Late Postclassical Islam

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the islamic world was firmly established across ___-___ by 1200

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india, spain

In 1200-1450, a politically fragmented but vibrant Islamic culture in the middle east persisted while hindu and christian groups emerged in ___ & ___

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governors, military commanders, caliph

Abbasid empire’s government was decentralized; local ___ & ___ ___ claimed autonomy of their regions while giving formal allegiance to the ___ in Baghdad

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slave soldiers; pol/mil

In 1000, Turkish pastoralists from central Asia served as ___ ___ under the Abbasid caliphate, increasingly taking ___/___ power for themselves

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Seljuk Turkic empire

11th and 12th century rulers claimed the Muslim title of Sultan, not the Turkic Kaghan as their power grew in the ME

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turkic; islam

the process of ___-speaking ppls converting to ___ represented a major expansion of faith and made them major sustainers of the religion

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1200, islamic heartland fractures into ___-___ ruled by persian or turkish military dynasties

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the ___ invaded, ending the abbasid caliphate in 1258 & ruling most of persia for a time

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ottoman empire

created by one of the turkic warrior groups; brings long term political unity to the ME & north afr.

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christian; constantinople

in the mid-1400s, the ottoman turks created a state emcompassing most of anatolia & the balkans; the acquired a substantial ___ population and the capital ___

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ming; incas; arabs

the ottoman’s huge territory, long duration, & econ/cultural sophistication of the 1400s was matched at the time only by the ___ and ___; this represented the turks; dominance over ___ in the islamic world

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unity; protection of faith; safavid

the turks sought to bring renewed ___ & ___ __ ___; with the ___ dynasty in east persia 1500s, the ottomans brought the ME to the power enjoyed in islam’s earliest centuries

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as turkic influence spread through the islamic heartland, other turkic warrior groups spread islam through conquest into ___ in 1000 ce, giving rise to Islamic regimes ruling into the 1800s

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systematic; sultanate of delhi

the turks’ early encounters with india were violent, but their rule became more ___ with the establishment of the ___ __ ___ in 1206

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northern india; egalitarian; taxes

in later centuries, muslim communities emerged in ___ ___; the ___ aspects of islam attracted buddhists, low-caste Hindus & untouchables, and others starting to settle into agriculture. others converted to avoid the ___ imposed on non-Muslims.

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muslim holy men who helped with conversion; india valued “god-filled men”

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punjab; sind; bengal

indian muslims were only 20% of the pop. and were concentrated in the ___, ___, and ___ regions

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muslim rule; hindus

the core regions of hinduism were not seriously challenged despite ___ ___; some prominent ___ even willingly served in politics/military of muslim regions

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hindu states

___ ___ flourished in the south, beyond the delhi sultanate’s reach

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vijayanagar empire

(1336-1646) formed partly to resist Muslim invasions in the south; more peaceful hindu-muslim interactions (hindus dominated but muslims still had a presence)

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___ also had cross-cultural encounter w/ christian western europe; muslims, christians, and jews mixed more freely here than in india

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agriculture; cordoba

spain’s ___ was the most prosperous in europe at the time; its capital ___ was among the largest in the world

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abrahamic religions

all 3 ___ ___ contributed to the flourishing of arts, medicine, astronomy, & architecture

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converted to islam

in 1000, 75% of spain’s population had…

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freedom of worship

under abd al -Rahman III, ___ __ ___ was declared, as well as opportunity for all to rise in the state’s bureaucracy

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christians; muslims

despite freedom of worship, arabized/assimilated ___ remained subordinates in the eyes of ___, and tolerance began fading by 900

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war; puritanical

spain fragmented, and ___ w/ the remaining christian kingdoms escalated (1000-1100s) while more ___ forms of islam entered from north africa

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persecution against christians

under al-mansur, the policy of religious tolerance in spain became ___ ___ ___

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christian reconquest; catholic monarchs

tensions between christians and muslims grew after the ___ ___ of spain in the thirteenth century, and in 1492, ___ ___ ferdinand & Isabella took grenada, the last Muslim stronghold in the region

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outlawed islam; convert; exiled

despite promises to maintain muslims’ freedom of worship, in the 1500s, the monarchy ___ ___, forving muslims to ___ or be ___

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north africa; ottoman empire; jews

after the outlaw of islam in spain, many emmigrated to ___ ___ or the ___ ___, along with 200K ___; even muslim to christian converts were banished

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cultural changes that persisted

even after islam was outlawed in spain, arab texts continued to be translated to latin, and christian churches/palaces were built on sites of mosques & incorporated islamic features in their architecture

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islamic learning; heritage

muslim spain’s chief significane was its role in spreading ___ ___ & ___ to christian europe

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