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Chopin: Ballade No. 2 in F Major Melody

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Chopin: Ballade No. 2 in F Major Melody

  • Frequent use of motif (dotted motif) + moves through different parts

  • Frequent use of scalic movement

  • Mainly conjunct

  • Some use of sequence

  • Element of note + phrase repetition - repeats but on different octave - b168

  • Some use of ornamentation - b40

  • Large pitch range - full piano range

  • Irregular + long phrasing

  • Climaxes - highlighted by dynamics, hugh pitch, key change, breaks - b110

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Chopin: Ballade No. 2 in F Major Structure

A: A B A B B - b46: C B' A - b82: A' B' (Gm) D

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Chopin: Ballade No. 2 in F Major Harmony

  • Mainly diatonic + functional - section A

  • Use of pedal notes (mostly dom) - b70

  • Frequent perfect cadences + emphasis on I + V

  • Lots of chromaticism - section B - more dissonant eg ½dim7 - b60-61

  • Extended chords: V7d - b114 (in E), I7d - b154, French augmented 6th - b184 + 196

  • Changes in harmonic rate - b170

  • Circle of fifths - b170

  • Suspension - b25-26

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Chopin: Ballade No. 2 in F Major Tempo + Metre + Rhythm

  • Section A: andantino

  • Section B: presto con fuoco

  • 6/8 - lilting

  • Siciliano - dotted motif - section A

  • Section A: mostly crotchet + quaver movement

  • Section B: mostly semiquaver movement

  • Cross rhythms - section B

  • Syncopation - section B

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Chopin: Ballade No. 2 in F Major Dynamics + Articulation

  • Wide range in dynamics

  • Section A: piano/pianissimo

  • Section B: forte/fortissimo

  • Use of dim + cresc

  • sfz chord - b196 to pp (contrast)

  • Mainly legato

  • Some staccato

  • Some accented - b183

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Chopin: Ballade No. 2 in F Major Tonality

  • F major

  • A minor - relative minor of dom

  • C - dom - b24-25

  • Touches on: Gm - b37, Dm - b62, A♭m - b68, D♭ - b97, G♭ - b103, B♭m - b110, E - b114

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Chopin: Ballade No. 2 in F Major Intrumentation

  • Piano: Use of sustain pedal

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Chopin: Ballade No. 2 in F Major Texture

  • Melody dominated homophony

  • Starts sparse (in octaves) then gradually thickens

  • Chordal in section A

  • Arpeggiated/broken chordal in section B

  • Octaves in bass in section B

  • Thick RH chords - b63-71

  • Contrary motion

  • Dense chords - b108 - thickest area

  • 10 note chord - b196 followed by contrast (bare octaves)

  • Motif moves through different parts

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Chopin: Ballade No.2 in F Major Mood + Genre + Context

  • Ballade 2 of 4

  • Dedicated to Schumann

  • Later in the Romantic period

  • Written after period of development of the grand piano - pedals, wider pitch range, wider range of dynamics

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Chopin: Nocturne in E minor Melody

  • Two subjects/themes

  • Mainly conjunct

  • Use of accented passing notes - b4

  • Some chromatic movement

  • Use of ornamentation: acciaccatura - b2 + 31 + 34, fioratura - b35, trill - b31, mordent - b33

  • More decorated in the return of section A

  • 5 octave pitch range

  • Climax - b37-38

  • Simple lyrical melody

  • Some use of sequence - b16-17

  • Varied phrasing

  • Expansive melodic lines

  • Rhythmic augmentation - b26-27

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Chopin: Nocturne in E minor Structure

A B A' coda or Exposition - 1+2, recap - 1+2, coda or A B A' B' 3 bar coda

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Chopin: Nocturne in E minor Harmony

  • Mainly diatonic + functional

  • Some chromaticism

  • Use of pedal notes - tonic - section B, 12 bar tonic pedal at end

  • Changes in harmonic rate

  • Emphasis on I + V

  • Avoids clear perfect cadence - b1-9

  • Variety of chord inversions

  • Extended chords: Dim7 - b5 + 7, aug6 - b6, dom7

  • Use of suspensions - b20

  • Tierce de Picardie - b46

  • False relation - b21

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Chopin: Nocturne in E minor Tempo + Metre + Rhythm

