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Ecce Romani ch. 1-12

Ecce!- Look!

puella- girl

nomine- by name, named

quae- who

habitat- lives, is living, does live

etiam- also

villa- country house

villa rustica- country house and farm

ubi- where

aestate- in the summer

laeta- happy

quod- because

iam- now

sub arbore- under the tree

sedet- sits, is sitting, does sit

et- and

legit- reads, is reading, does read

altera- second, another

vicina- neighboring

dum- while

scribit- writes, is writing, does write

Quis- who

Cur- why

quid facit- what is __ doing?

Quoque- also

sunt- they are

amicae- friends

hodie- today

sed- but

in agris- in the fields

ambulant- they walk

brevi tempore- in a short time, soon

defessa- tired

non iam- no longer

strenua- active, energetic

currit- runs, is running, does run

tandem- at last

ex agris- from/put of the fields

ad villam rusticam- to/toward the country house and farm

lente- slowly

Quid faciunt- what are __ doing?

puer- boy

qui- who

eadem- the same

in horto- in the garden

clamant- they shout, are shouting

rident- they laugh, are laughing

vir- man, husband

servus- slave

multi- many

in villis rusticis- in the country houses

laborant- they work, are working

solus- alone

iratus- angry

subito- suddenly

in piscinam- into the fishpond

cadit- falls

abite, molesti!- go away, pests!

gemit- groans

minime- no

Ita vero- yes

molestus- troublesome, annoying

semper- always

vexat- annoys

igitur- therefore

amat- likes, loves

dormit- sleeps

conspicit- catches sight of

furtim- stealthily

appropinquat- approaches

ascendit- clims

magnus- big, great

magna voce- in a loud voice

audit- hears

videt- sees

vox- voice

terret- frightens

sollicita- anxious, worried

tum- at that moment, then

descendere- to come down

tu- you (subject)

te- you (direct object)

nihil- nothing

Cave!- be careful!

ramus- branch

infirmus- weak, shaky

fragor- crash, noise

qualis- what sort of __?

Quo? Where __ to?

pictura- picture

si- if

dies- day

calidus- warm

in silvam- into the woods

silvae- woods

ibi- there

rivus- brook, stream

frigidus- cold, cool

errant- they wander

prope- near

vult- want, wish

volo- I want, I wish

ignavus- cowardly, lazy

respondet- responds

neque_neque__- neither__nor __

temerarius- rash, reckless, bold

lupus- wolf

perterritus- frightened, terrified

statim- immediately'

ferte auxilium!- bring help!

ubi- where, when

clamor- shout, shouting

ad- toward

eos- them

eum- him

petit- seeks, looks for

arripit- grabs hold of, siezes, snatches

repellit- drives off

e silva- out of the woods

salva- safe

adveniunt- they reach, arrive at

quem- whom

timet- afraid

excipiunt- they welcome

adhuc- still

ego- I

nolo- I don’t wish/want

paras- you prepare, get ready

potest- is able, can

exire- to go out

nondum- not yet

lucet- it is light, it is day

surgit- gets up, rises

per- through

pater- father

mater- mother

etiam- also, even

tamen- however

ancilla- female slave

omnes- all

observat- watches

purgat- cleans

cibus- food

coquere- to cook

mox- soon, presently

strenue- strenuously, hard

aqua- water

portant- they carry

reprehendit- scolds, blames'

docet- teaches

curare- to take care of, to look after

lanam trahunt- they spin wool

omnia quae- everything that

adiuvare- to help

ipsa- herself

nunc- now

necesse est- it is necessary

qui- who (plural)

occupatus- busy

laborantes- working

spectant- watch, look at

nuntius- messenger

venit- comes

salutat- greets

salve!- hello!

inquit- says

meus- my

ducit- leads, takes

tradit- hands over

Eheu!- Alas! Oh no!

Princeps- emperor

ad- to, toward

revocat- recalls

consulere- to consult

redire- to return

Eugepae!- Hurray!

ire- to go

Quos- whom (plural)

iam- now, already

age!/Agite!- come on!

vos- y’all

nos- we, us

excitare- to rouse, wake up

intrat- enders

cubiculum- room, bedroom

tempus- time

diende- then, next

celeriter- quickly

induit- puts on

iterum- again, a second time

mihi- for me

sua- her own

nemo- no one

nulli- no

ianitor- doorkeeper

ad ianuam- at the door

tacite- silently

temptat- attempts, tries

semisomna- half asleep

hic- here

tace!- be quiet

Noli__excitare!- don’t wake __ up!

mecum- with me

cum- with

misera- unhappy, miserable

discedere- to go away

tuus- your

nobis- for us

vos omnes- all of you

simul- together

nescio- I don’t know

secunda hora- at the second hour

lacrimat- weeps, cries

O me miseram!- poor me!

manere- to remain, stay

Vale!- goodbye!

