AP Statistics Ultimate Guide

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Categorical Variables

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Categorical Variables

Variables that take on values as category names or group labels, organized into frequency tables or represented by displays like bar graphs, dot plots, and pie charts.

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Quantitative Variable

Variables with numerical values for measured quantities, organized into frequency tables or represented by displays like histograms, dot plots, and box plots.

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Discrete Quantitative Variable

Takes on a countable number of values with gaps between them.

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Continuous Quantitative Variable

Can take on infinite values without gaps, like heights and weights.

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The value that separates the data roughly in half, indicating the middle.

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The range of values from smallest to largest, showing the variability.

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Natural subgroups in the data, indicating where values fall.

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Holes in the data where no values fall, showing gaps in the distribution.

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Unimodal Distribution

Distribution with one peak; Bimodal Distribution:Distribution with two peaks.

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Skewed Distribution

Spread towards higher (right-skewed) or lower (left-skewed) values.

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Bell-shaped Distribution

Symmetric with a center mound and sloping tails.

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Descriptive Statistics

Data presentation including average values, variability measures, and distribution shape.

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Inferential Statistics

Drawing inferences from limited data, discussed in later units.

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Middle number in a set; Mean:Average found by summing and dividing by the number of items.

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Key concept in statistics, described by range, interquartile range, variance, and standard deviation.

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Parallel Boxplots

Graphical representation showing the comparison of stock price statistics across different years, including median, quartiles, yearly low, and interquartile range.

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Normal Distribution

A bell-shaped and symmetric distribution used to model various natural phenomena, with the mean equal to the median and points of inflection at one standard deviation from the mean.

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Empirical Rule

Also known as the 68-95-99.7 rule, states the percentage of values within 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations from the mean in a normal distribution.

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Two-Way Table

A table displaying qualitative data from two categorical variables, often used to calculate marginal frequencies and distributions.

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A visual representation of the relationship between two quantitative variables, showing form, direction, strength, and unusual features like outliers.

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A measure (r) of the strength of a linear relationship between two variables, ranging from -1 to +1, with r^2 indicating the proportion of variance explained by the relationship.

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Coefficient of Determination (r^2)

The percentage of variation in the response variable explained by the linear regression model, derived from the correlation coefficient.

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Least Squares Regression

A method to find the best-fitting line through a set of points by minimizing the sum of squared vertical differences, with the slope determined by the correlation coefficient.

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The differences between observed and predicted values in a regression model, with a sum of residuals always equal to zero.

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Data points that significantly deviate from the overall pattern in a scatterplot, often identified by large discrepancies in the response variable compared to predicted values.

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Influential Scores

Scores whose removal would sharply change the regression line, especially points with extreme x-values.

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High Leverage

Points with x-values far from the mean x-value, having the potential to strongly influence the regression line.

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Regression Outlier

A point with a large residual compared to others, affecting the regression line but not necessarily influential.

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Correlation Coefficient (r)

Indicates the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables.

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Simple Random Sampling (SRS)

A sampling method where every possible sample of the desired size has an equal chance of being selected.

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Stratified Sampling

Involves dividing the population into homogeneous groups (strata) and selecting random samples from each stratum.

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Cluster Sampling

Divides the population into heterogeneous groups (clusters) and selects entire clusters randomly.

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Systematic Sampling

Involves selecting every kth individual from a list after choosing a random starting point.

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Sampling Variability

The natural presence of sampling error in a sample, which can be described using probability and tends to decrease with larger sample sizes.

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Observational Studies

Studies where observations and measurements are made without influencing the subjects, aiming to show associations between variables.

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Studies where treatments are imposed on subjects to measure responses, aiming to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

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Experimental Units

Objects on which an experiment is performed, while subjects refer to people as units.

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Explanatory Variables

Factors in an experiment believed to affect the response variables, with different levels of treatment applied to groups.

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Control Group

A group in an experiment that does not receive the treatment of interest, or receives a placebo, to determine the treatment's effect.

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Placebo Effect

The phenomenon where individuals respond to any perceived treatment, even if it is inactive.

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When subjects are unaware of the treatment they are receiving in an experiment.

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When both subjects and evaluators are unaware of the treatment assignments in an experiment.

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Matched Pairs Design

A design where two treatments are compared based on responses from paired subjects, often involving single subjects receiving both treatments in random order.

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Guess Strategy

A strategy in a standard literacy test where the test taker selects answers randomly when the correct answer is unknown.

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Score 60-79

A range of scores in a standard literacy test considered passing but not superior, falling between 60 and 79.

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Does not score 60-79

The probability of a test taker not achieving a score between 60 and 79 in a standard literacy test.

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Strategy "Answer (c)" and Scores 80-100

The joint probability of a test taker choosing answer (c) and scoring between 80 and 100 in a standard literacy test.

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Strategy "Longest Answer" or Scores 0-59

The probability of a test taker either choosing the longest answer or scoring between 0 and 59 in a standard literacy test.

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Guess Strategy given Score 0-59

The probability of a test taker using the guess strategy given that their score falls between 0 and 59 in a standard literacy test.

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Scored 80-100 given Strategy "Longest Answer"

The probability of a test taker scoring between 80 and 100 given that they chose the strategy "longest answer" in a standard literacy test.

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Guess Strategy and Scoring 0-59 Independence

The assessment of whether the strategy "guess" and scoring between 0 and 59 are independent events in a standard literacy test.

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Strategy "Longest Answer" and Scoring 80-100 Mutual Exclusivity

The evaluation of whether the strategy "longest answer" and scoring between 80 and 100 are mutually exclusive events in a standard literacy test.