  • Andante ♩=69

  • Rubato

  • Common time

  • Constant triplet quavers - LH

  • Some dotted rhythms

  • Demisemiquavers

  • Mainly crotchets, minims and quavers

  • Semiquaver rest - b40 - rhythmic interest

  • Cross rhythms - b4 + 16

  • Rhythmic augmentation - b26-27

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Chopin: Nocturne in E minor Dynamics + Articulation

  • pp-f

  • Theme starts quiet then gets louder

  • Use of cresc + dim - b5

  • Calando (dying away) - b56

  • Mainly slurred

  • Accents - b10 + 19

  • Some staccato - b41

  • Accent on final chord

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Chopin: Nocturne in E minor Tonality

  • E minor

  • B minor - dom minor

  • G major (1 bar) - relative major

  • C major - subdom of G

  • D minor

  • E major + B major when subjects return

  • Mostly Em, Bm, B, E

  • Ends in E

  • Tonality underpinned by pedals

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Chopin: Nocturne in E minor Instrumentation

  • Piano: Use of sustain pedal

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Chopin: Nocturne in E minor Texture

  • Melody dominated homophony

  • Opening bar in monophonic

  • Constant triplets arpeggiated in an unvaried pattern in LH

  • Melody in parallel 3rds in section B

  • Repeat of melody (b10) in octaves - b39-40

  • Thinnest at b56

  • Contrary motion - b36-37

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Chopin: Nocturne in E minor Mood + Genre + Context

  • Romantic piano music

  • Nocturne - 1 of 21

  • Inspired by John Field

  • Written before ballade, published after death

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Grieg: Notturno Melody

  • Mainly conjunct - highlights bigger intervals

  • Chromatic auxiliary passing notes

  • Descending chromatic bass

  • Ornamentation: acciaccatura, trills, appoggiatura, accented passing notes

  • Bird song motif is lower at the end

  • Simple, lyrical

  • Irregular, varied phrasing

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Grieg: Notturno Structure

A Codetta - b15 B - b21 A - b34 Codetta - b55

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Grieg: Notturno Harmony

  • Mainly functional but with juxtaposition of many unrelated keys + use of some chromaticism

  • Mainly root position but some inversions

  • Use of tritone - b8

  • Frequent extended chords

  • ½dim chord - b5-8 - gives feeling of circle of fifths

  • German augmented 6th - b8

  • Neapolitan feel - b10

  • Changes in harmonic rate - section B vs b52

  • Reprise of A explores flatter keys

  • Ending sounds like V-I but is IIIb-I but the inversion puts G in the bass

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Grieg: Notturno Tempo + Metre + Rhythm

  • Andante

  • Adagio - b62

  • Lots of rubato

  • 9/8 - compound triple time

  • 6/8 - section B

  • 3/8 - silent bars

  • Feeling of 3/4 - b31-32

  • Use of cross rhythms - b7 + 9

  • Pulsating quaver movement in LH with ties giving syncopated feel

  • Prevalent quaver movement

  • Dotted rhythms

  • Semiquaver movement - section B

  • Triplet semiquaver movement/motif - b15

  • Hemiola effect - b54

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Grieg: Notturno Dynamics + Articulation

  • Generally quiet - section A

  • Climax to forte - b12

  • Very quiet - section B

  • Climax to fortissimo - b46

  • Ends quietly

  • Frequent tenuto markings, mainly slurred

  • Accent - b2, staccato - particularly section B

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Grieg: Notturno Tonality

  • C major

  • G major - dominant - b14

  • E major - b21

  • Touches on: A♭, D, G, Dm

  • C major - b34

  • Touches on: G - b43, Fm - b59

  • C major - finishes

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Grieg: Notturno Instrumentation

  • Piano: Use of sustain + soft pedals

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Grieg: Notturno Texture

  • Melody dominated homophony

  • Mainly block chords - section A

  • Mainly arpeggiated chords - section B

  • Melody is mostly one line - section A

  • Melody is more chordal - section B

  • Silent bars - b33 + 58 + 61

  • Texture thins at b31-32

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Grieg: Notturno Mood + Genre + Context

