God called Abram to move to __________.
the land that I will show you.
Abram was originally from __________.
Ur, an important center of civilization in Mesopotamia.
God made three promises to Abraham: Land and a __________, Kinship and a __________, and Blessing for all __________.
Nation; Name; Nations.
The name 'Abram' means __________.
Exalted Father.
The new name 'Abraham' means __________.
Father of a Multitude.
Abrahamâs prayer was primarily expressed through his __________.
Abraham showed immense faith as most of Godâs promises were not fulfilled during his __________.
Sarai urged Abram to have a child through her slave Hagar in order to fulfill Godâs __________.
Circumcision was made an outward sign of the __________.
covenant (agreement between God and His people).
Isaac carried the wood for his own __________.
God himself provided the __________ made through Jesus Christ.
perfect sacrifice.
Abrahamâs willingness to sacrifice Isaac demonstrates the virtue of __________.
The Paulinian identity includes being __________, self-effacing, tranquil, and all to all.
Our Lady of Chartres and St. Paul the Apostle are called upon to __________ for us.
The central theme of the Paulinian Gleaners' Prayer emphasizes participating in Jesusâ __________.
saving mission.
Abrahamâs acceptance of Godâs call led to a great change for people __________.
The life of Abraham highlights the importance of faith and __________ in one's relationship with God.
The reflection based on Abrahamâs life encourages us to consider our own __________.
In the context of Abraham, 'Caritas Christi urget nos' translates to 'The love of Christ __________ us.'