Floral Team Gen Knowledge Exam Questions

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DIF, used for height management of crops, is the difference between the daytime temperature and A) temperature requirement B) morning temperature C) nighttime temperature D) none of the above

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DIF, used for height management of crops, is the difference between the daytime temperature and A) temperature requirement B) morning temperature C) nighttime temperature D) none of the above

C) nighttime temperature

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In commercial greenhouses, which of the following methods are commonly used as a way to regulate plant growth without using chemicals? A) crop timing B) water stress C) container size D) all of the above

D) all of the above

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Agrobacerium tumefaciens is a pathogen that is commonly known as A) crown gall B) flower distortion C) clorotic mottle D) none of the above

A) crown gall

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The recommended pH level for greenhouse crops in a soilless medium is A) 3.0-4.5 B) 5.6-6.2 C) 4.0-4.3 D) all of the above

B) 5.6-6.2

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The virtual visual path that directs eye movement through a composition is A) pattern B) line C) form D) none of the above

B) line

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Orange, green, and violet are ____ colors? A) primary B) secondary C) intermediate D) tertiary

B) secondary

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The fundamental guidelines to aesthetic design that govern the organization of the elements and materials in accordance with the laws of nature are known as the _________. A) Elements of Design B) Transitions of Design C) Principals of Design D) none of the above

C) Principals of Design

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Which of the following is NOT a plant hormone that can be used as a plant growth regulator? A) ethylene B) anthocyanine C) abscisic acid D) gibberellin

B) anthocyanine

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A 28 gauge florist wire is ____ than 18 gauge florist wire. A) thicker B) thinner C) longer D) shorter

B) thinner

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The LD50 of a pesticide indicates: A) the amount of the pesticide required to kill half of a test population of the test subject B) the time before re-entry into a chemically treated area C) the amount of chemical needed for effective pest control D) none of the above

A) the amount of the pesticide required to kill half of a test population of the test subject

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Pesticide toxicity is measured in LD50 ot LC50 numbers. Which of the following LD50 numbers for the pesticides is the most toxic? A) 295 mg/kg B) 1217 mg/kg C) 34 mg/kg D) 4237 mg/kg

C) 34 mg/kg

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The planned area within a floral design, which is devoid of flowers, foliage, or other objects, but is still integral to the design is known as ____. A) the focal area B) positive space C) negative space D) all of the above

C) negative space

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The placement of materials at different levels within and around a floral arrangement helps to establish ______. A) pattern B) form C) depth D) balance

C) depth

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With mat irrigation, water moves by ______ from the mat into the root substrate in the pot to maintain constant moisture. A) zero-leaching B) capillary action C) xeri-action D) overhead

B) capillary action

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The cost of plant materials (i.e. cost of seeds, cutting, bulbs, or other plant propagules) would be examples of ______ costs on a financial planning sheet? A) wholesale B) overhead C) fixed D) direct

D) direct

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Achromatic, monochromatic, analogous and complementary are a few of the classically recognized ______. A) hues B) color values C) color harmonies D) none of the above

C) color harmonies

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When propagating asexually, roses can be reproduced from ________. A) vegetative cuttings B) budded plants C) grafted plants D) all of the above

D) all of the above

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Soil pH is based on the concentration of ______ ions in the soil. A) calcium B) hydrogen C) oxygen D) sulfur

C) oxygen

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Which of these describes edema in geraniums? A) water soaked blisters generally on the underside of the leaf B) swelling of the stem of the plant C) no visual effects to the foliage of the plant D) root disorder causing the demise of the plant

A) water soaked blisters generally on the underside of the leaf

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Which of the following is NOT a part of the pistil of the plant? A) style B) ovary C) stigma D) filament

D) filament

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The _____ phase begins when a plant's seed germinates and grows, producing leaves, stems, and roots. A) annual B) dormancy C) reproductive D) vegetative

