The Taming of the Shrew quotes

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Sly on his lineage, Induction 1

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Quotes from Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew

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Sly on his lineage, Induction 1

"we came in with Richard Conqueror"

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Lord's intentions, Induction 1

"it will be pastime passing excellent"

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Lord describing Sly (derogatory), Induction 1

“poor and loathsome beggar”

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Huntsman on Sly's identity, Induction 1

"he shall think...he is no less than what we say he is"

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Classical references in the art, Induction 2

"Adonis", "Cytherea", "Io", "Daphne"

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Sly on his sleep, Induction 2

"by my fay, a goodly nap"

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Sly summoning his 'wife', Bartholemew, Induction 2

"Madam, undress you, and come now to bed"

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Lucentio describes Padua, A1S1

"fair Padua, nursery of arts"

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Tranio reminds Lucentio to have fun, A1S1

"no profit grows where no pleasure is taken"

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Gremio on courting Katherina, A1S1

"To cart her, rather. She's too rough for me."

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Katherina's wordplay, A1S1

"is it your will to make a stale of me amongst these mates?"

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Hortensio on courting Katherina, A1S1

"no mates for you, unless you were of gentler, milder mold"

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Katherina's threat to Hortensio, A1S1

"to comb your noddle with a three-legged stool"

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Tranio on seeing Katherina, A1S1

"here's some good pastime toward; that wench is stark mad or wonderful froward"

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Lucentio on Bianca's character, A1S1

"in the other's silence do I see maid's mild behaviour and sobriety"

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Katherina on Bianca being a brat, A1S1

"it is best put finger in the eye"

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Lucentio being Romeo 2.0, A1S1

"I burn, I pine, I perish"

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Tranio on Katherina being an obstacle, A1S1

"her older sister is so curst and shrewd"

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Petruchio being a gold-digger, A1S2

"I come to wive it wealthily in Padua; if wealthily then happily in Padua"

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Grumio on Petruchio's confidence, A1S2

"for he fears none"

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Tranio (as Lucentio) on Bianca vs Katherina, A1S2

"the one as famous for a scolding tongue / as is the other for beauteous modesty"

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Bianca's passive-aggressive obedience to Katherina, A2S1

"so well I know my duty to my elders"

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Katherina on her father's apathy to her, A2S1

"will you not suffer me?"

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Katherina on Bianca's preciousness, A2S1

"now I see she is your treasure, she must have a husband"

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Baptista on Vincentio, A2S1

"by report I know him well"

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Petruchio on Katherina's violence, A2S1

"now, by the world, that is a lusty wench"

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Petruchio defining Katherina's identity, A2S1

"you are called plain Kate, and bonny Kate, and sometimes Kate the curst"

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Petruchio twisting Katherina's words to innuendo, A2S1

"what, with my tongue in your tail?"

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Petruchio on marrying Katherina, A2S1

"will you, nill you, I will marry you"

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Petruchio on his destiny, A2S1

"I am he born to tame you, Kate"

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Katherina on Petruchio to her father, A2S1

"one half lunatic, a mad ruffian and a swearing Jack"

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Baptista tells Gremio and Hortensio that the richest can can Bianca, A2S1

"he of both / That can assure my daughter's greatest dower / shall have my daughter's love"

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Tranio (as Lucentio) insulting Gremio's age, A2S1

"Greybeard, thy love doth freeze"

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Bianca on her knowledge, A3S1

"I am no breeching scholar in the schools"

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Bianca asserting she will learn in her own time, A3S1

"but learn my lessons as I please myself"

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Bianca on tradition, A3S1

"Old fashions please me best. I am not so nice to change true rules for odd inventions."

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Katherina's fear of humiliation, A3S2

"now must the world point at poor Katherina"

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Biondello on Grumio's outfit, matching Petruchio, A3S2

"a monster, a very monster in apparel"

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Petruchio on his wedding outfit, A3S2

"to me she's married, not unto my clothes"

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Gremio's description of Petruchio, A3S2

"why, he's a devil, a devil, a very fiend"

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Gremio on the wedding, A3S2

"such a mad marriage never was before!"