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Cumulative Probability Distribution

A function, table, or graph linking outcomes with the probability of less than or equal to that outcome occurring.

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Normal Distribution

Provides a model for how sample statistics vary under random sampling, often calculated using z-scores.

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Central Limit Theorem

States that for sufficiently large sample sizes, the sampling distribution of the mean will be approximately normal.

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Biased and Unbiased Estimators

Bias indicates the sampling distribution is not centered on the population parameter; unbiased estimators are centered on the population parameter.

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Sampling Distribution for Sample Proportions

Focuses on the proportion of successes in a sample, approximating a normal distribution for large sample sizes.

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Sampling Distribution for Differences in Sample Proportions

Deals with differences obtained by subtracting sample proportions of one population from another.

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Sampling Distribution for Sample Means

The variance of sample means is the population variance divided by the sample size squared.

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Sampling Distribution

The distribution of sample means or proportions taken from a population, with a mean equal to the population mean and a standard deviation equal to the population standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size.

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Confidence Interval

A range of values that is likely to contain the true population parameter with a certain level of confidence, typically expressed as (point estimate ± margin of error).

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Standard Error

A measure of how much the sample statistic typically varies from the population parameter, calculated as the standard deviation of the sampling distribution.

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Normality Assumption

The assumption that the sampling distribution of sample means or proportions is approximately normal if certain conditions are met, like the sample size being large enough.

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Type I Error

Mistakenly rejecting a true null hypothesis in hypothesis testing, with a probability denoted as α (alpha).

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Type II Error

Mistakenly failing to reject a false null hypothesis in hypothesis testing, with a probability denoted as β (beta).

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Power of a Test

The probability of correctly rejecting a false null hypothesis, influenced by the sample size and significance level chosen for the test.

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A measure that helps determine the significance of results in a hypothesis test; a small P-value indicates strong evidence against the null hypothesis.

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Type I error

Occurs when the null hypothesis is rejected when it is actually true, leading to a false positive conclusion.

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Type II error

Occurs when the null hypothesis is not rejected when it is false, resulting in a false negative conclusion.

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Confidence Interval

A range of values that is likely to contain the true parameter being estimated, with a specified level of confidence.

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Difference of Two Proportions

Refers to the contrast between two population proportions, often analyzed using hypothesis tests or confidence intervals.

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A probability distribution that is used when the population standard deviation is unknown, providing a more accurate estimate than the normal distribution for small sample sizes.

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Standard Error

An estimate of the standard deviation of a sampling distribution, often used to calculate confidence intervals and conduct hypothesis tests for means.

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Significance Test

A statistical method used to determine whether there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis in favor of an alternative hypothesis.

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Type-I Error

Mistakenly rejecting a true null hypothesis, leading to the consumer agency discouraging customers from purchasing a new brand of air-conditioning unit that could actually save on electricity consumption.

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Confidence Interval

A range of values that is likely to contain the true parameter, such as the 95% confidence interval for the mean difference in accidents per month between two departments.

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Type-II Error

Mistakenly failing to reject a false null hypothesis, potentially resulting in a company not making necessary fixes, affecting future sales.

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Paired Data

Involves one-sample analysis on the differences from paired data, like finding a 90% confidence interval of the mean improvement in test scores for a SAT preparation class.

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A measure that helps determine the strength of the evidence against the null hypothesis, as seen in the simulation example where a recalibration of machinery was deemed necessary based on the P-value.

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The probability of correctly rejecting a false null hypothesis, contrasting with Type II error, as illustrated in the scenario where the candidate's true support was 63% but might not be recognized due to a Type II error.

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Hypothesis Test

Involves making a claim about a population parameter and testing it, like the significance test for the difference of two means in the example of comparing computer downtimes.

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A characteristic of a population, such as the mean electricity usage of a new brand of air-conditioning units, denoted by μ in hypothesis testing.

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Chi-Square Statistic

The sum of weighted differences or discrepancies used in the Chi-Square test denoted as χ2.

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The probability of obtaining a Chi-Square value as extreme as the one obtained if the null hypothesis is true.

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Degrees of Freedom (df)

The number of categories minus one used in Chi-Square distributions to determine the critical value.

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Goodness-of-Fit Test

A test to determine if a given theoretical distribution correctly describes a situation, problem, or activity.

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Chi-Square Test for Independence

A test to determine if there is a significant association between two categorical variables.

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Chi-Square Test for Homogeneity

A test to compare samples from two or more populations to see if they are homogeneous.

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Sampling Distribution for the Slope

The distribution of the sample slope b with mean μb and standard deviation σb.

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Confidence Interval for the Slope

An interval estimate for the slope of the regression line using t-scores with degrees of freedom n-2.

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Confidence Interval

A range of values that is likely to contain the true slope of the regression line with a certain level of confidence.

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Null Hypothesis (H0)

The assumption that there is no relationship or no effect in a statistical test.

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Residuals Plot

A graph that shows the differences between observed values and predicted values in a regression analysis.

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The probability of obtaining results as extreme as the observed results of a statistical hypothesis test, assuming that the null hypothesis is true.

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Least Squares Regression Line

The line that minimizes the sum of the squared differences between the observed values and the values predicted by the line.

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The measure of the steepness of a line, indicating the rate of change of the dependent variable with respect to the independent variable.

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Linear Relationship

A relationship between two variables that can be represented by a straight line.

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A graph that shows the relationship between two variables by displaying data points on a two-dimensional plane.

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