D) vegetative

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The tiny pores in the epidermis of a leaf through which gas enters and escapes are _____. A) cuticle B) petiole C) stipulate D) stomata

D) stomata

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The process of a plant losing water through the leaves in the form of water vapor is referred to as ______. A) dehydration B) photosynthesis C) respiration D) transpiration

D) transpiration

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The waxy coating, called the _______, serves to prevent excessive water loss from the leaf tissues. A) axil B) blade C) cuticle D) vein

C) cuticle

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Lime furnishes _______, one of the most important of the macro food elements. A) potassium B) phosphorus C) sulfur D) calcium

D) calcium

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Auxin is responsible for apical dominance in plants. Auxin is produced in three places in the plant located in the A) main stem, older leaves, and flowers B) flower buds, leaf buds, and fruit C) leaf petiole, shoot tips, and main older roots D) shoot tips, young leaf blades, and root tips

D) shoot tips, young leaf blades, and root tips

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A complete fertilizer is recommended for a greenhouse crop. Which fertilizer analysis below is NOT a complete fertilizer? A) 16-4-8 B) 10-0-10 C) 5-10-10 D) 17-17-17

B) 10-0-10

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Mass flowers include all of the following except: A) chrysanthemums B) baby's breath C) carnations D) zinnias

B) baby's breath

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Two hues directly opposite each other on the color wheel are _____ colors. A) diadic B) monochromatic C) polychromatic D) complementary

D) complementary

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Broken, implied, and continuous are all part of which element of floral design? A) space B) line C) color D) texture

B) line

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Light inside a greenhouse is measured in _________. A) solar energy B) foot light C) foot candles D) solar candles

C) foot candles

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Poinsettias require a _______ to produce colored bracts. A) short day photoperiod B) long day photoperiod C) cool day temperature regime D) cool night temperature regime

A) short day photoperiod

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Thrips can be effectively managed in the greenhouse by using: A) a biological such as the predator 'swirski mite' B) a chemical control such as the insecticide spinosad C) screening over vents and other openings D) all of the above

D) all of the above

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An insect _____ generally does not kill insects, but instead drives them away before they attack the plant. A) attractant B) pheromone C) repellent D) sterilant

C) repellent

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To help identify plants, flower forms are grouped as to their position or arrangement on a stem. The flower position or arrangement is known as A) flower inflorescence B) perfect flower C) imperfect flower D) flower calyx

A) flower inflorescence

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After pollination and fertilization, the flower petals begin to drop and the ovary and other surrounding parts enlarge and develop into a _____. A) fruit B) leaf C) new flower D) raceme

A) fruit

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Which of the following diseases does NOT affect the root system of plants? A) Botrytis B) Pythium C) Rhizoctonia D) Phyrophthora

A) Botrytis

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The Environmental Protection Agency establishes toxicity categories for pesticides based on how soon one can reenter the area after it has been treated with the pesticide. Which toxicity level can be reentered immediately after pesticide application? A) Toxicity 1 B) Toxicity 2 C) Toxicity 3 D) Toxicity 4

D) Toxicity 4

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In order to preserve foliage in a more natural, pliable state, place stems in: A) glycerin B) bleach C) herbicidal soap D) borax

A) glycerin

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Greenhouse glazing is: A) material sprayed on the roof of a greenhouse to change light intensity B) the transparent cover of the greenhouse frame C) the amount of solar energy that reaches the plants in a greenhouse D) a measure of the loss from a greenhouse

B) the transparent cover of the greenhouse frame

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When water is not applied frequently enough, plants wilt and A) photosynthesis is slowed B) plant growth is slowed C) cell production is reduced D) all of the above

D) all of the above

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Plants are divided into C3 and C4 groups. C4 plants are differentiated from C3 plants by which of the following? A) C4 plants flower in shades of red whereas C3 plants do not B) C4 plants have a higher relative photosynthesis rate C) C4 plants are not as efficient at using carbon dioxide D) C4 plants cannot function as well under high temperature and light conditions