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Petruchio on owning Kate, A3S2

"I will be master of what is mine own. She is my goods, my chattels... my anything"

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Petruchio putting Kate on a pedestal, A3S2

"here she stands, touch here whoever dare"

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Bianca's opinion of Kate's marriage, A3S2

"that being mad herself, she's madly mated"

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Grumio on Petruchio’s violence in the journey, A4S1

“how he beat me because her horse stumbled, and how she waded through the dirt to pluck him off me”

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Curtis the servant on Petruchio and Katherina, A4S1

"by this reck'ning, he is more shrew than she"

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Peter the servant after Petruchio insults all the servants, A4S1

"he kills her in her own humour"

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Petruchio's falconry metaphor, A4S1

"my falcon now is sharp and passing empty"

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Petruchio's withholding of food and sleep, A4S1

"She ate no meat today, nor none shall eat. Last night she slept not, nor tonight she shall not,"

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Petruchio pretending to have Katherina's best interest in mind, A4S1

"I intend that all is done in reverend care of her"

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Petruchio's lesson about taming, A4S1

"This is a way to kill a wife with kindness. And thus I'll curb her mad and headstrong humour"

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Tranio on Hortensio's new wife, A4S2

"he'll have a lusty widow now that shall be wooed and wedded in a day"

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Katherina's description of Petruchio's abuse, A4S3

" starved for meat, giddy for lack of sleep"

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Katherina on Petruchio’s motivation for taming, A4S3

"he does it under the name of perfect love"

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Petruchio on Katherina being ungrateful, A4S3

"I am sure, sweet Kate, that this kindness merits thanks"

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Katherina on anger, A4S3

"my tongue will tell the anger of my heart, or else my heart, concealing it will break"

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Katherina on freedom of speech, A4S3

"I will be free even to the uttermost, as I please, in words"

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Katherina on wearing the hat, A4S3

"I like the cap, and it I will have, or I will have none"

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Hortensio on Petruchio not meaning what he said, A4S3

"take no unkindness of his hasty words"

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Petruchio defining the time, A4S3

"It shall be what o'clock I say it is"

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Baptista on Bianca and Lucentio's feelings, A4S4

"Lucentio here doth love my daughter, and she loves him, or both dissemble deeply their affections"

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Lucentio on marrying Bianca, A4S4

"I may, and will, if she be so contented"

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Katherina gives in to Petruchio, A4S5

"be it moon, sun or what you please...henceforth I vow it shall be so for me"

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Katherina pretending Vincentio is a girl, A4S5

"young budding virgin, fair and fresh and sweet"

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Katherina agreeing to kiss Petruchio so he doesn't leave her, A5S1

"Nay, I will give thee a kiss. Now pray thee, love, stay"

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The widow on Petruchio's assumption that Hortensio fears her, A5S2

"He that is giddy thinks the world turns round."

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Petruchio betting on Katherina in the argument, A5S2

"A hundred marks, my Kate does put her down"

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Petruchio setting out the contest, A5S2

"he whose wife is most obedient...shall win the wager"

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Bianca's response to being summoned, A5S2

"she is busy, and she cannot come"

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Widow's response to being summoned, A5S2

"She will not come. She bids you come to her."

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Petruchio on what his marriage bodes, A5S2

"peace it bodes, and love, and quiet life, / An awful rule, and right supremacy, / And, to be short, what's not that's sweet and happy"

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Petruchio on Katherina's hat, A5S2

"that cap of yours becomes you not. Of with that bauble, throw it underfoot."

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Widow on learning a lesson, A5S2

"you're mocking. We will have no telling."

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Katherina's descriptions of a husband, A5S2

"thy lord, thy king, thy governer" "thy lord, thy life, thy keeper, thy head, thy sovereign"

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Katherina on husbands caring for wives, A5S2

"for thy maintenance commits his body to painful labour"

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Katherina on female anatomy, A5S2

"why are our bodies soft and weak and smooth"

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Katherina offering total subservience to Petruchio, A5S2

"my hand is ready, may it do him ease"

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Petruchio closing statement on the others' marriages, A5S2

"Come Kate, we'll to bed. We three are married, but you two are sped."

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Lucentio - final line of the play - on Katherina's taming, A5S2

"tis a wonder, by your leave, she will be tamed so"

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