Chemistry exam review
__Developing atomic theory__
Atomic theory: The theory that all matter is made out of tiny invisible particles.
__The different Scientists and their creations__
John Dalton: Discovered and named atoms
J.J Thompson: Discovered that atoms have negative particles called electrons
Ernest Rutherford: The gold foil experiment, discovered protons
James Chadwick: Found the neutron
The Alchemists: explored nature and practiced many different cultures
Full or stable octet: An electron arrangement where the valence shell is filled with 8 valence electrons ( 2 for hydrogen and helium)
Octet rule: a generalization stating that when atoms combine they tend to achieve 8 valence electrons
Ion: a charged entity formed when an atom gains or loses one or more electrons
Positive ions are cations and Negative ions are anions
__Isotopes and Isotopic abundance__
Isotopes: a form of an element in which the atoms have the same number of protons as all the other forms of that element, but different numbers of neutrons
Isotopic abundance: the percentage of a given isotope in a sample of an element.
Mass spectrometer: a measuring instrument used to determine the mass and abundance of isotopes
Radiation and Radio topes :
Radioactive decay: the spontaneous disintegration of the unstable isotopes
Nuclear radiation: energy or very small particles emitted from the nucleus of a radioisotope
Alpha particle: a product of nuclear decay emitted by certain radioisotopes; a positively charged particle with the same structure as the nucleus of a helium atom
Beta particle: a product of nuclear decay emitted by certain radioisotopes; a negatively charged particle identical to an electron
Gamma ray: a form of high energy electromagnetic radiation emitted by certain radioisotopes
Radioisotope: an isotope that spontaneously decays to produce 2 or smaller nuclei and radiation.
__Periodic Trends__
Periodic law: a rule which states that when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, their properties show a periodic recurrence and gradual change.
Atomic radius: distance from the nucleus of an atom to the outermost electron.
Ionic radius: Distance between the nucleus of an ION to the outermost electron.
Positive ions (cations): smaller atomic radius than their atom
Negative ions (anions): Larger atomic radius