B) C4 plants have a higher relative photosynthesis rate

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A plant that is genetically identical to the parent plant is known as a __. A) clone B) seedling C) replica D) hybrid

A) clone

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Cross-pollination occurs when pollen graines from the flowers on one plant transfer to the _____ of flowers on another plant. A) anther B) ovary C) stigma D) style

C) stigma

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______ is a process of events whereby the seed embryo goes from a dormant state to an actively growing state. A) broadcasting B) fertilization C) germination D) pollination

C) germination

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Some seeds have a hard seed coat that must be soaked or scratched before the seeds are able to germinate. This process is called __. A) drenching B) forcing C) scarification D) stratification

C) scarification

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The ____ is the food storage tissue in the seed that nourishes the plant during germination. A) embryonic root B) endosperm C) seed coat D) seed leaf

B) endosperm

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_______ is a gray-white soil mix material of volcanic origin that is the most commonly used to improve aeration of growing media. A) coir B) peat moss C) perlite D) vermiculite

C) perlite

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The ability of a plant to withstand colder temperatures is known as _____. A) cold-sensitive B) heat-tolerant C) hardiness D) morphology

C) hardiness

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_____ are plants characterized by one cotyledon in the seedling stage, flower parts in threes or multiples thereof, and parallel leaf venation. A) Dicots B) Evergreens C) Monocots D) Perennials

C) Monocots

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The following is NOT a characteristic of an insect: A) three segmented body B) six legs C) two pairs of wings D) two tentacles

D) two tentacles

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The following is NOT used to measure greenhouse crop nutrient levels: A) soil tests B) soluble salts meter C) foliar analysis D) tensiometer

D) tensiometer

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Light intensity can be measured in units of: A) nanometers B) micrometers C) foot-candles D) newtons

C) foot-candles

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A _____ results from crossing parents of different genotype for a trait. A) clone B) scion C) species D) hybrid

D) hybrid

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The ____ transports water and nutrients from the roots to other parts of the plants. A) phloem B) xylem C) pith D) cambium

B) xylem

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Crassule argentea is the botanical name for Jade Plant. Crassula is the ___ of the plant. A) family B) cultivar C) species D) genus

D) genus

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Indolebutyric acid (IBA) is commonly used to: A) control insects B) control diseases C) raise soil pH D) promote rooting of cuttings

D) promote rooting of cuttings

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Signal words on labels alert the user to the toxicity of a pesticide. Which of the following words is NOT used as a signal word? A) DANGER B) HAZARDOUS C) CAUTION D) WARNING


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Which of the following flower parts is contained in the pistil? A) sepal B) receptacle C) anther D) style

D) style

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____ is the process of softening or breaking a seed coat in order to overcome seed dormancy. A) scarification B) stratification C) ratification D) augmentation

A) scarification

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Prior to transplanting, seedlings should be ___________. A) kept in the dark B) grown at a temperature of 90F C) hardened-off D) allowed to dampen-off

C) hardened-off

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In order to lower the pH of a soil, materials containing ____ are used. A) dolomite B) lime C) hydrated lime D) sulfur

D) sulfur

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Which of the following nutrients would be retained more by a root medium with a high cation exchange capacity (CEC)? A) potassium B) phosphate C) nitrate D) sulfate

A) potassium

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Soluble salts in medium is measured by electrical conductivity (EC). An appropriate EC range for flowering potted crops using the pour through extraction method is: A) 0.25mS/cm to 0.75ms/cm B) 0.5mS/cm to 2.0mS/cm C) 1.0mS/cm to 4.6mS/cm D) 3.0mS/cm to 6.2mS/cm

C) 1.0mS/cm to 4.6mS/cm

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Soilless medium can be amended with which of the following materials prior to potting to provide magnesium? A) epsom salt B) gypsum C) micronutrients mix D) triple superphosphate

