tìm ra thông tin - discover information, etc.

Eg: I’ve always wanted to find out more about the ancient Egyptians.

Find out

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<p>Thải ra,toả ra(hơi nhiệt) - produce sth such as heat or a smell. </p><p><em>Eg: The fridge gets hot next to the cooker because the cooker gives off a lot of heat.</em></p>

Thải ra,toả ra(hơi nhiệt) - produce sth such as heat or a smell.

Eg: The fridge gets hot next to the cooker because the cooker gives off a lot of heat.

Give off

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<p>Giảm tải,thu hẹp(số lượng,khả năng) - reduce the number of possibilities <br>Eg: I still haven't decided which university to go to, but I've narrowed it down to about four</p>

Giảm tải,thu hẹp(số lượng,khả năng) - reduce the number of possibilities
Eg: I still haven't decided which university to go to, but I've narrowed it down to about four

Narrow down

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<p>Cắm vào (nguồn điện)<br>connect to the electricity supply<br>Eg: No wonder the vacuum cleaner is not working. you have not plugged it in! 😑</p>

Cắm vào (nguồn điện)
connect to the electricity supply
Eg: No wonder the vacuum cleaner is not working. you have not plugged it in! 😑

Plug in

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<p>Kết nối điện thoại - connect by phone. </p><p><em>Eg: Could you put me through to customer services, please?</em></p>

Kết nối điện thoại - connect by phone.

Eg: Could you put me through to customer services, please?

Put through

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<p>Thay đổi thành thứ gì khác - change into sth different<br>Eg: It started as the holiday of a lifetime but soon turned into a nightmare</p>

Thay đổi thành thứ gì khác - change into sth different
Eg: It started as the holiday of a lifetime but soon turned into a nightmare

Turn into

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<p>Tắt thiết bị điện</p>

Tắt thiết bị điện

Turn off

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<p>Tìm ra giải pháp - find the solution to a problem, etc. <em>We’ve worked out our differences, and now everything’s fine.</em></p>

Tìm ra giải pháp - find the solution to a problem, etc. We’ve worked out our differences, and now everything’s fine.

Work out

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<p>thực hiện một nỗ lực (để làm việc gì đó)</p>

thực hiện một nỗ lực (để làm việc gì đó)

Make an attempt at sth /doing/to do

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nỗ lực làm gì đó

Attempt to do

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trong nỗ lực làm gì

In an attempt to do

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trung bình, số trung bình, mức trung bình

Eg: On average, a person’s income is highest when they are in their mid-50s.

The city's police chief says they arrest, on average, 300 people each day.

On average

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<p>(n) phần đầu, lúc bắt đầu, lúc khởi đầu</p>

(n) phần đầu, lúc bắt đầu, lúc khởi đầu

In the beginning

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phần đầu của cái gì

at the beginning of sth

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bắt đầu với cái gì

Beginning with

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<p>ở đáy của cái gì</p>

ở đáy của cái gì

At /on the bottom (of sth)

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Là/tìm/tìm kiếm nguyên nhân của cái gì

Be/find /look for ... the cause of sth

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<p>đi đến kết luận rằng</p>

đi đến kết luận rằng

Come to/reach the conclusion (that)

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<p>Cuối cùng,tổng kết lại</p>

Cuối cùng,tổng kết lại

In conclusion= to summarize

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tiến hành thí nghiệm trên cái gì

Do/perform/carry out an experiment (on sth)

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<p>Thí nghiệm về vấn đề gì, với cái gì</p>

Thí nghiệm về vấn đề gì, với cái gì

Experiment with sth/doing

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<p>thực tế, sự thật - <strong>actually:</strong></p><p>Eg: <em>He was in fact near death by the time they reached him.</em></p>

thực tế, sự thật - actually:

Eg: He was in fact near death by the time they reached him.

In fact

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trên thực tế, thực tế là

Eg: "Have you always lived here?" "As a matter of fact (= the truth is), I've only lived here for the last three years."

As a matter of fact

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Thực tế của vấn đề gì đó là

The fact (of the matter)is that

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Đối mặt với sự thật

Face the fact

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Với sự giới thiệu của cái gì đó

With the introduction of sth

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<p>giới thiệu về</p>

giới thiệu về

An introduction to sth/sb

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<p>Thực hiện/nhận 1 cuộc gọi</p>

Thực hiện/nhận 1 cuộc gọi

Make/receive/get a phone call

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<p>Chụp ảnh</p>

Chụp ảnh

Take a photo of sth/sb

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<p>thực hiện nghiên cứu</p>

thực hiện nghiên cứu

Do reseach (on /into sth)

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Li do khiến ai/cái gì làm gì

Cause sth(to do)

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<p>cân nhắc làm gì</p>

cân nhắc làm gì

Consider sth /doing

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Xem xét/cân nhắc liệu...

Consider if/whether

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Xem xét/cân nhắc ai đó cho vị trí gì đó

Consider sb for sth

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coi điều gì đó lạ thường

consider it strange (for sb to do)

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Cảm thấy nó ntn

Consider it +adj

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<p>Thảo luận về</p>

Thảo luận về

Discussion about

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Thảo luận gì đó với ai đó

Discuss sth/doing (with sb)

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<p>Giải thích rằng<br>I explained that Many girls at the age of 20 are always sensitive</p>

Giải thích rằng
I explained that Many girls at the age of 20 are always sensitive

Explain that

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Giải thích cái gì cho ai

Explain sth(to sb)

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<p>dự định làm gì</p>

dự định làm gì

Intend to do /doing

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<p>Biết về cái gì</p>

Biết về cái gì

Know (about)sth/doing

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biết rõ ai đó

Know of sb

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<p>to be called: được biết đến như là<br><br>Dictionary example:<br><br>California is also known as the Sunshine State.</p>

to be called: được biết đến như là

Dictionary example:

California is also known as the Sunshine State.

Be known as sth

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<p>Nhìn vào/tìm ai đó, vật gì đó</p>

Nhìn vào/tìm ai đó, vật gì đó

Look at/for sth/sb

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<p>Mong đợi ai /cái gì</p>

Mong đợi ai /cái gì

Look forward to sth /doing

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Xoay sở, thành công để làm việt gì đó

Manage to do

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<p>lên kế hoạch cái gì</p>

lên kế hoạch cái gì

Plan sth

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Kế hoạch thực hiện việc gì đó

Plan to do

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<p>có khả năng làm gì</p>

có khả năng làm gì

Possible (for sth) to do

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Thấy điều gì có khả năng làm

Find sth possible

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<p>kết quả của cái gì</p>

kết quả của cái gì

Result of sth/doing

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Dẫn tới ,gây ra

Result in sth

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kết quả của việc(bạn làm)

Result in (your) doing

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kết quả từ cái gì/việc gì

Result from sth/doing

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Do cái gì, bởi vì điều gì

As a result of sth

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Băn khoăn về cái gì

Wonder about sth/doing

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Tự hỏi rằng/liệu /vì sao

Wonder if/whether/why

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<p><em><span class="bgP">Hiện ,hiện ra ,xuất hiện</span></em></p>

Hiện ,hiện ra ,xuất hiện

Appear (v)

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Hình dạng,ngoại hình


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