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Peer reviewers
experts who evaluate the quality and validity of research before it gets published. Ensures research is sound and conclusions are reliable.
a roadmap helping observation organization and making predictions about behavior. Guides research and understanding
A specific, testable prediction derived from a theory.
ability to be disproven through evidence
Operational Definition
How a concept is measured or manipulated in a study
the process of repeating a study to see if you can get the same results
Case Study
in depth investigation into a person or group. Useful for explaining specific phenomia but not good for studying the general public.
A statistical amalgamation of multiple studies on the same topic. Good overview of topic however is dependent on the quality of other studies and can be complex
Naturalistic Observation
Observing people in a natural setting. Reduced likelihood of social desirability bias and good for hypothesis creation however experimenters cannot manipulate variables and is expensive to do.
A questionare used to collect data from a large amount of people. Quick, efficient, cheap and can experiment on multiple variables however it easily susceptible to reporting basis'
Social desirability bias
Respondent give answers they think the experimenters want to hear rather than the truth
Self-report bias
Respondents provide inaccurate info about themselves
Experimenter Bias
Experimenter expectations influence the outcome of the study. Usually through unintentionally encouraging people to answer a certain way
The whole group a researcher is interested in
Group of people participating in the experiment
Sampling Bias
inaccurate sample in relation to population
Random Sample
Every member of the population has equal chance of being selected. Usually using a random number generator.
Convenience Sampling
selecting people who are currently available
Representative Sample
Sample which is accurate toward the population the experiment is about