A) epsom salt

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The Worker Protection Standards (WPS) developed for agriculture pesticides was implemented by what government agency? A) United States Department of Agriculture B) Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service C) Department of Homeland Security D) Environmental Protection Agency

D) Environmental Protection Agency

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Cytokinins are responsible for cell division and differentiation in the plant. Cytokinins are produced in what part of the plant? A) lateral shoots B) roots C) terminal shoots D) cambium

B) roots

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Which of the following auxins is naturally produced in the plant? A) indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) B) naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) C) indolepropionic acid (IPA) D) indole-3-butyric acid (IBA)

A) indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)

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Carbon is an essential plant element. Plants obtain carbon from carbon dioxide gas. Air on average contains what percent of C02? A) 0.30 percent B) 30 percent C) 0.03 percent D) 3 percent

C) 0.03 percent

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A plant's growth response to temperature is called: A) vernalization B) thermotropism C) photoperiodism D) thermoperiodic

B) thermotropism

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Which of the following is not an advantage of hydroponics? A) Plant nutrition is completely controlled through prepared nutrient solutions. B) Yield per unit area is reduced since plants may be planted closer together. C) Roots do not spread as much because H2O and nutrients are pumped directly to the plant. D)The need for weed, disease, and insect control is greatly reduced due to the absence of soil.

B) Yield per unit area is reduced since plants may be planted closer together.

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Allelopathy is a plant phenomenon that does the following to plants: A) Prevents the formation of bacteria organisms B) Stops fungus organisms from growing on plants C) Creates a mechanism within the plant to induce flowering D) Production of a chemical compound by one plant that slows down or stops the growth of another plant

D) Production of a chemical compound by one plant that slows down or stops the growth of another plant

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Pesticides can be purchased for use in the greenhouse as a wettable powder (WP) or as an emulsifiable concentrate (EC). Which of the following is true about these two pesticide formulations. A) WP are diluted (dissolved) in water and can settle during application while EC are suspended in water and do not settle during application B) There is no difference in the two formulations C) EC must be added to water in correct rates where WP are applied as it exist in the container D) WP and EC both are purchased as dry formulations

A) WP are diluted (dissolved) in water and can settle during application while EC are suspended in water and do not settle during application

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Tulle in florist work is: A) the ribbon added to any floral piece being created B) florist netting that can add color, texture, and support for some flowers C) silk leaves used instead of fresh foliage in corsages D) other accessories used in corsages such as pearl sprays, rhinestones, butterflies, or chenille letters

B) florist netting that can add color, texture, and support for some flowers

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The country that is the leading exporter of cut flowers to the United States floral industry is: A) Holland B) Ecuador C) Mexico D) Colombia

D) Colombia

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The climatic conditions that are needed for carnations to be grown successfully as a cut flower include? A) low light intensity, mild climate requiring minimal amount of protections, uniform temperature and day length B) high light intensity, mild climate, requiring minimal amount of protection, and cold nights and hot days C) high light intensity, mild climate requiring minimal amount of protection, uniform temperature and day length D) low light intensity, mild climate requiring minimal amount of protection, and short days

C) high light intensity, mild climate requiring minimal amount of protection, uniform temperature and day length

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In growing chrysanthemums as cut flowers the plant requires which of the following conditions to maintain a vegetative state of growth? A) day length at less than 9.5 hours growing at 60 degrees B) day length between 11 and 12 hours growing at 80 degrees C) day length at 10.5 hours growing at 60 degrees D) day length greater than 14.5 hours growing at 60 degrees

D) day length greater than 14.5 hours growing at 60 degrees

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The advantages of an ebb and flood irrigation system in the greenhouse are: A) labor savings B) reduced water and nutrient use C) lower pesticide use D) all of the above

D) all of the above

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Which of the following is not a plant hormone that can be used as a plant growth regulator? A) ethylene B) anthocyanin C) abscisic acid D) gibberellin

