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Gram Negative Unique Features
red/pink, endotoxin/LPS, outer membrane & inner membrane
E. Coli
Gram Stain: Red/Pink
Shape: Rods/Bacilli
Clinical Manifestations:
Gastroenteritis (diarrhea)
Neonatal Meningitis
UTIs (causes >80% of all UTIs) → usually we pee out E. Coli but some persist in the bladder if P-pili on bacteria binds gal-gal receptor in bladder so when it contracts it is not pushed out and immune response (WBCs) causes the irritation
ENDOtoxin = LPS → sepsis
Cholera Toxin = Traveler’s Diarrhea (watery diarrhea) → ETEC → stimulates adenylate cyclase which secretes electrolytes to bowel lumen & water follows
Shiga Toxin = Bloody Diarrhea (0157:H7) & Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome → EHEC → targets tRNA, disrupts protein synthesis = cell death and blood released
Notes: Fast Growth (20-30 min doubling time); Normal gut flora
Gram Stain: Red/Pink
Shape: Rods/Bacilli
Gram Stain: Red/Pink
Shape: Rods/Bacilli
Clinical Manifestations:
Burn/Wound Infections
Lungs in Cystic Fibrosis patients
Otitis Externa (swimmers ear)
UTI w/ catheter
ENDOtoxin = LPS → sepsis → Ecthyma Gangrenosum (a rare skin infection that causes rapidly progressing lesions that lead to necrotic ulcers)
EXOtoxin A = cell death (halts protein synthesis via ADP ribosylation of EF-2 which is part of translation)
Notes: CGD patients are susceptible b/c it is Catalase +; From Environment; Fast growth; Biofilm formation (antibiotic choice based on this); Green color b/c it produces pyocyanin
Gram Stain: Red/Pink
Shape: Rods/Coccobacilli
Gram Stain: Red/Pink
Shape: Diplococci
Types: N gonorrhoeae & N meningitidis
Gram Stain: Red/Pink
Shape: Curved Rods/Vibrio