mitte- send

promittis- you promise

complexu- in an embrace

tenet- holds

lacrimans- weeping

abit- goes away

interea- meanwhile

gerit- wears

iubet- orders

alius- another, other

cista- trunk, chest

ponere- to put, to place

in itinere- on a journey

liberi- children

liber- book

gerere solent- they are accustomed to wearing, usually wear

ipse- himself

stat- stands

via- road

baculum- stick

habet- has, holds

scelestus- wicked

cras- tomorrow

incitat- spurs on, urges on

raeda- carriage

raedarius- coachman

servus quidam- a certain slave

iacit- throws

paratus- ready

equus- horse

ubi- where

eo ipso tempore- at that very moment

via appia- the appian way

vilivus- overseer, farm manager

dominus- master

absum- I am away

abest- he/she is away

abes- you are away

absumus- we are away

abestis- y’all are away

absunt- they’re away

abesse- to be away

area- open space, threshing floor

plenus- full

quamquam- although

musseo, mussare- to mutter

verbero, verberare- to beat

id quod- that which, what

ira- anger

illa nocte- that night

effugio, effugere- to flee, to run away, escape

impedio, impedire- to hinder

se celare- to hide (himself)

porta- gate, port

ianua- door

invenio, invenire- to find

bonus- good

convoco, convocare- to call together

rogo, rogare- to ask

vinea- vineyard

fossa- ditch

canis- dog

fero, ferre- to bring, to carry

olfacio, olfacere- to catch the scent of, smell

latro, latrare- to bark

vestigia- tracks, footprints, traces

immobilis- motionless

tunica- by the tunic

traho, trahere- to drag

in fronte litteras inurere- to brand the letters on his forehead

iter- journey

iter faciebant- were traveling

tribus diebus- in three days

volebat- wanted

identidem- again and again

iubebat- ordered, kept ordering

virga- stick, switch’

verberabat- kept beating, whipping

ibant- they were going

rusticus- peasant

septimus- seventh

erat- was

quiescebant- they were resting

pes, pedis- foot

vehicula- vehicles

auriga- charioteer

magno risu - with a loud laugh

fatuus- stupid

tabellarius- courier

civis, civium- citizen

praeclarus- distinguished

a, ab- from, away from

pars, partis, partium- part

quam- how

ferociter- fiercely

Cave__!- watch out for __!

vito, vitare- to avoid

celer- quick

diende- then, next

identidem- again and again, repeatedly

interea- meanwhile

saepe- often


Ecce Romani ch. 1-12

Ecce!- Look!

puella- girl

nomine- by name, named

quae- who

habitat- lives, is living, does live

etiam- also

villa- country house

villa rustica- country house and farm

ubi- where

aestate- in the summer

laeta- happy

quod- because

iam- now

sub arbore- under the tree

sedet- sits, is sitting, does sit

et- and

legit- reads, is reading, does read

altera- second, another

vicina- neighboring

dum- while

scribit- writes, is writing, does write

Quis- who

Cur- why

quid facit- what is __ doing?

Quoque- also

sunt- they are

amicae- friends

hodie- today

sed- but

in agris- in the fields

ambulant- they walk

brevi tempore- in a short time, soon

defessa- tired

non iam- no longer

strenua- active, energetic

currit- runs, is running, does run

tandem- at last

ex agris- from/put of the fields

ad villam rusticam- to/toward the country house and farm

lente- slowly

Quid faciunt- what are __ doing?

puer- boy

qui- who

eadem- the same

in horto- in the garden

clamant- they shout, are shouting

rident- they laugh, are laughing

vir- man, husband

servus- slave

multi- many

in villis rusticis- in the country houses

laborant- they work, are working

solus- alone

iratus- angry

subito- suddenly

in piscinam- into the fishpond

cadit- falls

abite, molesti!- go away, pests!

gemit- groans

minime- no

Ita vero- yes

molestus- troublesome, annoying

semper- always

vexat- annoys

igitur- therefore

amat- likes, loves

dormit- sleeps

conspicit- catches sight of

furtim- stealthily

appropinquat- approaches

ascendit- clims

magnus- big, great

magna voce- in a loud voice

audit- hears

videt- sees

vox- voice

terret- frightens

sollicita- anxious, worried

tum- at that moment, then

descendere- to come down

tu- you (subject)

te- you (direct object)

nihil- nothing

Cave!- be careful!

ramus- branch

infirmus- weak, shaky

fragor- crash, noise

qualis- what sort of __?