B) anthocyanin

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The best root medium for pH for a majority of spring bedding plants, but not including petunias or geraniums, is: A) 4.5 to 5.5 B) 5.5 to 6.5 C) 6.5 to 7.5 D) 7.5 to 8.5

B) 5.5 to 6.5

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In grafting, such as for grafted tomato transplants, A) the scion is the top part of the graft and the rootstock is the lower part B) the rootstock is the top part of the graft and the scion is the lower part C) the scion often imparts disease resistance to the grafted plant D) the rootstock often provides desirable fruiting characteristics

A) the scion is the top part of the graft and the rootstock is the lower part

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The pistil is A) the female part of the flower B) the male part of the flower C) contains both the male and female parts of the flower D) becomes seeds

A) the female part of the flower

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The pH of the root medium indicated to a greenhouse grower its A) volumetric water content B) salt ions dissolved in water C) hydrogen ion concentration D) organic matter content

C) hydrogen ion concentration

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On a financial planning sheet, the costs of the plant materials (i.e purchase cost of seeds, cuttings, bulbs, or other plant propagule) would be examples of: A) wholesale costs B) overhead costs C) fixed costs D) direct costs

D) direct costs

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A 6-inch 'azalea pot' has an inside diameter of (i) inches and a depth of (ii) inches. A) (i) 6-inches, (ii) 8 inches B) (i) 6-inches, (ii) 6-inches C) (i) 6-inches, (ii) 4.5 inches D) (i) 6-inches, (ii) 3-inches

C) (i) 6-inches, (ii) 4.5-inches

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Respiration: A) produces sugars in the plant B) occurs only during the night C) releases oxygen into the atmosphere D) none of the above

D) none of the above

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What type of environment do poinsettias require to produce red bracts? A) short day photoperiod B) long day photoperiod C) cool day temperature regime D) cool night temperature regime

A) short day photoperiod

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Botanical names are written in: A) English B) Latin C) Greek D) German

B) Latin

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The greenhouse insect pest problem of aphids can be effectively managed by using: A) biological control such as ladybugs B) chemical control such as the use of an insecticide soap C) the cultural control of washing them off the plant with a strong stream of water D) all of the above

D) all of the above

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In order to preserve foliage in a more natural, pliable state, place stems in: A) glycerin B) bleach C) antifreeze D) borax

A) glycerin

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Which glazing material for greenhouses allows the greatest light transmittance? A) fiberglass B) polyethylene C) glass D) polycarbonate

C) glass

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To pasteurize a container root medium, heat it to: A) 120 degrees for 30 minutes B) 120 degrees for 60 minutes C) 180 degrees for 30 minutes D) 180 degrees for 60 minutes

C) 180 degrees for 30 minutes

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A guideline for estimating the size for a floral design for a defined space is known as A) Rule of Thirds B) Third Rule C) The Golden Ratio D) The Golden Rule

A) Rule of Thirds

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The term variegated means? A) leaves can only be both yellow and green B) leaves have patches, stripes, or marks of different colors C) leave only have stripes of different colors D) leaves are solid green with no other colors

B) leaves have patches, stripes, or marks of different colors

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Systemic dyeing occurs by plants absorbing color through the A) petal B) leaf C) sepal D) stem

D) stem

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A Freesia is an example of a A) bulb B) tuber C) corm D) rhizome

C) corm

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____ is the single most important element to keep flowers fresh after delivery from a supplier. A) air/ventilation B) water C) light D) cool temperatures

B) water

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The three primary ingredients in floral preservatives are sugar, ____, and an acidifier. A) biocide B) salt C) chlorophyll D) iodine

A) biocide

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The sense of stability in a design both physically and visually is known as A) rhythm B) balance C) scale D) unity

B) balance

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A floral design with a strong sense of _____ shows an organization of elements so they appear to belong together A) rhythm B) balance C) scale D) unity

D) unity

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