Creating the design to fit the individual’s particular functional and cosmetic needs
Selects the appropriate materials and components
Makes all necessary casts, measurements, and modifications, evaluates the fit and function of the prosthesis on the patient
Teaches the patient how to care for the prosthesis
Vascular Disease
Thermal, Chemical, or Electrical Injury
Disease and Tumors
Open Amputation (Guillotine Amputation)
Closed Amputation
Minor and Major Amputation
Severe traumatic wounds with extensive destruction of tissue and gross contamination by FB te
Inverted skin flap
Circular open amputations with post operative skin traction
Vacuum assisted closure
Amputation level
Contour of the residual limb
Expected function of the prosthesis
Cognitive function of the patient
Vocation of the patient
A vocational interest of the patient
Cosmetic importance of the prosthesis
Financial resources of the patient
Poor fitting of the prostheses
Walking with prosthesis on takes extra energy
The stump should be checked every day for redness, blisters, soreness, or swelling
Prosthesis need to be adjusted several times before it fits well
- used less frequently
- only made necessary as part of the surgical intervention to remove a malignant lesion or the result of severe trauma
- most difficult to fit with a functional prosthesis due to:
number of joints to be replaced
multiple DOF available for control
problems related to maintaining secure suspension of the prosthesis
Complete enclosure shoulder socket
X-frame shoulder socket
- most common satisfactory amputation in the upper extremity
- above elbow
- the more humeral length is preserved, the more optimal the prosthetic restoration
very short
- a variant of the transhumeral prosthesis; the socket is flat and broad distally to conform to the anatomic configuration of the epicondyles of the distal humerus
- provides some self suspension and allows the individual with an amputation active rotation of the prosthesis
- advantages:
reduction in surgery time and blood loss
provides improved prosthetic self suspension
reduces the rotation of the socket on the residual limb
- disadvantages:
marginal cosmetic appearance caused by the required external elbow mechanism
current limitations in technology which impede the use of externally powered elbow mechanism
- not commonly done:
difficult socket fabrication.
conventional wrist units are too long and cannot be used
harder to fit with a myoelectric prosthesis
- Above knee amputation (AKA)
short above knee
middle above knee
supracondylar amputation
- the primary surgical goal is to stabilize the femur while retaining maximal femur length
- there are two standard socket design (prosthesis) for this type of amputation:
quadrilateral design
ischial containment design
- transtibial amputation
- the most common amputaiton level seen in general practice
Long BKA
Medium BKA
Short BKA
Very Short BKA