  • Grieg's only notturno

  • Inspired by Schumann

  • Influenced jazz + 20th century composers (because of his harmonies)

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Grieg: Norwegian March Melody

  • Mainly middle range - section A

  • Extended range - section B

  • Grieg motif - 2nd followed by 3rd

  • Mainly conjunct with some leaps of 3rds + 4ths

  • Dance-like, march-like, lyrical

  • Based on halling

  • Based on pitches of fiddle - avoids the 4th

  • Ornamentation: mordents

  • Use of sequences - b19-21 + 22-24

  • Octave descent in tenor line - b1-7

  • Descent of 4 octaves - section B

  • Melody in octaves in bass - b61

  • Little sense of melody - section B

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Grieg: Norwegian March Structure

A - 1 + 2 - b25 B - b41 A - 1 - b81 + 2 - b92 (enters sooner) B - b107 Coda - b147

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Grieg: Norwegian March Harmony

  • Mainly diatonic + functional but unconventional

  • Tonic + dominant pedals

  • Extended chords: maj7, 7, dim7, 9, ½dim, 11, etc

  • 2nd inversion chords

  • Circle of fifths - b29

  • Bare fifths used frequently

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Grieg: Norwegian March Tempo + Metre + Rhythm

  • Allegretto marcato - b1

  • Poco rit - b153

  • 6/8 - duple compound time

  • Feeling of 2 in a bar - emphasised by inner parts

  • Dotted rhythms used

  • Use of syncopation - b3

  • Mainly quavers + dotted crotchets - section A

  • Semiquavers + quaver rests in second idea of A

  • Quaver + semiquaver movement - section B

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Grieg: Norwegian March Dynamics + Articulation

  • Wide range

  • Slurs

  • Accents

  • Staccato

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Grieg: Norwegian March Tonality

  • Mainly C major

  • A minor

  • C minor

  • G major

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Grieg: Norwegian March Instrumentation

  • Piano: Use of sustain pedal, mimics fiddle

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Grieg: Norwegian March Texture

  • Melody dominated homophony

  • 4 part texture

  • Tonic pedal + open fifths - act as a drone

  • Tenor + alto parts move in parallel 6ths

  • Antiphony - b18-25

  • Change in texture - b26

  • Sparse texture - b35-38

  • Hands/parts switch - b112

  • Ends with sustained chords

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Grieg: Norwegian March Mood + Genre + Context

  • Based on a Halling (Norwegian folk dance)

  • Romantic

  • 2 of 6

  • Hardanger fiddle

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Brahms: Intermezzo in A Major Melody

  • Melody harmonised on 3rds + 4ths

  • 3 motifs - p320

  • Use of accented passing notes

  • Retrograde movement

  • Motif A inverted - b35-36

  • Chromatic movement - b15

  • Irregular phrase shaping - b16-29

  • Use of repetition

  • Rising + falling scale - b31-34

  • Sequence

  • Canon between melody + bass - opening of B

  • Highest - C♯ - b59

  • More chordal - b57

  • Single melodic line - b23-24

  • Use of echappée - 2nd note

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Brahms: Intermezzo in A Major Structure

A: A B A' B' B: A B A' A

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Brahms: Intermezzo in A Major Harmony

  • Mainly diatonic + functional

  • Use of variety of inversions

  • Extended chords: 7, 13, neapolitan 6th - b7, German aug6

  • Use of suspensions - b8 + b11

  • Chord IV used often - b78 - pull to subdom

  • Chromatic harmonies

  • Tonic + dom pedals - p1

  • Some use of perfect cadences - but they're also avoided - b37-38

  • Changes in harmonic rate

  • Use of imperfect cadences - b64

  • Enharmonic chord/change - A♯-B♭ - b59

  • Tierce de picardie - b56

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Brahms: Intermezzo in A Major Tempo + Metre + Rhythm

  • Andante teneramente

  • Calando - b34

  • Più lento - b47

  • Rit - b60

  • Rubato

  • 3/4

  • Feeling of 6/8 vs 3/4 - b26

  • Anacrusis opening

  • Mostly crotchet + quaver / crotchet + quaver movement

  • Cross rhythms - b51

  • Dotted rhythms

  • Triplets

  • Hemiola - b39

  • Syncopation

  • Metric displacement + ambiguity - b17 - emphasis on 3rd beat

  • Homorhythm - b57-64

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Brahms: Intermezzo in A Major Dynamics + Articulation