Quo? Where __ to?

pictura- picture

si- if

dies- day

calidus- warm

in silvam- into the woods

silvae- woods

ibi- there

rivus- brook, stream

frigidus- cold, cool

errant- they wander

prope- near

vult- want, wish

volo- I want, I wish

ignavus- cowardly, lazy

respondet- responds

neque_neque__- neither__nor __

temerarius- rash, reckless, bold

lupus- wolf

perterritus- frightened, terrified

statim- immediately'

ferte auxilium!- bring help!

ubi- where, when

clamor- shout, shouting

ad- toward

eos- them

eum- him

petit- seeks, looks for

arripit- grabs hold of, siezes, snatches

repellit- drives off

e silva- out of the woods

salva- safe

adveniunt- they reach, arrive at

quem- whom

timet- afraid

excipiunt- they welcome

adhuc- still

ego- I

nolo- I don’t wish/want

paras- you prepare, get ready

potest- is able, can

exire- to go out

nondum- not yet

lucet- it is light, it is day

surgit- gets up, rises

per- through

pater- father

mater- mother

etiam- also, even

tamen- however

ancilla- female slave

omnes- all

observat- watches

purgat- cleans

cibus- food

coquere- to cook

mox- soon, presently

strenue- strenuously, hard

aqua- water

portant- they carry

reprehendit- scolds, blames'

docet- teaches

curare- to take care of, to look after

lanam trahunt- they spin wool

omnia quae- everything that

adiuvare- to help

ipsa- herself

nunc- now

necesse est- it is necessary

qui- who (plural)

occupatus- busy

laborantes- working

spectant- watch, look at

nuntius- messenger

venit- comes

salutat- greets

salve!- hello!

inquit- says

meus- my

ducit- leads, takes

tradit- hands over

Eheu!- Alas! Oh no!

Princeps- emperor

ad- to, toward

revocat- recalls

consulere- to consult

redire- to return

Eugepae!- Hurray!

ire- to go

Quos- whom (plural)

iam- now, already

age!/Agite!- come on!

vos- y’all

nos- we, us

excitare- to rouse, wake up

intrat- enders

cubiculum- room, bedroom

tempus- time

diende- then, next

celeriter- quickly

induit- puts on

iterum- again, a second time

mihi- for me

sua- her own

nemo- no one

nulli- no

ianitor- doorkeeper

ad ianuam- at the door

tacite- silently

temptat- attempts, tries

semisomna- half asleep

hic- here

tace!- be quiet

Noli__excitare!- don’t wake __ up!

mecum- with me

cum- with

misera- unhappy, miserable

discedere- to go away

tuus- your

nobis- for us

vos omnes- all of you

simul- together

nescio- I don’t know

secunda hora- at the second hour

lacrimat- weeps, cries

O me miseram!- poor me!

manere- to remain, stay

Vale!- goodbye!

mitte- send

promittis- you promise

complexu- in an embrace

tenet- holds

lacrimans- weeping

abit- goes away

interea- meanwhile

gerit- wears

iubet- orders

alius- another, other

cista- trunk, chest

ponere- to put, to place

in itinere- on a journey

liberi- children

liber- book

gerere solent- they are accustomed to wearing, usually wear

ipse- himself

stat- stands

via- road

baculum- stick

habet- has, holds

scelestus- wicked

cras- tomorrow

incitat- spurs on, urges on

raeda- carriage

raedarius- coachman

servus quidam- a certain slave

iacit- throws

paratus- ready

equus- horse

ubi- where

eo ipso tempore- at that very moment

via appia- the appian way

vilivus- overseer, farm manager

dominus- master

absum- I am away

abest- he/she is away

abes- you are away

absumus- we are away

abestis- y’all are away

absunt- they’re away

abesse- to be away

area- open space, threshing floor

plenus- full

quamquam- although

musseo, mussare- to mutter

verbero, verberare- to beat

id quod- that which, what

ira- anger

illa nocte- that night

effugio, effugere- to flee, to run away, escape

impedio, impedire- to hinder

se celare- to hide (himself)

porta- gate, port

ianua- door

invenio, invenire- to find

bonus- good

convoco, convocare- to call together

rogo, rogare- to ask

vinea- vineyard

fossa- ditch

canis- dog

fero, ferre- to bring, to carry

olfacio, olfacere- to catch the scent of, smell

latro, latrare- to bark

vestigia- tracks, footprints, traces

immobilis- motionless

tunica- by the tunic

traho, trahere- to drag

in fronte litteras inurere- to brand the letters on his forehead

iter- journey

iter faciebant- were traveling

tribus diebus- in three days

volebat- wanted

identidem- again and again

iubebat- ordered, kept ordering

virga- stick, switch’

verberabat- kept beating, whipping

ibant- they were going

rusticus- peasant

septimus- seventh

erat- was

quiescebant- they were resting

pes, pedis- foot

vehicula- vehicles

auriga- charioteer

magno risu - with a loud laugh

fatuus- stupid

tabellarius- courier

civis, civium- citizen

praeclarus- distinguished

a, ab- from, away from

pars, partis, partium- part

quam- how

ferociter- fiercely

Cave__!- watch out for __!

vito, vitare- to avoid

celer- quick

diende- then, next

identidem- again and again, repeatedly

interea- meanwhile

saepe- often