(N.) An enthusiastic and usually expert follower or fan
Sentence: Ellie is a huge aficionado for Harry Stlyes.
(V.) To intimidate by a stern or overbearing manner; to bully
Sentence: Kayla browbeated John so much because she wanted to go camping.
(Adj.) Equal in size, extent, duration, or importance; proportionate; measurable by the same standards
Sentence: Jacob is commensurate in height as Josh.
(Adj.) Very sheer and light; almost completely transparent
Sentence: This feather is so diaphanous it probably weighs 0.01 pounds.
(N.) Profit derived from an office or position or from employment; a fee or salary
Sentence: Stephanie got emolument from getting promoted.
(N.) A quick raid, especially for plunder; a venture into some field of endeavor; (V.) To make such a raid
Sentence: We quickly forayed the other teams base to capture the flag.
(N.) A type, class, or variety, especially a distinctive category of literary composition; a style of painting in which everyday scenes are realistically depicted
Sentence: My favorite genre of stories is adventure.
(N.) A sermon stressing moral principles; a tedious moralizing lecture or discourse
Sentence: My family goes to Church to learn more about homilys.
(V.) To enclose or confine within walls; to imprison; to seclude or isolate
Sentence: We were immured in the escape room, trying to find a way to escape.
(Adj.) Blithely indifferent or unconcerned; carefree; happy-go-lucky
Sentence: Mia is so insouciant I’m scared she won’t be a successful adult.
(N.) A mold; the surrounding situation or environment
Sentence: We were in a matrix because we sit in the middle of class.
(N.) Funeral rites or ceremonies
Sentence: Ever since my grandma passed away, my family has been trying to plan the obsequies.
(N.) A confident and stylish manner, dash; a strikingly elaborate or colorful display
Sentence: Leah was so panache in the way she gave her presentation about the recent floods.
(N.) A character in a novel or play; the outward character or role that a person assumes
Sentence: Mariana is my favorite persona in the play Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare.
(N.) A bitter verbal attack
Sentence: Paul was philippicing Claudio because they didn’t agree on the decision to start war on a smaller country.
(Adj.) Having lustful desires or interests; tending to arouse sexual desires
Sentence: Everyone knows boys are so prurient when it comes to girls.
(Adj.) Very sacred or holy; inviolable; set apart or immune from questioning or attack
Sentence: My family has a sacrosanct part of our house which is always quiet so we can pray.
(Adj.) Of or pertaining to the entire body; relating to a system or systems
Sentence: In anatomy class we talk about systematics of the body all the time.
(Adj.) Intended to promote a particular point of view, doctrine, or cause; biased or partisan
Sentence: Natalia created her baking store and is trying to tendentious it to show that it is not okay to bake with palm oil because most baking stores use palm oil.
(N.) A change, variation, or alteration \n (pl.) Successive or changing phases or conditions
Sentence: There was a vicissitude in the patients heartbeat.