  • Frequent use of cresc + dim

  • Mostly quiet with two climaxes - b30 + b69

  • pp to f - b69

  • Dolce - b12

  • Mostly legato

  • Frequent use of slurs

  • Use of accents - b46-47

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Brahms: Intermezzo in A Major Tonality

  • A major

  • E - dominant

  • C - touches on - flattened 6th of dom

  • Section B: F♯m, C♯m - dom

  • Returns to A

  • b31-34 - chromatic descent

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Brahms: Intermezzo in A Major Instrumentation

  • Piano: Use of sustain pedal

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Brahms: Intermezzo in A Major Texture

  • Melody dominated homophony

  • 6 part texture - b3

  • Single note melodic line - b23-24

  • Thin texture - b23-24

  • Use of inner pedal - b31

  • Arpeggiated vs chordal - b56 vs b57

  • Canon between melody and bass - opening of B

  • Homorhythm - b57-64

  • Fuller texture - return of A - b82-83

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Brahms: Intermezzo in A Major Mood + Genre + Context

  • 2 of 6

  • Inspired by Bach harmonies

  • Intermezzo - 'between'

  • Romantic

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Brahms: Ballade in G minor Melody

  • Starts with anacrusis

  • Motif A - rising quavers (anacrusis) + dotted minim - A - also used in inversion

  • Mainly conjunct - some leaps - b70

  • Ornamentation: appoggiatura - b71

  • Irregular phrasing

  • Descending melodic minor scale

  • Anacrusis has extra note + 3rd higher - b27

  • Imitation - b71-72

  • B melody returns in coda - b114

  • Bold energetic mood - A

  • Reflective mood - B

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Brahms: Ballade in G minor Structure

A: A (1-10) B (11-22) A (23-32) Coda (32-40) B (41-72): A B A C A B A Link (72-77) A (77-107): [A B A]-copy of 1-31 Coda (108-end)

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Brahms: Ballade in G minor Harmony

  • Mainly diatonic + functional - but also uses unrelated chords

  • Circle of fifths - frequent - section A

  • Use of perfect cadences - anacrusis into b1

  • Variety of inversions - but mostly root position in opening 10 bars

  • Pedals - tonic pedal - b32-37

  • 4 chord changes - b3 - contrasts the pedals

  • Diminution - b1-2 vs b3

  • Frequent use of 7ths

  • dim7 - b19

  • Neapolitan 6 - b75

  • Suspensions - b15-16

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Brahms: Ballade in G minor Tempo + Metre + Rhythm

  • Allegro energico

  • Cut time - feels like 2 or fast 4

  • Chordal quaver movement - inner parts

  • Constant quaver movement - section B

  • Dotted crotchets + quavers - section B

  • Dotted rhythms

  • Syncopation - b22

  • Diminution - b1-2 vs b3

  • Feeling of metric displacement - b45-46

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Brahms: Ballade in G minor Dynamics + Articulation

  • Starts forte

  • sf - b22

  • p - b10

  • Detailed dynamics - b14-16 - meticulous writing

  • pp - b41 - section B

  • Accents + staccato - section A

  • Legato - section B

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Brahms: Ballade in G minor Tonality

  • G minor - section A

  • B major - section B

  • Touches on: D - b5, E♭ - b12, Dm - b29, F♯ - b45, D♯ - b47, A♭ - b75

  • Tertiary modulations

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Brahms: Ballade in G minor Instrumentation

  • Piano: Use of sustain + una corda pedal

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Brahms: Ballade in G minor Texture

  • Melody dominated homophony

  • Block chordal

  • Arpeggiated spanning two octaves - thinner - B

  • RH harmonised in 3rds and 6ths - section B

  • b40 - only LH - very sparse

  • Thins out - b110-112

  • Use of inverted pedal

  • Sparse end

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Brahms: Ballade in G minor Mood + Genre + Context

  • Romantic piano music

  • 3 of 6

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